10 Types of Waste Management

Waste management can be defined as every procedure or chain of actions of taking care of proper disposal of waste in the environment; this involves every necessary procedure in handling the collection of refuse from initial points of introduction, arranging, and the proper disposal according to the nature of waste and ecological state.

Types of waste management are those methods that are involved or used in the proper application of waste management; they range from the recycling of waste, these are applied in residential homes, industrial areas, and even farming areas.

In this article, will we be discussing the most popular and most efficient of these various types; many of which can be applied in our day to day activities as they can help enormously help in the management of waste and environmental pollution in our society,

10 Types of Waste Management

  1. Recycling
  2. Reduce waste products
  3. Repurpose products
  4. Refuse environmental pollutants
  5. Burning
  6. Incineration
  7. Waste prevention
  8. Engage your employees
  9. Waste separation
  10. Public or community-based sanitation


Recycling as one of the types of waste management is the process or practice of collecting old or used materials and products and re-processing them into usable products and services instead of treating them as trash; these trash objects are properly collected and separated into recyclable groups and then undergo the recycling process.

This type of waste management or practice, however, can not be used on all products or waste, but it is among the most common waste management practice.

Benefits of Recycling

  1. Helps in reducing the amount of wastes in the environment and helps prevent land, water, and air pollution.
  2. It helps save energy.
  3. It is cost-efficient.
  4. Increases economic security as raw materials won’t be in high demand.
  5. It helps in the conservation of natural resources.

Reduce Waste Products

Reducing waste products as one of the types of waste management involves the reduction of the introduction of waste products into the environment; This simply means the total utilization of products to reduce the amount of waste products that will be introduced into the environment.

Benefits of Reducing Waste Products

  1. The reduction of waste products helps in energy conservation as all products are being fully utilized.
  2. It helps reduce environmental pollution.
  3. Reduces the demand for new materials or products.
  4. It is cost-efficient.
  5. It helps in environmental sustenance for future generations.

Repurpose Products

Repurposing products as one of the types of waste management simply means the use of products or items for purposes they were not originally intended for; instead of throwing away products after use, one can simply find another purpose for it.

To explain more on this point, I will give a simple example; In the southeastern part of Nigeria(Biafra), an Igbo man found a way to use some chemicals and waste nylons to produce floor tiles for houses, these tiles proved to be better than the marble floor tiles in some aspects such as being lighter and less expensive.

Benefits of Repurposing Products

  1. It is cost-efficient to practice.
  2. It helps in the conservation of energy.
  3. It reduces the introduction of waste products or materials into the environment.
  4. It helps in reducing the demand for the extraction of raw materials.

Refuse Environmental pollutants

The refusal of environmental pollutants is one of the easiest environmentally friendly types of waste management in use; this involves the rejection of products and services that are known contributors to the pollution of the environment.

This includes shunning leather packaged products and going for paper packaged ones instead, this greatly reduces environmental pollution as companies and industries are forced to also involve themselves in the use of healthy types of waste management and production of eco-friendly goods.

Refusal of environmental pollutants as one of the major types of waste management also involves the refusal to purchase products from companies and industries that are well-known environmental pollutants even if their products are eco-friendly.

Benefits of Refusing Environmental Pollutants

  1. It helps in reducing the use of environmental pollutants in the production and packaging of products by industries.
  2. It helps in controlling environmental pollution.
  3. It helps in the sustenance of the ecosystem.
  4. It forces companies to adopt eco-friendly methods of extraction of raw materials, processing, and packaging of their products.
  5. It is also cost-effective.


Burning can be defined as the process of putting fire on an object or item; burning is also means or is used to insinuate that a body or object is very hot or in flames, sometimes burning can be used to refer to something or an object that is very bright in color.

The synonyms of burning or burning synonyms are: in flames, on fire et. c.

Burning as one of the various types of waste management simply means the process or action of setting fire or putting fire to waste products, this has been the most practiced method until recent decades; the use of this method is now on the decline in the western world but it is still the most commonly practiced in Africa.

Benefits of Burning

  1. The burning of waste products significantly helps to control environmental pollution.
  2. It is also cost-effective.
  3. It produces ash which helps in the improvement of soil fertility.
  4. It is one of the easiest ways to destroy unwanted plants.


Incineration is the complete burning of any substance or product; it is usually done with a closed container. In this method, the substances are heated on till they turn to ashes.

Incineration is one of the types of waste management and involves the total or complete burning of waste products from homes and industries, incineration is now becoming more adopted than open burning, especially in developed and developing countries.

Benefits of Incineration

  1. It helps in reducing environmental pollution.
  2. Ash from incinerated waste
  3. products can be used to improve soil fertility.
  4. Unlike open burning; it leaves no
  5. unburnt particles or charcoal but ash only.
  6. Ir reduces the introduction of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as it condenses to soothe in the incinerator.

Waste Prevention

Waste prevention is the best among the types of waste management in use; as popular saying quotes ‘prevention is better than cure”. Prevention is the practice or procedure of totally preventing the introduction of products that are going to contribute to environmental pollution.

Industries can involve themselves in waste prevention by using eco-friendly procedures; from the extraction of raw materials to the distribution of finished products. Individuals can also practice waste prevention by reducing participation in all activities that produce waste to the barest minimum.

Benefits of Waste Prevention

  1. Waste prevention helps in the reduction of environmental pollutants.
  2. It greatly helps in the conservation of energy.
  3. It makes production processes more efficient.
  4. It helps in the creation of a sustainable ecosystem.

Engage Your Employees

Engaging your employees as one of the types of waste management is meant to be practiced by the management of companies and industries.

This involves the Organizations teaching their employees of the best types of waste management practices, in other to reduce or cut down on the introduction of waste into the environment; from the processes of collecting the raw materials to distributing finished products.

Benefits of Engaging Your Employees

  1. It helps in controlling environmental pollution.
  2. It helps in keeping industrial premises clean and free from pollution.
  3. It is cost-efficient.
  4. It helps in the conservation of energy.

Waste Separation

Waste separation is one of the types of waste management and it involves the separation of different forms of waste; like re-usable and non-reusable wastes, decayable and non-decayable wastes, etc. This makes waste disposal easier and saves time and energy.

Benefits of Waste Separation

  1. Waste separation is cost-efficient.
  2. It is also time-saving.
  3. It helps in waste disposal.
  4. It helps in the conservation of energy.



In this article, I have written a concise documentation on the Best waste disposal or management methods after intensive and extensive researches where conducted. Suggestions about methods not included in this article are welcome in the comment section.


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