12 Environmental Organizations in Massachusetts

The environment posses sequence of cycles for the survival of life on earth and disturbance of its balance poses a threat to the survival of mankind and all life on earth.

Man’s activities therefore must be checkmated to ensure we are not bringing harm to the environment and areas in which the environment has been affected by man’s activity must be restored.

Environmental organizations are therefore very important to the earth as they serve as Earth’s protectors, helpers, and restorers.

Environmental organizations in Massachusetts

Environmental Organizations in Massachusetts

Here are thirteen environmental Organizations you would find in Massachusetts:

1. Environmental League of Massachusetts

Having been in operation for over 120 years Environmental League of Massachusetts is one of the oldest environmental organizations in Massachusetts and has over this time had many strong environmental wins and advancements for nature and the climate.

Environment League of Massachusetts is focused on ensuring the environment is healthy for the future generation the Next Generation Roadmap was developed.

Environmental League of Massachusetts engages in six main projects to ensure the accomplishment of its vision are; offshore wind energy generation, raising green buildings (decarbonizing buildings), electric car transition from conventional fossil fuel engines, reducing waste by effective recycling, pressing for environmental justice and supply funding for governmental environmental agencies to have a better budget as only about 0.62% of state operating budget go to maintaining environmental health and tackling climate change.

2. Harvard Forest

Having been established in 1907, Harvard Forest is focused on its goal to understand environmental, biological, and human activities in the New England landscape through exceptional science and community engagement, Harvard Forest carries out thorough research to develop methodologies through which its finding can help the planet.

Harvard Forest provides monthly bus trips through Harvard forest bringing lectures on local plants and wildlife, history of the colonial history of the region, and discussion on the effect of climate change and modern policies and research that would positively influence climate change

3. Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC)

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions is a non-profit environmental organization, its activities are targeted toward protecting and preserving the wetlands, biodiversity, and open land in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions gives environmental education and workshop training to conservationists protecting wetlands, open spaces, and places of interest.

Environmental Certificate courses such as Fundamentals for Conservation Commissioners multi-unit certificate training program training are given to over 2000 Massachusetts conservatives to manage their locations.

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions hosts the largest environmental conference in New England with over 700 conservationists converging for training workshops.

During this conference selected conservationists are awarded the Environmental Service Awards for their immense contribution to nature.

4. The Nature Conservancy

Nature Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental organization, it’s one of the leading environmental agencies in the world with more than a million members and is present in 76 counties of the world.

The Nature Conservancy located Boston in Massachusetts is focused on restoring rivers, fisheries, wetlands, and estuaries to healthy conditions, safeguarding forests, and bringing nature to urban environments

Nature Conservancy has several research projects ongoing such as experimental solutions to reduce nitrogen pollution in Cape Cod, this project is centered on improving the water quality of the region as many communities of Cope cod waterways have been polluted by nitrogen as a result of agricultural activities by the used fertilizer and animal dung wash away, human activities in the deposition landfill, septic tanks, etc. have led to excess nitrogen and nutrients in the waterways resulting in the sporadic growth of green algae and the case of eutrophication.

Other projects Nature Conservancy is involved in include: Connecting Lands for Climate Resilience, Restoring Imperiled Grasslands on Martha’s Vineyard, Turbine Reefs: Designing Offshore Wind Power to Improve Habitat for Marine Life, etc

5. Linking Landscapes for Massachusetts Wildlife (LLMW)

Linking Landscapes for Massachusetts Wildlife is a community of volunteers dedicated to monitoring and documenting the road kills of wildlife, protecting public lives from incidents with wildlife, restoring habitats of wildlife that have been impacted by road networks, protecting and making suitable the habitats of various species of wildlife, controlling invasive and domineering species from distorting the ecological balance other species, synchronize wildlife conservation with transport system planning and implementation of research findings.

This community was inaugurated by a collaboration between the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife – Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, and the University of Massachusetts

Major projects engaged by Linking Landscapes for Massachusetts Wildlife include Mapping Wildlife Roadkill, Mapping Amphibian Crossings, and Reducing Turtle Roadkill.

6. Climate Action Network

This non-profit organization is focused on fighting the causes of climate change around Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Climate Action Network works with over 40 communities in Massachusetts to ensure that climate change action is steadily implemented and green methods and practices are adopted

Moving to regional and state draw up and enforce policies and training exercises that, To successfully duplicate successful initiatives from one community to another, fostering peer learning

Chapters of the Massachusetts Climate Action Network work to assist its resident community in setting up local renewable energy initiatives and implementation strategies, creating climate action plans, forming environmental concern committees, and enlightening the general public on climate matters and how to tackle the degradation

7. Mass Green Network

This environmental organization came into being in October 2015 and thus far it has made massive impart through its 700+ members, instituting over 100 laws against the use of plastic to reduce the rising plastic pollution

Through peer-to-peer interaction Mass, Green Network works to grow a strong environmental forum in which each member can affect their surroundings and have a voice in contrast to a long-existing environmental organization that has reduced effectiveness in tackling grassroots community environmental crises due to organizational structure

8. Massachusetts Watershed Coalition

This environmental organization is focused on protecting and restoring the watershed biome of Massachusetts rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, etc.

By providing training and collaborative association Massachusetts Watershed coalition help communities know how to manage water, drive projects to help improve their watershed, restore lakes, streams, and biodiversity

They are a consultant organization for community education and cost-effective stormwater solutions to manage chemical runoff into water bodies

9. Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition

Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition promotes land conservation throughout the state of Massachusetts by offering training, resources, networking opportunities, and campaigning for land trusts and their members.

Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition forges a strong coalition to unify over 130 land trust that promotes and protect wildlife, forests, and water quality in their region, develop the capacity of conservative groups through training exercises and networking opportunities, and push on issues bothering land trust policies pressing for better legislation

10. Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program

This environmental organization preserves and safeguards the over hundred species of wildlife in Massachusetts that are endangered due to commercial demand and inability to adapt to the urbanization

This agency preserves and protects the habitats that host the bulk of endangered species population

Listing the species that are endangered and are of special concern is the responsibility of this organization and are current preserving over  430+ plants and animals that are endangered

11. Massachusetts Woodlands Institute

This is a nonprofit organization that advocates for landowners to put more concern into managing their woodlands as it forms an important unit for the survival of wildlife, and a source of finance generation.

Through the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) Forest Stewardship Program, the Massachusetts Woodlands Institute (MWI) and DCR are collaborating to provide professional advice and financial support to help landowners better manage their forest timber, soil and water quality, animal and fish habitat, and recreationwoodland

The Forest Stewardship Program assists private landowners in managing forest resources like timber, soil, water quality, animal and fish habitat, and recreation as part of the Massachusetts Working Forest Initiative (WFI) for financial gains.

With licensed forest development experts Massachusetts Woodlands Institute helps landowners develop a 10-year Forest Stewardship Plan based on the stewardship goals managing.

12. The Trustees of Reservations

Among the environmental organizations in Massachusetts, the trustee of reservations stands as the oldest nonprofit environmental organization with over 125 years in existence.

This Environmental organization oversees and maintains places that express nature’s beauty, of historic cultural value, beaches, coastlines, gardens, biodiversity, etc. As they serve as a means of relaxation and soul refreshing.

The trustee of reservations attracts over 2 million visitors to its 123 preservations and preserves common wealth landscapes.

An analytical assessment called “State of the Coast” is carried out by the trustee of reservations using the most recent data to offer a glimpse of the current state of the coast as well as prospects and strategies for building a more resilient and healthy coast in the future.


Environmental organizations are very important in tackling and giving voice to environmental and climate issues that are neglected and degrading. Becoming an active partner is a good choice to make as you aren’t just fighting for the environment but the health of the future generation.


A strong environmental health and conservation enthusiast, driven with passion to educate people on how to protect their environment and appreciate the beauty of nature.

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