Have you ever considered the significance of trees? Why is there such a fuss when the Amazon burns and why is everyone talking about regeneration and afforestation? The 10 points on importance of trees summarize these and explain why they are extremely useful to you and why, regardless of where you live on Earth, they are so important for both our world and us as humans.
Trees are being neglected more and more, from the delicate willow to the strong oak, the straight pine to the lanky mangrove. Not enough of us are looking up in a world that spends too much time gazing down. There are a ton of reasons why trees are great and important. And the reason why we ought to try to safeguard them.
Don’t trust us? Here are 10 points on importance of trees.
Table of Contents
10 Points on Importance of Trees
They are more to be said on the importance of trees than just having 10 points on importance of trees. But for this article, we have listed just 10 points on importance of trees.
- Trees Control the Water Cycle
- Trees Create Employment
- Trees Support Biodiversity
- They Boost the Quality of the Soil
- Trees Help to Protect the Land
- Trees are a Food Source
- Trees Reduce Noise Pollution
- Trees offer Shade and Shelter
- Trees Fight Global Warming
- Trees Produce Oxygen
1. Trees Control the Water Cycle

Source: 2 Main components of the forest hydrological cycle (Researchgate)
One of the 10 points on importance of trees that is noteworthy is that trees control the water cycle. The process by which water becomes rain is known as the water cycle. After being absorbed by trees and other plants, it is then transpired back into the atmosphere.
A single tree will normally discharge between 250 and 400 gallons of water back into the air every single day by continuously “drinking” whenever it can. As a result, trees are essential for preserving the ideal levels of humidity in our atmosphere.
Trees aid in soil water retention and filtration. Trees not only enhance the quality of the water but also guard against potential stormwater and flooding problems. To recharge water tables, the roots aerate the soil. Additionally, they guarantee the equilibrium of the water cycle, which provides us with the freshwater we need to survive.
Regarding the water cycle, the earth has developed a natural cycle. This cycle is significantly hampered by deforestation, which also threatens human access to fresh water (which accounts for only 3% of the planet’s total water).
2. Trees Create Employment

The fact that trees help create employment is one of the 10 points on the importance of trees. From rainforest maintenance to tree planting.
Fruit harvests to studies in biology and botany. Numerous vocations are supported by trees. Working on the land has always been a profession. But, as with many other physically demanding vocations, it frequently belongs to the lower socioeconomic groups.
Without trees, there would be no way for many tiny, frequently rural villages to support the local population. Although it may be argued that deforestation also generates employment, this work is not long-term viable. The labor is done once the trees are gone.
Most arboreal jobs worldwide are involved in reforestation and forest protection. These positions must be safeguarded for those whose livelihoods depend on them. Or, even better, create more of these positions.
3. Trees Support Biodiversity
Why shouldn’t we count the fact that trees support biodiversity as one of the 10 points on importance of trees? Surely, we don’t need to explain why woods promote biodiversity as well?
Forest ecosystems are home to a wide variety of mammals, insects, and birds. These animals are dependent on their habitat because they have adapted to it over many years. Trees are the home of numerous insects, animals, and birds. From the lowest levels to the highest canopies, the various levels and canopies of trees offer habitat to a variety of creatures.
Elephants, tigers, gibbons, macaques, sunbirds, and hornbills may be the first species that come to mind when thinking about larger or more exciting animals, yet an ordinary tree may be home to hundreds or even thousands of such tiny animals. All of the creatures that call the forest home, including snakes, frogs, millipedes, ants, termites, spiders, beetles, and moths, rely on its security.
Farmers who cultivate forest gardens frequently construct hives in trees to attract bees to their property so they may help with pollination and gather honey. The space needed for biodiversity is essential because it helps maintain our planet thriving at a time when we are losing species at an alarming rate.
Deforestation is predicted to cause the extinction of almost 28,000 distinct species in the next 25 years if it continues at its current rate. Many of them would vanish into thin air, never to be found again.
Don’t you find these reasons to be astounding? If you recognize the value of trees, plant one right away! It simply requires three minutes and is simple.
4. They Boost the Quality of the Soil

In a variety of ways, trees significantly improve the quality of the soil surrounding them. They extract carbon and other harmful elements from the soil as part of their carbon filtration abilities, promoting the growth of other plants.
No more than 2% carbon should be present in good soil, according to experts. However, it might be as low as 0.05 percent in highly forested areas. The soil-purifying action of trees allows land that is surrounded by trees to double-crop productivity. The less acreage required to feed everyone, the better the yield.
By dropping their leaf and allowing them to decay as mulch, trees also provide essential elements to the soil.
Last but not least, trees enhance soil quality by vigorously drawing nutrients from deep underneath to the surface. Once more, this greatly improves the soil’s nutrient content for other plants (including crops).
In other words, we must take care of our planet’s trees if we want high-quality soil for agriculture and biodiversity. From what we have seen from the essence of trees in boosting the quality of the soil, it is fair to bring it into our list of the 10 points on importance of trees.
5. Trees Help to Protect the Land
Trees helping to protect our land is one of the 10 points on importance of trees. The earth is shielded by trees from wind, fire, water, and erosion of the soil. Trees are used by forest garden farmers as barriers, windbreaks, and fences.
They employ a living fence technology that has been very successful in helping to create a green wall that serves as a boundary, improves their soil, keeps cattle out, and can absorb and redirect heavy rains.
Areas that have been deforested are much more vulnerable to desertification. Using their trunks and foliage, trees form a natural barrier to winds and floods. This barrier slows the forces of nature down and helps to prevent bad weather from becoming a natural disaster capable of devastating large areas.
Trees provide the land with a natural sort of defense. Tree roots play a crucial role in keeping the soil together and preventing erosion. Nothing holds the soil in place or reduces the speed of incoming winds or monsoons in deforested areas.
The region is then left open for a period of strong winds or heavy rain to sweep away all of the loose soil, turning it into a quasi desert.
6. Trees are a Food Source

Trees provide a variety of fruits, including papaya, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons, peaches, coconuts, cashews, and apples. When grown sustainably, trees provide an abundance of essential foods. It is common knowledge that if everyone adopted a vegan diet, there would be more than enough food for everyone on the planet.
We can obtain a lot of nutrients just from trees. Everything from nuts to fruits to the syrup made from flowers and resins—as well as some of our favorite spices like cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves—come from diverse portions of trees.
Almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews can all be found on trees. Finally, but undoubtedly crucially, trees provide us with maple syrup and chocolate (cocoa). Humans can obtain incredible nourishment from trees.
And hey, they give us firewood so we can cook meals we couldn’t otherwise digest. The fact that trees give us so many necessities for life is just one of the many reasons why they are great. This makes it one of the 10 points on importance of trees.
7. Trees Reduce Noise Pollution
Source: Noise Blocking Plants – Tips For Using Shrubs And Trees As A Noise Barrier (Gardening Know How)
Trees can reduce the detrimental effects of noise pollution in addition to reducing air pollution. Noise, a significant result of urbanization, transportation, and industrialization, is not only disruptive to human life; it may also be extremely harmful to animals.
Human-made noise pollution not only messes with animals’ sonar and navigational systems, but it can also destroy entire ecosystems. For instance, several types of nesting birds won’t build their nests in noisy environments.
The muffling effect of tree foliage reduces the volume of sound that reaches it. Animals are protected from the noise pollution that people cause. This makes it one of the 10 points on importance of trees.
8. Trees offer Shade and Shelter
Source:10 Fast-growing Shade Trees for Dappled Sunlight Where You Want It (House Beautiful)
Nothing beats the shade of an old tree with a large canopy on a hot day. Meetings and training for Forest Garden farmers frequently take place under a tree.
Trees serve as nature’s air conditioner and aid in reducing soil water evaporation. Did you know that one tree’s evaporation can equal the cooling effects of 10 room-size air conditioners running continuously for the entire day!
Newly planted trees have contributed to a global reduction in pollution’s impact. This makes it one of the 10 points on importance of trees.
9. Trees Fight Global Warming
Source: Personal Steps You Can Take to Fight Global Warming (Treehugger)
The amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is one of the elements causing global warming and climate change. A “greenhouse” gas noted for its capacity to retain heat is carbon dioxide. The huge amounts of carbon dioxide that humans are producing are physically trapping the heat on a globe that is increasingly warming.
A process known as photosynthesis allows a tree to take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it grows. The carbon is stored as wood and released together with oxygen molecules. Because of this, forests function as a huge filter. They absorb greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and only release them again when burned or reabsorbed into the earth.
Because of this, deforestation has two distinct effects. Nature’s CO2 filters are being destroyed, and frequently afterward they are burned, returning any carbon they had stored to the atmosphere.
When a tree reaches full maturity, it absorbs less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere because it produces less new wood; the extra carbon is no longer required. Older trees can be harvested with care to absorb the maximum amount of carbon from the air, forming a “carbon sink,” with the help of prudent woodland management.
In the fight against climate change, trees are vitally essential. We couldn’t survive without the trees that cover the planet. This makes it one of the 10 points on importance of trees.
10. Trees Produce Oxygen
Stand For Trees: Why It Matters. (Stand For Trees) – Medium
In addition to producing oxygen, trees also remove carbon dioxide from the air. Life could not exist in the absence of trees. The adage that the Amazon rainforest serves as the planet’s “green lung” is true. The process by which trees absorb CO2 from the air has already been discussed. The fact that they generate oxygen as a byproduct is an added benefit.
Additionally, trees have been shown to reduce pollution and remove airborne particles from the air, enhancing the quality of the air we breathe and, consequently, our respiratory health. One of the most important ways that trees help us is by enhancing the quality of the air. Therefore, trees not only filter out bad air but also replace it with fresh air.
That’s wonderful news for us considering that oxygen makes up around two-thirds of the human body. The human species would be extinct without oxygen. Additionally, since photosynthesis is the main process that produces oxygen, we ought to presumably take good care of our trees. This makes it one of the 10 points on importance of trees.
Not minding all these we have seen on the 10 points on importance of trees, we’ve got a major problem. Our trees are being destroyed more rapidly than they are planted. This has been a major issue of our time. And this is because of unsustainable development growth. So, plant a tree today for a greener planet tomorrow.
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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.