20+ Fun Facts About Biomass You May Not Know

Want to know some fun facts about biomass? You’re in the correct place, then! Look at these details.

As the energy transition picks up steam and the energy system moves closer to a sustainable paradigm, biomass-based fuels are attracting more and more attention. Although there has been substantial progress in the electricity sector, there is still room to speed up the implementation of renewable energy.

Though its significance is frequently underappreciated and various myths and misconceptions about renewable energy are propagated, biomass plays a crucial part in supplying the world’s energy demands in the future.

In contrast to non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, biomass energy is produced from organic materials like wood, agricultural waste, food scraps, and animal dung. It is a clean, sustainable alternative.

22 Fun Facts About Biomass You May Not Know

Twenty-two surprising facts about biomass energy are being examined, including its potential to lessen our reliance on fossil fuels and its advantages for the environment.

  • Biomass energy is produced by burning organic matter
  • Most widely used forms of renewable energy
  • Can generate both electricity and heat
  • Can be used to power cars and trucks
  • Renewable and Sustainable
  • Creation of new jobs
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution
  • Reduced Waste Transported to Landfills
  • Production of Human Waste
  • Carbon Neutral
  • Long History
  • Ethanol Production
  • Many diverse sources
  • Energy from algae
  • The largest biomass power plant
  • Growing importance
  • Less polluting than coal
  • Beneficial for soils
  • Biofuel future
  • Certification of Sustainability
  • Cost Reduction
  • Fast-growing varieties

1. Biomass energy is produced by burning organic matter

Because it derives from replenishable organic matter, biomass energy is a renewable source of power. Burning organic materials like wood, vegetables, and animal waste produce thermal energy that can be transformed into electricity.

As there is no release of carbon dioxide or other pollutants during this process, it is thought to be more environmentally benign than burning fossil fuels.

2. Most widely used forms of renewable energy

Biomass energy is the power derived from organic materials like wood, food scraps, and other living things. Because of its accessibility, affordability, and environmental friendliness, it is one of the most widely used sources of renewable energy.

An estimated 10% of the world’s total energy consumption is attributed to biomass energy. This is due to its capacity to supply a consistent and sustainable source of energy that can meet the needs of a growing global population.

3. Can generate both electricity and heat

Biomass energy can be utilized to generate both electricity and heat because biomass is a kind of renewable energy. Burning biomass releases energy that can be used to heat or power buildings or other structures.

4. Can be used to power cars and trucks

The ability to power automobiles and trucks with this kind of energy aids in reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. It can be used to create biofuels that can be used in automobiles, like ethanol or biodiesel.

Resources that are not renewable eventually run out, including fossil fuels. We can lessen our reliance on these fossil fuels and the pollution they produce by employing biomass energy to power transportation.

5. Renewable and Sustainable

Because biomass energy is created from organic things, including plants and animals, which can be replaced over time, it is renewable, sustainable, and carbon neutral.

6. Creation of new jobs

Locally produced biomass energy has the potential to boost employment in both urban and rural locations. These employments may involve producing and distributing biomass fuels as well as manufacturing, processing, and installing biomass energy technology.

In rural locations where access to conventional energy sources may be constrained, the use of biomass energy can assist foster the development of new economic prospects.

7. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution

Burning biomass generates heat that can be used to warm buildings or create energy. Compared to conventional fossil fuels, this technique emits fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases.

As a result, biomass energy is a fantastic substitute for conventional energy sources because it can lower greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

8. Reduced Waste Transported to Landfills

Utilizing biomass as energy has the benefit of lowering the volume of trash sent to landfills.

Utilizing biomass energy allows for the reuse and recycling of organic materials rather than their disposal, hence lowering the quantity of trash that ends up in landfills.

Burning biomass materials contributes to a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere since it emits fewer pollutants than burning fossil fuels.

9. Production of Human Waste

Researchers at Penn State University have created a generator that is fueled by human feces. It is capable of turning the trash of 100,000 people into 51 kilowatts of energy.

10. Carbon Neutral

Biomass energy from plants has the potential to be carbon-neutral when used wisely. This is due to the carbon that plants utilized for biomass energy have stored throughout their existence.

Although some carbon is released when this biomass is burned for fuel, the sequestration of carbon as a new biomass crop is created. This benefit of reabsorbing carbon is not provided by fossil fuels; instead, they just emit it.

11. Long History

Humans have long relied on biomass energy as a source of heat, light, and power. In many places of the world today, particularly in rural areas and poor nations, biomass is still utilized to create electricity as well as to supply energy for cooking and heating.

12. Ethanol Production

The fermentation of biomass rich in carbs, such as sugarcane, wheat, or corn, results in the production of ethanol. The world’s two biggest ethanol and biodiesel producers as of 2012 were Brazil and the United States.

13. Many diverse sources

Woody materials including dead trees, branches, wood chips, tree stumps, yard waste, hemp, sorghum, sugarcane, bamboo, agricultural waste, human waste, switchgrass, and municipal solid waste are just a few examples of the many various biomass sources that can be used for energy.

14. Energy from algae

Biomass from algae can be utilized to produce energy. Five to ten times faster than many types of land-based agriculture, such as corn and soy, algae-based fuels can be generated.

Algae can be fermented to produce ethanol, butanol, methane, biodiesel, and hydrogen, among other biofuels.

15. The largest biomass power plant

The largest biomass power plant in the world, located in Finland, can generate up to 265 MW of power and provides Jakobstad, a nearby town, with heat.

16. Growing importance

With an increasing global population, rising energy needs, and the depletion of fossil fuels, it is anticipated that the use of biomass as an energy source would rise. Developing nations are especially predicted to experience this.

17. Less polluting than coal

Compared to coal, biomass energy emits far less nitrogen and no sulfur or mercury. In comparison to coal, biomass energy lessens acid rain, smog, and other air pollutants.

18. Beneficial for soils

Switchgrass and other sustainably managed energy crops, as opposed to conventional row crops like maize and soy, can lessen erosion, minimize nitrogen runoff into streams, and boost the overall quantity of carbon in the soil.

19. Biofuel future

The United States and other nations may be able to produce the same amount of fuel that is imported from the Persian Gulf with the help of aggressive development of advanced sustainable biomass energy and other biofuels.

Biofuels have the potential to remove the demand for petroleum by expanding the use of plug-in hybrid vehicles and making cars more fuel-efficient.

20. Certification of Sustainability

In 2011, the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) created a global biomass sustainability guideline.

This standard is an independent certification that has undergone extensive testing and takes into account the sustainability of social, cultural, and environmental aspects of the biomass energy generation process.

21. Cost Reduction

As high-tech gasification systems are developed, the price of biomass energy may drop to five cents per kilowatt hour.

22. Fast-growing varieties

Poplar and eucalyptus trees, as well as grasses like switchgrass and alfalfa, are among the fast-growing tree species being explored for biomass crop production.


From some of the enlightening facts about biomass we have been able to know through this article, we have seen that biomass has a long history and is still practiced worldwide. As we strive for a sustainable future, biomass energy has a big role to play and so, should be adopted with more innovations made to the existing technology.


A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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