11 Water Treatment Companies in Oman

Water treatment is a very important subject in Oman, this is responsible for the presence of a lot of water treatment companies in Oman. This article reviews 11 water treatment companies in Oman.

According to a report released by the Supreme Council for Planning (SCP) in 2019, Oman has water shortage pressure estimated at about 128 percent. This is why the presence of water treatment companies in Oman is very crucial.l Soil salinity, drought, and limited rainfall contribute to the limited supply of freshwater in Oman. About 86% of the country’s total drinking water is gotten from desalinated water, and the remaining 14% is derived from groundwater.

These companies employ chemical, physical and biological methods for water purification. Reverse osmosis is the most common method employed by most water treatment companies in Oman in purifying water.

11 Water Treatment Companies in Oman

  1. Advanced Watertek
  2. Nada Al Rabeei team
  3. Al Remal Water Systems Company
  4. Oman Water Treatment Co.
  5. Muscat City Desalination Company SAOG
  6. Summit Water Middle East Company
  7. Integrated Engineering Solutions (IES
  8. Tasneem Water Treatment Co
  9. Al Kauther Water Factory
  10. Haya Water Seeb STP
  11. Barka Desalination Company (BDC)
  12. BAUER Nimr LLC
  13. Gulf Water Solution Muscat

1. Advanced Watermark:

Advanced Watermark is an international wastewater treatment company with branches in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, and Oman. It was founded in the year 1984 in Perth, Australia. Its largest office is however located in Dubai.

Advanced Watermark is one of the water treatment companies in Oman that provide organizations with custom-engineered membrane-based water treatment solutions. These solutions are available for companies in Oil & Gas, Marine, Infrastructure, Mining, Hospitality, Food and Beverages, Infrastructure, Agricultural, Mining sectors.

In addition to these services, they have water treatment products such as high-quality seawater and brackish water RO Systems, Ultra-Filtration Systems, Hazardous Zone Systems, Demineralisation Systems, Hydrophore Systems, UV Disinfection Systems which they deliver to customers.

They also offer after-sales repair and reconditioning services whereby they provide a large inventory of spares, consumables, and chemicals for the refurbishment of any RO System. Click here to contact Advanced Watertek

Clicke here for more information

2. Nada Al Rabeei team

Nada Al Rabeei is a water treatment company in Oman. This company was started in 2003 by its present Managing Director and sole owner, Mr. Ahmed Nasser Mafragi.

Nada Al Rabeei is made up of a team of young engineers who are involved in the detail, design, engineering, construction, commissioning of water treatment schemes related to conventional or membrane technologies.

The company also converts seawater, brackish and high brackish water into water for drinking and industrial use. This is made possible through their reverse Osmosis RO Desalination plants. These plants make use of PLC and MCC control systems. The efficiency of these plants, in recovering seawater, is 40-45% and 65-70% for brackish water and seawater.

Further inquiries about Nada Al Rabeei can be seen here

3. Al Remal Water Systems Company

This is one of the water treatment companies in Oman that was established in the 21st century, in the year 2000. The company has spread from UAE to Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, and other countries.

The goal of the company is to design, develop and manufacture high-quality desalination systems at affordable prices and to offer exceptional customer support.

Their products include RO for brackish water, RO for seawater, water softener, UV sterilizers, ozonation, filtration, and sterilization equipment. They also sell parts and components such as membrane elements, filter cartridges, filter housings, pumps and motors, chemicals, media filters, pressure vessels, and control panels.

They have experts who provide consulting, training, maintenance, service contract, transport and packing, installation, and technical support for old systems services.

To contact them, visit

4. Oman Water Treatment Co.

Oman Water Treatment Co.(OWATCO) is located at 12 Rusayl Industrial Estate Seeb, Oman. It is one of the water treatment companies in Oman committed to clean water resource management. This company is a key member of the Al Riyami Group.

OWASCO came into existence in the year 1992 and has established itself as a pioneer in the design, engineering, and construction of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants.

Their products are in Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Treatment Systems, Sewage, and Effluent Recycling Systems, Water Filtration and Softener Systems, Water Storage Tanks, and Systems. They provide water management solutions for government projects, residential buildings, commercial and institutional buildings such as hotels and resorts, and parks. They also provide these solutions to clients in the agricultural sector, marine sector, and oil & gas sector.

Contact them here 

5. Muscat City Desalination Company SAOG

Muscat City Desalination Company is owned by Malakoff International Limited (MIL). Their core services include power generation, water desalination, operations & maintenance, waste management & environmental services. They own assets in countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman.

Visit them here 

6. Summit Water Middle East Company

Summit Water Middle East Company is a Japanese-based company with branches in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Oman, China, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates. They provide water supply, wastewater treatment, seawater desalination, and district cooling services to over 20 million customers in these locations.

In Oman, Summit Water Middle East Company built a water desalination plant that currently supplies clean water to nearly 800,000 Muscat residents. For more information on their services, click here

7. Integrated Engineering Solutions

Integrated Engineering Solutions (IES) is a part of Concorde Corodex Group and was established in the year 1974.

IES – Water Treatment Division(WTD) renders services such as process water treatment for industries, water desalination by reverse osmosis, industrial effluent treatment, recycling, and water disinfectants for any commercial or industrial applications. They also supply water and wastewater treatment chemicals & components.

For more inquiries, visit

8. Tasneem Water Treatment Co

Tasneem’s objective is to energize Oman workplaces and homes through a wide choice of pure water. The company is a water treatment company in Oman that offers water treatment services at the domestic, commercial, and industrial levels.

Tasneem Water Treatment Co is available for the supplies and services of water treatment equipment and systems.

For more information, visit

9. Al Kauther Water Factory

Al Kauther Water Factory was established in the year 2000. It is a leading producer of pure natural mineral water in Salalah.

The company produces and supplies natural water which has been tested and endorsed by all key regulatory and industrial authorities.

For more information, visit 

10. Modern Water

Modern Water is a pioneering expert in the development of analytical instruments and technology for monitoring toxicity in water, soil, food, and industry. They offer the Microtox technology for assessing industrial pre-treatment.

This process helps in understanding the process of the plant and affects the final effluent stream being released into a sewer system, a secondary treatment system, a river, or other body of water.

In the year 2017, Modern Water commissioned the AquaPak desalination plant in Oman. The plant supplies water for a large privately owned fruit farm.

For more information, visit

11. Barka Desalination Company (BDC)

Barka Desalination Company (BDC) is the owner of the largest seawater desalination plant in Oman. This plant is located in Barka, South Batinah Governorate, Sultanate of Oman, and supplies .23% of the water demand in the Sultanate.

Barka Desalination Company (BDC) was founded by a group of companies that are on the lead in the water industry at a global level. These companies include ITOCHU Corporation, ENGIE, SUEZ, and WJ Towell Group

Visit them here

12. BAUER Nimr LLC

BAUER Nimr LLC was established in the year 2009. They offer wastewater treatment services for tailored wastewater, sludge, and produced water treatment solutions that utilize reed beds. They also offer other environmental services such as remediation of contaminated sites, hazardous waste and waste management, and landfill construction, remediation, and restoration.

BAUER Nimr LLC as a water treatment company has some unique innovative approaches to solving environmental problems. Unlike other water treatment companies in Oman, they invest in local research projects.

By working alongside local organizations BAUER Nimr LLC identifies their needs and works with them on practical applications as well as state-of-the-art technology usage. They also train Omani nationals to internationally accepted standards of environmental specialist operators. Thus, supports the long-term sustainability of environmental stewardship in Oman.

For more information on their activities, visit 

13. Gulf Water Solutions

Gulf Water Solutions is a Gulf-based company, registered as one of the water treatment companies in the Sultanate of Oman.

Their services include Sales & Services of Water Purification Equipments & Professional Drinking Overhead Tanks Cleaning Services.

Gulf Water Solutions’ products include commercial and industrial RO products for a high volume of water consumption like companies and camps, whole house filtration system which protect your house appliances and gives long life and multimedia systems.

Click here for more information on their activities.


Why are there so many water treatment companies in Oman?

Oman, just as every other country in the eastern part of Asia has a limited supply of fresh water. Most of their drinking water is gotten from desalinated water. This is why we have a lot of water treatment companies in Oman.

Do the citizens of Oman recycle wastewater?

Yes, they do. In the year 2019, the government of Oman decided to invest $7bn in wastewater treatment throughout the sultanate. This would help to reduce groundwater pollution.


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