The Top 10 NGOs Working for Environmental Protection

This article is all about the NGOs working for environmental protection in different countries of the world, these organizations work towards the protection of the environment from degradation and pollution caused by humans.

They make sure that the environment is safe for humans, plants, and animals to live in; as the environment is constantly threatened and degraded by pollution, polluters, and pollutants.

According to researches conducted over time; over 7.3 million hectares of forest are lost yearly, about 5.2 trillion plastic particles are floating on the oceans of the world, about 7 million people die annually as a result of air pollution, about 21.5 million people are forced to relocate because of environmental degradation, and about 90% of solid wastes in Asia are used for landfills.

The Top 10 NGOs Working for Environmental Protection

Here are the NGOs working for the environment:

  1. Climate Conservations
  2. Tropical Research and Development Center (TRDC)
  3. SankalpTaru Foundation
  4. Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group
  5. The Nigerian Conservation Foundation
  6. The Nigerian Environmental society
  7. Environmental Law Foundation
  8. Institution of Environmental Sciences
  9. Animal Alliance of Canada
  10. Canada Green Building Council.


Climate Conservations

Climate Conservations is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection all over the world, this organization was founded in 2017 by Chris, Karen, Xinying, and Steve, to build support for climate action.

They organize programs to inform people of the biggest environmental problems and how to fight them, they operate across different continents of the world, through the services provided by this organization, one can easily inform a loved one or dependant about taking care of carbon footprints.

Climate Conservations has recorded breakthroughs in the field of environmental protection its formation, it has become one of the fast-growing NGOs working for environmental protection, they have succeeded in training tens of professional facilitators around the world.

Recent research shows that many people around the world know of the problems the environment is facing, they feel concerned about these problems but they think they didn’t know enough to join in solving these problems; Climate Conservations is here to bridge the gap.

Tropical Research and Development Center (TRDC)

Tropical Research and Development Center India is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, it was founded in 1994, its main vision is to ensure universal access to resources without discrimination, they are currently working in Uttara Kannada. Mysore and Haveri districts of Karnataka, India.

TRDC has its headquarters in in Bengaluru, they are aiming to nurture development and reduce poverty through education, they also conserve natural resources for the future generation.

The main mission of the Tropical Research and Development Center is to foster sustainable communities through education for children, community engagement, and conservation of natural resources.

They ensure that the people’s educational, economic, environmental, and cultural needs are satisfied despite their caste, creed, sex, language, race, religion, most especially for the rural and poor people of the society.

As one of the biggest NGOs working for environmental protection in India, they do their best to protect the environment and its components while preserving natural resources in the process.

Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group

Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group was founded in 1999 by Bharti Chaturvedi, it is one of the largest NGOs working for environmental protection, they currently work in India.

This organization was formed to ensure sustainable consumption, social and environmental justice, they have revolutionized waste picking, they sign contracts with malls and hotels to dispose of their trash.

They encourage adults in the community to indulge in waste picking from door to door and also make sure that people earn an honorable living through recycling, they also encourage people not to take waste pickers as people of low esteem because they are the ones protecting the environment.

Its programs focus on capacity building for green jobs for the informal sector, the inclusion of the urban poor in policymaking, research and advocacy on issues of environmental justice, and helping children working in recycling to get back to school.

The organization received the 2015 UN climate solution award from the UN secretariat for fighting climate change, this was possible because Chintan works with waste pickers at the grassroots.

The Nigerian Conservation Foundation  (NCF)

The Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection in Nigeria, it was founded in 1980 by Late S.L. Edu.

NCF is dedicated to sustainable development and nature conservation in Nigeria, the vision of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation is to create where people prosper and live in harmony with nature.

The missions of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation are to promote sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of the present and future generations, preserve the genetic, ecosystem, and species diversity of Nigeria, minimize pollution and wasteful utilization of renewable resources.

NCF is the institutional symbol of natural resource management in Nigeria, as they promote environmental conservation and sustainable development while working with corporate bodies and the various tiers of Government using evidence-based approaches.

They work to prevent the extinction of species, especially the species that are endemic to Nigeria, the focal species includes the Ibadan Malimbe & Grey-necked Picathartes, the sea turtles, the West African manatee the Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee and the Cross River Gorilla, the forest, and savanna elephant, among many others.

The Nigerian Environmental Society

The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) is a nonprofit organization and one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, it was founded on the 17th of October 1985 in Lagos, Nigeria.

They raise awareness as regards environmental problems in Nigeria, protect the environment and encourage sustainable development, they also promote environmental professionalism in Nigeria.

It is recognized as the premier environmental society and watchdog of the environment in Nigeria, NES aims to advance practical knowledge in environmental technology design, construction operation maintenance, and management control systems for facilities.

They create public awareness as regards environmental quality, preservation, and conservation of natural resources, to facilitate the understanding of nature and function of the earth’s natural ecosystem.

As one of the biggest NGOs working for environmental protection in Nigeria, the Nigerian Environmental Society has 24 branches all over Nigeria and has remained the largest environmental NGO in Nigeria.

Environmental Law Foundation

Environmental Law Foundation is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, they operate in the UK, it was founded in 1992, it is a registered charity in England with number 1045918 and company number 02485383.

The current president of Environmental Law Foundation is HRH Charles Philip Arthur George, the Prince of Whales, and their main mission is to help educate people on lesser-known environmental problems and how to prevent or reduce them.

They help speak for the masses on matters affecting the environment they live in, they try their best to improve air quality, regulate land use, protect wildlife, and sustain a healthy environment.

They provide information and solutions to environmental issues facing individuals and communities, they also work with professional environmental lawyers and technical experts.

As one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, they fight environmental pollution, most especially water pollution, help socially and economically disadvantaged communities which want to address their concerns, but lack the resources or information to do so.

Institution of Environmental Sciences

The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, they operate majorly in the UK, it was founded in 1971 by Julian Snow and Baron Burntwood.

The IES promotes and creates public awareness of environmental science by supporting and encouraging environmental scientists and lawyers, this institution is regularly consulted by the government and other organizations on matters concerning the environment.

IES campaigns for sustainable development, the organization currently has members in Portugal, Rwanda, Singapore, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, USA, Norway, Oman, Zimbabwe, and many more.

The Institution of Environmental Sciences aims at promoting the role of environmental sciences and sustainable development of the society, also providing professional advice and assistance on environmental science and sustainable development.

Being one of the best NGOs working for environmental protection, they help to develop high professional standards, competencies, and ethics for environmental professionals through public guidance, accreditation of qualifying courses through continuous professional development.

Animal Alliance of Canada

Animal Alliance Canada is a nongovernmental organization that was founded in 1990, it is one of the NGOs working for environmental protection, they operate only in Canada.

The organization is dedicated to injustices animals face in Canada, they protect animals from habitat loss, commercial farming, and also rescue them from difficulties, they have succeeded in making legislative changes for the benefit of wildlife and the environment.

The organization indulges in electoral politics and lobbying to make the legislators pass laws for the protection of animals and the environment

Canada Green Building Council

Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) is one of the most popular NGOs working for environmental protection, the organization is located in Canada and was founded in 2002.

The organization works to build high-performing, healthy green buildings all over Canada, it has a workforce of over 2,500 members and over 1200 industries involved in the designing and building of greenhouses.

Acting as the voice of the green building industry, the CaGBC advocates for green building policies with all levels of government and the private sectors across Canada. Since 2005 they have successfully eliminated 4.04 million tons of carbon-di-oxide of GHG emissions.

They also saved 27 billion liters of water annually and moved 3.82 million tons of waste from landfills, the organization has trained over 45,000 green professionals to meet the demand and jobs created by green building innovation.

Buildings alone produce almost 30 percent of Canada’s GHG emissions if construction materials, processes, and operations are considered, therefore, green building is an actionable solution for helping Canada meet its climate change commitments.

Being one of the largest NGOs working for environmental protection in Canada, the organization strives to make every building greener to produce a healthy and convenient environment to live in.


This article is wholly about the Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) working towards the protection of the environment.


  1. The Meaning of Environment and The Components of The Environment.
  2. Top 5 Endangered Species in India.
  3. Top 15 Endangered Species in the Philippines.
  4. Best 11 Environmentally Friendly Farming Methods.




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