Top 12 Environmental Health Officer Jobs

Environmental health officer jobs are amongst the most lucrative and self-gratifying endeavors anyone can choose as a carrier pathway.

Environmental officers are employed in various fields and are essential in the smooth running and function of the most organization, they can be regarded as environmental police and preservation agents the environment, human health, and all life.

Who is an Environmental Health Officer?

Environmental Health Officer Jobs

Environmental health officers are persons who are in charge of training, monitoring, and enforcing the adherence to health, safety, and hygiene rules of an organization, they investigate causes of pollution, incident, pest invasion, and other related hazards in their location of there function.

Environmental health officers function in different spheres in the environmental protection industry and are very relevant

Roles of an Environmental Health Officer

Environmental health officers play a critical role in the running of many organizations, below is a list of their functions:

  • Encourage safety Practices among workers on the job site
  • Teach workers about safety protocols and actions.
  • Simulations drills to observe the response of workers in the event of emergencies
  • Enforce adherence to safety guidelines.
  • Send a detailed report of incidents to facility managers.
  • Ensure that injury logs are accurately written and reported to relevant government agencies.
  • Carry out work hazard analysis.
  • Draw out safety policies that must be observed amongst workers on the job site.
  • Review existing health safety policies to ascertain if they are up to date in handling current challenges
  • Receive reports and attend to complaints from customers on product-related issues.
  • Respond to environmental health safety regulatory organizations.
  • Ensure that machines, tools, and equipment are in the right condition for use by workers
  • Inspect the site of operation to ensure it is hazard-free in compliance with safety policies.
  • Review emergency response plans
  • Inspect and ascertain the standard of materials brought into the organization.
  • Animal life conservation
  • Observation and protection of natural terrains
  • Monitor changes to the environment to ascertain the effect of human activities

Top Environmental Health Officer Jobs

The environmental protection sector is becoming very relevant in many countries and it is a promising field to gain knowledge and specialization.

Being an environmental officer would allow you to witness nature, be an agent in tackling emerging global ecological problems, and understand the earth’s ecosystem better.

Top paying environmental science carriers include:

  • Marine Biologist
  • Nature Conservation Officer
  • Environmental Chemist
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist
  • Microbiologist
  • Environmental Lawyer
  • Hydrologist
  • Geodesist
  • Zoologist
  • Environmental Geologists
  • Solar Installers
  • Park Ranger

1. Marine Biologist

Marine biologists are persons that focus on the study of natural oceanography and the associated matters related to chemical, physical, and geological oceanography to understand marine life.
Marine biology is a veritably broad areaso most persons that have an interest in this field elect a particular area of interest and specialize in it.

Marine biologists monitor and protect marine life, monitoring their population, and compatibility with their environment to determine the best circumstance that makes for their survival, they also test bioactive drugs for mass treatment of ocean life.

2. Nature Conservation Officer

Nature conservation officers work on monitoring, managing, and protecting an environment to preserve its integrity. Terrains like the rainforest, moorlands, grasslands, rivers, etc. are preserved by these persons.

They encourage people to embrace the beauty of nature, promote tourism, and help people understand their environment. Areas of specialization in this field include biodiversity officer, research and development officer, etc.

3. Environmental Chemist

Environmental chemists study the effect of chemicals and chemical processes that occurs in the air, soil, and water space about their effect on humans and life on earth. Environmental chemists monitor and analyze the effect of industrial chemical waste disposal.

4. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist

A GIS specialist is a person that develops, document, analyze and interpret geospatial data to submit a detailed report for storage or implementation. They work on projects related to energy generation and power transmission, and land projects and compile information for project approval.

The function of a GIS officer in a team involves presenting processed data in easy to interact format either as a physical model presentation or a graphic presentation. GIS specialists develop mobile applications and digital maps based on geospatial analysis and non-spatial data.

5. Microbiologist

Microbiologists concentrate on studying microscopic organisms that cause diseases. Organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae are the central focus of microbiologists.

They focus on identifying factors that make for the development of these living organisms to find out measures that would inhibit or stop their negative impact. They develop drugs and determine dosages to administer effective treatment

6. Environmental Lawyer

Environmental lawyers are influential environmental professionals that give legal environmental health and safety policies to their clients on several environmental matters. They prosecute offenders of environmental safety laws by gathering evidence and bringing intellectual arguments in defense of their position. Also, they offer guidance to their clients in court on how best to enforce justice.

Environmental lawyers work with government agencies to put forth new laws and modify existing laws to tackle rising environmental health challenges. They also work with industries to help them comply with existing laws.

7. Hydrologist

A Hydrologist is a person that studies the movement of water around the earth. This job involves studying the environmental factors that affect the quality and quantity of water available for use.

Hydrologists sample different places to evaluate the dominant pollutant and other factors that affect the health of water and how it affects surrounding communities that channel water from that source.

They are invited in the planning of large industrial projects to ascertain the most favorable sources of water that would have less impact on surrounding communities.

8. Geodesist

Geodesists are experts that specialize in monitoring and measuring quantities that pertain to the earth to determine the exact coordinates at any point at a given time, they give very precise measurements and are consulted in determining questions based on its size, shape, gravitational pull at a specific point, coastline changes, massive environmental changes, the mean value of rising ocean surface, etc. They provide data for a Geographic information system map.

9. Zoologist

A zoologist is a scientist who studies the origin, genetics, lifecycle, diseases, and behavior of animals, Zoologists study animals that dwell in zoos or aquariums or conservation locations and parks, they oversee wildlife conservation projects and monitor the animal population.

They are associated with the care of animals; observing, tending, and carrying out experimental research. Zoologists develop training modules to educate staffs that work on animal preservation and rules that visitors should adhere to.

Zoologists collaborate with natural life scientists to concentrate on animal behavior in different conditions. They observe and measure the actual qualities of different species, screening their eating regimen, track movement, and reproductive rates, and address any dangers they might confront.

Wildlife is prone to many dangers such as pest invasion, illnesses, poisons, etc. Zoologists face this and tackle these issues to preserve and protect them. Tending to the effect of people on these species, as well, zoologists will foster programs that are targeted towards helping endangered species they may also oversee hunting programs.

10. Environmental Geologists

Environmental geologists study soil and rock formation to understand the movement of groundwater and proper best practices that would sustain its vitality, they help rectify issues based on pollution of groundwater and suggest the best locations to draw clean water.

They find the best location to situate community landfills, they ensure and assure communities that unsafe levels of methane do not migrate into nearby homes.

They are associated with the healing of damaged streams, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines. Reduce erosional damage, and channel clean water supply to residential communities and wildlife.

Environmental geologists prepare safety plans to face emergencies arising from natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. by using geographical information to locate areas of high risk and suggest evacuation routes and recovery responses.

11. Solar Installers

The rising demand for safe and renewable sources of energy has increased the demand for solar panel installation in high demand. Homes, schools, hotels, etc. demand Solar panel installation.

Solar panel installers set up solar panels on roofs and land structures, determine the amount of energy a facility needs, and organize the electrical framework that would galvanize a smooth supply of power supply.

12. Park Ranger

Park ranger’s environmental Health Job is responsible for the security and preservation of the ecosystem of a park, including the animals, trees, and non-living components of the park that are essential for the survival of wildlife

Park rangers are in charge of preparing and watching the camping area and guaranteeing guests are observing the guidelines and not disturbing the common habitat or other visitors.

They pass out guides and highlight areas of interest or regions that are forbidden. In the event of a crisis, park rangers provide medical care, like CPR, first aid, etc. to victims, they also care for injured animals.

They are in charge of search and rescue operations and help prevent and contain fire outrage.

Environmental Health Officer Salary

The payment of an environmental health officer varies based on the field of operation, years of experience, professionalism, the demand of such specialization, etc. Get more information on job openings on Zippia the carrier expert

The above list of environmental workers earns as follows

  • Marine Biologist – $71,00
  • Nature Conservation Officer – $51587
  • Environmental Chemist – $54,000
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist – $59,000
  • Microbiologist – $54,950
  • Environmental Lawyer – $83605
  • Hydrologist – $68,558
  • Geodesist – $103413
  • Zoologist – $76,530
  • Environmental Geologists – $55517
  • Solar Installers – $44,578
  • Park Ranger -$47,253


Picking a job in environmental health is a wise choice if you’re a lover of nature and the environment. Demand for environmental health officers would increase, seeing the need for environmental protection and safety.


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A strong environmental health and conservation enthusiast, driven with passion to educate people on how to protect their environment and appreciate the beauty of nature.

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