7 Shade Trees With no Root Problems

Whilst some trees can be of real value to your homes, no doubt, others can be a nightmare to manage. Trees are like icebergs in the ocean, which we only see the top part, but beneath there is a whole different world, deep and sprawling, looking for food and water wherever it can be found.

There is no doubt that trees are suitable to add to any home’s outdoor landscape, but the extensive root systems of most species can cause infrastructural damage, hence, the need to be careful when planting shade trees that these shade trees with no root problems are planted.

Although there are beautiful-shade plants with invasive roots, there are still some others with no root problems such as paw-paw trees, American hornbeam, Adam crabapple, Amur maple, English holly, Florida maple tree, miniature trees, oaks, which can be planted at home without any fear of damaging the underground soil.

What are Shade Trees?

Shade trees are large trees with widespread, dense canopies, usually taller than 25 feet at maturity. Shade trees in full maturity are important and highly useful in controlling stormwater. The leaves of these trees are like cups and can hold up to one-tenth of an inch of rainwater.

Besides this, shade trees are important in that they improve human health by reducing stress, cancer, and asthma caused by exposure to the sun. Also, shade trees provide privacy by muffling the sound from traffic, lawnmowers, and loud neighbors.

Some of the shade trees often planted at homes include oaks, pawpaw, maples, hickories, birches, etc.

Why do we Need Shade Trees with no Root Problems?

Firstly, growing shade trees are usually easier in comparison with growing conventional trees, this is because shade trees require less sun and other living factors. Shade trees are a little more flexible with their environment and grow with less care.

Also, shade trees grow smaller and slower since they barely gather as much solar energy. This is an advantage to individuals who desire to grow trees of smaller stature in smaller areas. These trees equally allow gardeners to plant them in areas with less sun intensity.

It equally allows them to landscape easily and creates beautiful arrangements in any setting using shade trees. In addition, we need shade trees with no root problems because it maintains safety around areas where they are planted especially in packed areas.

7 Shade Trees With no Root Problems

Having known what shade trees are, and the need to plant them around us; it becomes Paramount that we delve deeply into different shade trees with no root problems we can plant comfortably in our homes.

Without further discussions, here are 7 shade trees with no root Problems:

  • English Holly
  • Pawpaw Trees
  • Chinese pistache Trees
  • American Hornbeam
  • Florida Maple tree
  • Miniature fruit tree
  • Crepe myrtle

1. English Holly

English Holly is a fairly rampant plant that you can find in many homes. This is most likely because it can produce beautiful, dense foliage in lower-light environments. This tree is equally a great option for cold-season landscaping.

The taproot of this tree grows deep into the soil; the lateral roots are thinner and non-invasive as they don’t spread too far out. This is an exception in the U.S., where most hollies are invasive rather than non-invasive as they spread far out and take over sizeable areas of land.

English hollies are mostly grown together in a row to form beautiful, evergreen hedges along the perimeter of the home’s yard. The white blossom and bright red fruits the shrub is decorated with giving it an ornamental appeal.

2. Pawpaw Trees

Shade trees with no root problems

Arguably, pawpaw trees are regarded as the best option if you are looking for a shade tree with no root problems that you can harvest for food. It produces huge fruits that are yellowish( when riped) and delicious when eaten as it is or added to smoothie recipes

Pawpaw trees are best grown in regions with cold Winters and warm summer grows to about 20 feet tall and has non-existent root systems.

While most people choose growing pawpaw trees is that when grown close to one another, they tend to graft their roots together, reducing chances of root invasion to landscape foundations or sidewalks.

3. Chinese Pistache Trees

Chinese Pistache is a tree in the Pistache or cashew family, native to China. It is mostly planted in local walking areas due to Its splendid foliage and fruit-bearing.

In the description, the Chinese pistache has long lancelets of simple leaves which starts green and turn a slew of orange, yellow, and red colors during the winter. They equally create coral-like flowers that turn into clusters of red fruit.

Pistache trees can easily adapt to temperate climates and small areas with less sun making them adaptable to many locations. They are so popular for this reason and also why they are planted in temperate walking areas.

4. American Horn Beam

This non-invasive tree is also known as ironwood, blue beech, or muscle wood tree. It bears these names as a result of the appearance, strength, and density of its wood.

American hornbeam which can live for up to 300 years grows very large above the ground to 30 feet tall, forming a beautiful round swathe of leaves. This tree is equally deciduous meaning its leaves turn all shades of fall colors and drop yearly only to return during the springtime season.

The classic landscaping ability of this tree is arguably the reason why it is mostly used. The tree is semi-shade tolerant and has simple, non-invasive roots, making it highly considerable for your landscaping needs.

5. Florida Maple Tree

These trees are naturally native to the “panhandle” region in Florida State. In addition, while they are in the Maple family, they have fairly recognizable leaves, being more rounded in the lobes as compared to other maples.

Florida maple trees are specifically localized and niche to their areas. This entails that they are likely to fail or adapt in areas with different climatic conditions. Additionally, these trees also have the least aggressive root systems in comparison with other trees, making them great to plant in smaller areas with less sun.

Generally, maples give aesthetics to homes, but Florida maples give more aesthetics and make a great substitution for other maples in small-scale landscaping.

6. Miniature Fruit Tree

These trees are another great option worth considering for low-light Conditions, and can also yield some homegrown delicious fruit.

Growing these trees is dependent on the area as they require some sun to grow to maturity. Since this tree requires a lot of energy from the sun to bear its fruit it becomes paramount for the person growing it to care for its shade. The more shade they have, the fewer fruits they tend to produce.

In choosing trees to plant at home, miniature fruits are a great option since they have non-aggressive root systems. Many are also genetically selected to be suitable for growing in areas with less light.

7. Crepe Myrtle

This tree usually grows to around six to eight meters tall, providing a whole lot of shade and privacy if needed.

Its nativity is traceable to Eastern Asia and is well-suitable to most environments in Australia. They are highly resistant to powdery mildew, a fungal disease very popular among most trees and plants and challenging to get rid of.

The shape of this tree is vase shape, and some hybrids are available which require less pruning with, a variety of heights and spreads which can suit most backyards.


Having read the article above, it becomes paramount that we take cognizance of trees that would be suitable for our gardens and yards. It’s advisable for anyone who wants to grow trees to consult a skilled arborist who can advise based on considerable factors such as soil, location, degree of maintenance, etc.

It is pertinent to also note that professional advice on the best tree varieties for yards helps to maximize the chances of ending up with the perfect choices of trees that would be most suitable for your homes when planted.


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