With the focus of the world going towards climate change, here are the top 20 climate change activist groups you may need to know.
A climate change activist group also known as a climate movement is a group of people or an organization that is formed with the sole aim of combating climate change and its effects.
A climate change activist group can also be said to be a non-governmental organization engaged in activism related to the issues of climate change. It is a subset of the broader environmental movement, but some regard it as a new social movement itself given its scope, strength, and activities.
Table of Contents
Top 20 Climate Change Activist Groups
- 350 International
- Biomimicry Institute International
- C40 Cities International
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby International
- Climate Action Network(CAN) International
- Climate Alliance International
- Climate Cardinals International
- Extinction Rebellion(XR) International
- Fridays for Future(FFF) International
- Friends of the Earth International
- GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice International
- Greenpeace International
- Julie’s Bicycle International
- La Via Campesina International
- Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC) International
- Naturefriends International(NFI)
- Oceanic Global International
- Our Kids’ Climate International
- Project Drawdown International
- World Wildlife Fund(WWF) International
350 International
Author and activist Bill McKibben and a group of university friends founded climate change activist group 350.org in 2008, with the goal to keep the global carbon dioxide concentration under 350 parts per million — the safe concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of which 350 was named after.
This climate change activist group uses the power of collective individuals internationally to stop oil and gas development and move to 100 percent renewable energy.
They work with a network of campaigners and local groups across Australia to help coordinate online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions.
350 first actions were global days of action that linked activists and organizations around the world, including the International Day of Climate Action in 2009, the Global Work Party in 2010, Moving Planet in 2011.
350 quickly became a planet-wide collaboration of organizers, community groups, and regular people fighting for a fossil-free future.
Biomimicry Institute International
Biomimicry is a design technique that solves problems by mimicking nature. Biomimicry offers an empathetic, interconnected understanding of how life works and ultimately where we fit in.
Biomimicry Institute’s mission is to promote the transfer of ideas, designs, and strategies from biology to sustainable human systems design. It is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies used by species alive today.
For example, someone who wants to spend less energy building might consider using Moist Brick, a naturally cooling building material that can condense water from nighttime air similar to the skin of a Texas Horned Lizard.
The goal of this climate change activist group is to create products, processes, and policies — new ways of living — that solve our greatest design challenges sustainably and in solidarity with all life on earth.
We can use biomimicry to not only learn from nature’s wisdom but also heal ourselves — and this planet — in the process.
C40 Cities International
C40 is a non-profit organization of global professionals offering technical, managerial, policy, and communications expertise to C40 City governments taking action on climate change.
This climate change activist group brings together a network of megacities from around the world, allowing them to drive climate action through collaboration and knowledge sharing.
C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable, and sustainable action on climate change.
New York City, Johannesburg, Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo, London, and Mexico City are just some of the cities on the list that have committed to the climate targets established in the Paris Agreement.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby, International
Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a climate change activist group that pushes for nonpartisan policies to address climate change. With over 600 local chapters internationally, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby builds political support for climate action by empowering individuals to use their own voice.
They provide people with a toolkit to help with outreach, engagement, organizing, media, and lobbying.
Climate Action Network(CAN), International
Climate Action Network (CAN) is a climate change activist group comprising a global network of more than 1,500 civil society organizations in over 130 countries.
With regional hubs in regions including West Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, the Network works to promote governmental and individual action to address the impacts of climate change and racial justice.
CAN’s working groups address a variety of issues including agriculture, science policy, and technology. CAN convenes and coordinates civil society at the UN climate talks and other international fora.
With its diversity of membership and long-standing experience in steering the climate movement.
CAN continues to seek alignment and build bridges with partners and stakeholders across the climate movement and beyond to pressure governments to take bold and urgent climate action to end the era of fossil fuels and address the needs of the most vulnerable people impacted by the climate crisis.
Climate Alliance, International
This climate change activist group is made up of municipalities and districts, regional governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other organizations, Climate Alliance is one of the largest European city networks dedicated to climate action.
The Alliance promotes actions to slow climate change in both European municipalities and the Amazon River basin.
For over 30 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate.
With more than 1,800 members spread across 27 European countries. Recognizing the impact our lifestyles can have on the world’s most vulnerable people and places, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility.
Climate Cardinals International
Climate Cardinals is an international youth-led non-profit working climate change activist group in a quest to make the climate movement more accessible to those who don’t speak English.
We aim to educate and empower a diverse coalition of people to tackle the climate crisis. With the belief that every person has the right to basic environmental education, Climate Cardinals’ mission is to translate climate information into the native language of those who don’t speak English.
We have over 8,000 volunteers who are translating and sourcing climate information into over 100 languages. To date, this international movement spans 41 countries and has reached over 350,000 people with over 500, 000 words of climate information translated.
Extinction Rebellion(XR) International
Extinction Rebellion is a decentralized, international, and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Extinction Rebellion is a global climate change activist group that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimize the risk of social collapse.
XR is a nonpartisan movement that demands governments declare a climate emergency, reach net zero emissions by 2025, and involve citizens in decision-making.
They use non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. Because of the decentralized leadership, anyone from anywhere in the world can organize XR actions as long as it abides by core principles and values.
Fridays for Future(FFF) International
Started in 2018, FFF is a global climate change activist group that demands urgent action from government leaders.
They work to put pressure on policymakers to listen to scientific experts about the consequences of climate change, ensure climate justice, and keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels.
FFF also offers a number of online resources for those interested in getting involved with the movement.
Friends of the Earth, International
An international community dedicated to protecting the natural world and the wellbeing of everyone in it. We lead campaigns, provide resources and information, and drive real solutions to the environmental problems facing us all.
Friends of the Earth (FOEI) uses the collective voice of grassroots members to speak truth to power and advocate for living in harmony with nature.
This climate change activist group has caught the attention of large corporations and government agencies worldwide to demand that the rules of our political and economic systems need to change if we are to combat the climate crisis.
Gender CC – Women for Climate Justice, International
Gender CC – Women for Climate Justice is a climate change activist group comprising a global network of organizations, experts, and activists working for gender equality, women’s rights, and climate justice.
Gender CC has evolved in the context of international climate negotiations (UNFCCC). It includes women and gender experts working in policy, research, and practical implementation at international, national, and local levels.
Gender CC acknowledges that women play an important role in fighting climate change. This global network of organizations, experts, and activists is working to integrate gender justice into climate justice through raising awareness and empowering women.
Green Peace International
Founded in 1971, Greenpeace is a global climate change activist group that uses peaceful protest and strategic communication to highlight environmental issues and promote solutions.
Now in more than 50 countries, Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.
Greenpeace works to halt deforestation, protect ocean health, stop nuclear testing, and more. Through solutions rooted in social justice, they hope to help communities disproportionately impacted by climate change.
Julie’s Bicycle International
Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit mobilizing the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.
Founded by the music industry in 2007 and now working across the arts and culture, JB has partnered with over 2000 organizations in the UK and internationally.
Combining cultural and environmental expertise, Julie’s Bicycle focuses on high-impact programs and policy change to meet the climate crisis head-on.
This climate change activist group supports the global Creative Climate Movement, helping artists use their creativity to become climate activists. In addition to contributing to low-carbon creative programs, initiatives, campaigns, and communications.
Julie’s Bicycle developed The Creative Industry Green Tools, a set of free online carbon calculators. These calculators allow creative productions to measure their environmental impacts, such as energy use and waste.
La Via Campesina International
A grassroots network of more than 180 international organizations and 200 million farmers, La Via Campesina, fights for food sovereignty and better management of the world’s resources.
The group promotes agroecological farming techniques that work with the earth and help to mitigate climate change.
Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC) International
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) was founded in 1970 by a group of law students and attorneys at the forefront of the environmental movement.
Today’s leadership team and board of trustees make sure the organization continues to work to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.
With simple online actions anyone can take, plus three million members, and international staff of experts, NRDC safeguards people, plants, animals, and natural systems.
By making strong partnerships across the United States, Canada, China, India, and Latin America, NRDC is pushing for climate solutions like solar power, electric vehicles, and national limits on carbon emissions.
Naturefriends International(NFI)
The Naturefriends movement is a climate change activist group that was founded in 1895 and ranks amongst the largest non-governmental organizations around the globe. Our 350,000 members are active in local groups/sections and are represented by regional, federal and national associations.
Naturefriends are a democratically organized movement that is committed to ecological and sociopolitical causes. The aim of its activities is the sustainable development of the environment and society at the regional, national, and global levels.
NFI advocates for environmentally and socially just tourism, and protects natural and cultural heritage sites. They provide activities and materials for experiencing nature and climate justice, such as an informative quiz about sustainable tourism.
Oceanic Global International
Oceans store carbon and are integral in the fight against climate change. That is why Oceanic Global combines grassroots initiatives with industry solutions to shed light on humanity’s essential relationship to the ocean.
Through regional hubs in New York, Hamptons, Los Angeles, London, and Barcelona, this climate change activist group offers educational programming and community partnerships.
The Oceanic Standard is their tool to help industries find sustainable vendors and improve their operations to keep the ocean healthy. Oceanic Global inspires us to care deeply for the ocean and provides solutions to protect it.
Our Kids’ Climate International
Originally founded in Sweden, Our Kids’ Climate is a climate change activist group comprising of a global network of parents who want to protect who are uniting for climate action to protect the kids from the climate crisis.
Any group of parents from around the world can join the network to participate in family art projects and speak to mentors.
Project Drawdown International
Project Drawdown is an open-source and expert-reviewed resource that policymakers, universities, corporations, and activists around the world can turn to for climate solutions.
The mission of this climate change activist group is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.
For example, someone working in agriculture can learn how nutrient management techniques will impact their costs and reduce their carbon footprint.
World Wildlife Fund(WWF) International
WWF is an international non-profit that helps local communities access cutting-edge conservation science to protect natural resources.
WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability, and protect and restore species and their habitats.
Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.
WWF connects cutting-edge conservation science with the collective power of our partners in the field, more than 1 million supporters in the United States and 5 million globally, and our partnerships with communities, companies, and governments.
Local WWF chapters all around the world are tackling climate change by preparing for potential future disasters, and studying how these changes will impact ecosystems and wildlife.
Today, human activities put more pressure on nature than ever before, but it’s also humans who have the power to change this trajectory.
How To Join A Climate Change Activist Group
You can join any of the climate change activist groups by;
- Applying to become a volunteer at any of the climate change activist groups.
- Applying as a student seeking internship experience.
- Applying for a full-time position for ethical jobs.
- Signing up to become a member of any of the climate change activist groups.
- You can also join any climate change activist group in your local region.
- You can also follow the different climate change activist groups on social media posting your views on climate change.
Who is the biggest climate chalnge activist?
The biggest climate change activist currently is Greta Thunberg, an 18-year-old activist from Sweden.
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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.