Texas, a state renowned for its difficult climate, could initially seem uninhabitable to many different plant species. Even though it has some of the hotter summers and many areas endure protracted droughts every year, it may make for a great environment for some of the toughest plants.
Low-maintenance ornamentals can be grown in contrasting climates on the varied gulf coast, inner plains, and panhandle canyons.
There are the best trees for front yard in Texas that can be beneficial to Texans. Some species can survive during the dry summers once they have established themselves, compensating for the growth that is slowed during the rainy seasons.
They not only enrich small spaces with variety and texture, but they can also offer shelter for fragile herbs that need dappled or partial sunlight exposure. The stability of unstable soils should be increased by the careful selection of native trees, improving the soil’s qualities for companion plants.
Trees can have a significant impact on the yard if they are grown in the appropriate places. Their controlled mature height, along with the constrained spread of their roots and canopy, ought to provide your space with more intricacy without completely enclosing it in darkness or producing an excessive quantity of leaf fall.
The affinity between Texans and their trees is quite strong. No matter if they’re being utilized for climbing, forgotten some sorely needed August shade, marveled at as tier duty as a local landmark, as easy-to-remember markers for locals making plans to meet up with each other, or a gathering place.
They are fortunate that the environment allows for year-round tree planting. Consider planting one of these five trees in your yard if you want to enhance its natural beauty. Many different types of trees may be found in Texas that can flourish in our climate and will increase the value of your property.
We have the ideal choice for you whether you’re looking for a tree that will cast shade or one that will bloom beautifully.

Table of Contents
Best Trees for Front Yard in Texas
There are many kinds of trees available for planting in your yard. This is EnvironmentGo’s Top 10 list of Best Texas Trees to Plant.
- Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria)
- Dwarf southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’)
- Crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
- Shumard Red Oak Tree (Quercus shumardii)
- American Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus)
- Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
- Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)
- Chinkapin Oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)
- Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia)
- Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens)
1. Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria)

The yaupon holly is a tiny, evergreen tree that is frequently used as an attractive plant for landscaping projects. Only 9 meters (30 feet) is the highest height it can reach, and most specimens are only 5 to 6 meters (16 to 20 feet) tall on average.
It stands out because of its thin, wooden features, which are noticeably smooth and light grey. Alternately arranged leaves with coarsely serrated margins are born on their hairy branches. The yaupon holly’s bright, scarlet fruits are arguably both its most endearing and crucial ecological attribute.
2. Dwarf southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’)

When looking for an ornamental tree, homeowners frequently choose magnolia trees. Large, fragrant white blooms with a strong scent are produced by this tree.
both simple to care for and inherently ill-resistant. It grows well in regions with rich, well-draining substrates and tolerates full sun to light shade.
Although their roots may withstand brief periods of dryness, persistent droughts can harm the tree and ultimately die back.
Make sure you feed this tree with additional sources of water if your garden is located in a region that experiences dry summers.
A mature dwarf southern magnolia should thrive as an evergreen tree given its fundamental requirements. Its densely packed branches bear leathery, dark green leaves.
Given that the stems may grow from the lower portions of the trunk, this gives the tree a thick, shrub-like appearance. White, fragrant blossoms on bushy stem tips may occur on the diminutive southern magnolia in late spring to midsummer.
3. Crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)

The Crape Myrtle is an attractive little tree or shrub that produces stunning flowers from late spring to summer. Despite not being native to Texas, the crepe myrtle is frequently grown as a landscape tree in the southern US.
Small gardens that receive full sun are a fantastic fit for it because of their tolerance for summer heat. This fuss-free, low-maintenance tree is also rarely linked to invasive development. Although its fibrous roots can cover a sizable amount of soil’s surface area, they do not grow quickly or develop suckering organs.
Choose its sterile hybrids or cultivars if you’re worried about crepe myrtle overtaking your little yard or negatively affecting your native habitat. By doing this, you can fully appreciate the tree’s blooming season without being concerned about the effects of self-propagation.
4. Shumard Red Oak Tree (Quercus shumardii)]

Red oak is a popular option for homeowners. Another native to North Texas, it grows steadily and moderately in a variety of soil conditions. They are renowned for their breathtaking variety of seasonal hues, which vary from deep, rich green in the summer to a brilliant, lovely scarlet in the fall. Shumards can even be grown all year round and provide a ton of shade under their broad canopies.
5. American Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus)

A gorgeous natural tree that is ideal for North Texans with limited yards is the American Smoketree. Compared to most trees, this small tree copes with droughts far better. It is most renowned for its fragrant pink and purple flowers and gorgeous pink and purple blooms. However, because they are harder to come by, if you see an American Smoketree while visiting a nursery, GET IT!
6. Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)

Bur oaks are tall trees that are native to Texas. They also confound people’s aesthetic interests with their big leaves and enormous acorns. Given that it can adapt to both harsh cold and heat, it is a fantastic choice for the Texas environment. Last but not least, Bur Oaks have a large taproot that makes them exceptionally drought tolerant and helps them grow well with less water.
7. Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)

Due to its high heat tolerance and ability to thrive in a variety of Texas conditions, live oaks are a common choice in the Central Texas region. This tree shades your front yard perfectly thanks to its wide 50- to 70-foot canopy of branches and height range of 40 to 60 feet. Live oaks also yield oblong acorns, and they bloom in the spring.
8. Chinkapin Oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)

Large trees called chinkapin oaks, which may grow to a height of 70 feet, offer a lot of shade. Acorns are produced in large quantities by this tree. The Chinkapin Oak tree is ideal for the climate in Central Texas because of its strong heat tolerance.
9. Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia)

The native Texas Cedar Elm, which ranges in height from 40 to 70 feet and has a rounded or vase-shaped crown that is 40 to 70 feet wide, is a common choice for landscaping. With its great heat tolerance and strong pest resistance, this tree is resilient to many Central Texas problems. Additionally, cedar elm blooms in the summer and fall and produces winged samara in the autumn.
10. Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens)

After higher rains, the Texas Sage bush blooms with lovely purple/pink flowers. This plant blooms profusely and is extremely resistant to dryness. The Texas Sage can grow to a maximum height of 6 feet and a maximum width of 5 feet. Fun fact: This shrub blooms more intensely the older it grows!
When we talk about trees in the front yard of our houses, we are talking about the aesthetics, the breath of fresh air, and other mind-blowing benefits. From the list, we have shown you the trees you can plant in front of your houses if you are living in Texas and you can see how beautiful they are through the pictures.
This is a good opportunity to plant trees that bring benefits to you and the environment.
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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.