Top 15 Environmental Organizations in Australia.

Climate change as well as other environmental crises indeed, has become a global issue, predicted to cause significant disruption to human health, food, security, freshwater resources, economic sectors, and natural ecosystem. The UN  as an international entity is ensuring that different countries of the world comply with taking immediate measures to combat the climate crisis and its impact.

Different Non- profit environmental Organizations all over the world are making significant contributions toward this complex problem through research, policy, education, advocacy, environmental management, and, community alliances.

The Not-for-profit Environmental organizations in Australia are not out of this equation. Several of them such as the Australian youth climate coalition, the Australian conservation foundation, Climate action network, Climate Council of Australia, etc., have contributed immensely towards combating the climate crisis and finding lasting solutions to different environmental Crises especially as it concerns their nation, Australia.

Top 16 environmental organizations in Australia

Environmental Organizations in Australia

Below are the top 15 Environmental organizations you can find in Australia:

  • Climate Action Network
  • Climate Council in Australia
  • Beyond Zero Emissions
  • Australian youth climate Coalition
  • Australian Conservation Foundation
  • Cool Australia
  • Friends of the Earth
  • Lock the Gate
  • Tomorrow movement
  • Bush Heritage Australia
  • Australian Marine Conservation society.
  • The Wilderness Society
  • Animals Australia
  • Australian Koala Foundation
  • Waste Management Association of Australia

1. Climate Action Network Australia

This network ensures the collaboration of close to 100 members of the organization to achieve more effective climate change action. It organizes a national climate change advocacy strategy and provides infrastructure for ongoing communication between members.

This organization is highly known globally for its campaigns towards ensuring a sustainable Australian continent free of unfavorable climatic conditions that may pose a huge problem to human health and that of species.

It ensures that its members and their allies take action to protect people at home and abroad from climate change, and as well safeguard the natural environment.

As an organization, CANA is highly committed to building and achieving a healthy, clean Australian community. This is done by creating a diverse network with distributed leadership that links people and Organizations working towards one vision.

2. Climate Council Australia

This organization is believed to be the leading environmental organization in Australia. They aim to provide the public with scientific and expert resources on climate, health, renewable energy, and policy. The organization seeks to unify the voices of those working in allied professions to get their stories into the mass  media_especially social media.

This organization also brings awareness to climate stories, calls out misinformation, and publicizes practical climate solutions.

The climate Council was founded in 2013 through community support after the abolishment of the  Australian climate commission. It recently formed Emergency Leaders for Climate Action, a group consisting of former senior emergency service leaders who are advocating strongly for leadership on climate change action. This group over the years now has continued to depend solely on philanthropic support from the Australian community to deliver its message to the general public.

3. Beyond Zero Emissions

This organization is highly recognized for its solidarity movement towards achieving a sustainable and workable environment for all Aussies. It is an internationally recognized think tank promoting organization that believes that zero emissions is not only achievable but can be done affordably.

They believe that with the current digital technology, they can achieve a thriving society devoid of greenhouse emissions. As a cooperative body, they see it as their responsibility to develop not just the organization but as well as the country economically, socially, and the entire well-being of the people. Its report provides a detailed analysis of a ten-year transition in each major sector of Australia’s economy, especially the environment.

4. Australian Youth Climate Coalition

This is the largest youth-run organization with a mission to build a movement of young people to provide lasting solutions to climate crises. The organization’s initiatives aim to educate, inspire, and mobilize young to advocate for a safe climate, keep fossil fuels in the ground, and build a future inspired by clean energy.

They also run Seed, Australia’s first indigenous youth climate network known for its advocacy for a cleaner Australian community devoid of greenhouse emissions.

5. Australian Conservation Foundation

This foundation campaigns for actions on tackling climate change and preserving Australia’s rich biodiversity. The organization was founded over fifty years ago and has been heavily involved in protecting places such as Franklin River, Kakadu, Kimberly, Daintree, Antarctica, and many others. ACF has also been key in creating Landscape, The Murray Dasin Basin plan, The Clean Energy Finance Corporation, and The world’s Largest Marine Park Network.

Its main advocacy and campaigns include nature protection, and preventing climate change by transitioning Australia away from extracting and burning polluting fossil fuels (e.g-the stop Adani campaign). ACF analyses the primary causes of environmental degradation and advocates for solutions to it.

6. Cool Australia

This organization creates quality educational content and online professional development courses about contemporary issues consisting as climate change. Their topics on climatic conditions and similar environmental issues have reached 89% of Australian schools, especially tertiary institutions.

Cool Australia partners with other Non- governmental organizations to provide real-world content such as documentary films, fun events, research, videos, etc. Their team of educational and digital experts uses these assets ( such as the documentary 2040) to create high-quality materials for early learning, and primary and secondary educators. They make these materials available online for any user to download free of charge.

7. Friends of the Earth.

This is a global movement that advocates and campaigns for land and water security, climate justice, food, and technology sustainability, and indigenous land right and recognition. Friends of the Organization is associated with Australia, which is also part of the global 350 org- a movement of people that are seeking clear action on climate change and a move away from fossil fuels.

8. Lock the Gate

This organization is an alliance of grassroots movements across Australia, including farmers, conservationists, traditional custodians, and everyday citizens who are concerned about risky coal mining, coal seam gas, and fracking. The alliance aims to help these organizations protect  Australian natural resources and empower Australians to demand sustainable solutions to food and energy production.

Almost 40% of the Australian landmass has coal and petroleum licenses and applications attached to it. Lock the Gate has taken it up as a priority to help communities who try to stand up to some of the less scrupulous, big mining and extraction companies with practical tools and case study, resources.

9. Tomorrow Movement.

Tomorrow Movement is an organization that brings together young people to counter the influence of big Businesses in Australian politics to create jobs, community services, and a safe climate for all.

The Climate job guarantee is a public policy agenda pioneered by the Tomorrow Movement, to ensure the delivery of necessary resources to tackle the climate crisis and as well as guarantee economic security and community renewal.

10. Bush Heritage Australia

Bush Heritage Australia is an independent not-for-profit organization that buys and manages the land, and also partners with  Aboriginal people to conserve Australia’s magnificent landscapes and irreplaceable species. They have protected more than eleven million Aussie land from logging and pillaging, and 6700 native species, preserving over forty- five million tonnes of carbon stock.

Through a partnership with land owners, the organization also buys and manages land of outstanding conservation value. Since its establishment in 1991, Bush Heritage Australia has taken it up as a responsibility to protect not just plants but also animals on millions of hectares of Australia’s most ecologically landscapes.

11. Australian Marine Conservation Society

This organization is an expert in defending the health of Australian oceans and Marine life under siege by pollution, plastics, dredging, overfishing, and the effect of climate change. Over the past fifty years, AMCS has been the only Aussie-wide charity dedicated to protecting oceans, They are also experts in conserving critical ocean ecosystems with Marine reserves in Ningaloo and a great barrier reef.

Since its inception, it has led the movement to ban whaling, stop the activities of supertrawlers, and safeguard endangered species like the Australian sea lion.

12. The Wilderness Society

This environmental organization is a real shaker in the environmental space of Australia. They advocate for stronger environmental protection and climate action under the law. They agitate for an independent, apolitical national environment Commission and National Environment Protection Authority.

The Wilderness Society has illuminated Australia’s environmental crisis and weak political action through careful research and media features. Their campaigns and agitations towards environmental protection and climate action have birthed strong environmental activists who have joined the organization in their campaigns in Australia.

13. Animal Australia

Animal Australia is an animal protection organization that advocates for treating animals with compassion and respect and a life devoid of cruelty. Their investigation and campaigns include factory farming abuse, animal testing, and animal enslavement for entertainment.

Their campaigns for the safe treatment of animals are recognized worldwide and have improved the lives of millions of animals.

14. Australian Koala Foundation

This foundation is dedicated exclusively to the conservation and effective management of the wild Koala and its habitat. Since its establishment in 1986, the NGO has grown from a small group of people interested in researching koala diseases to a well-known global organization with a track record in strategic Koala research, conservation, and community education.

15. Waste Management Association of Australia.

The Waste Management Association of Australia is the peak body for waste Management professionals in Australia and has more than 250 members in Western Australia. These members include local government, consultants, water and recycling processors, landfill operators with others with an interest in the waste industry.

The Waste Management industry in this organization is diverse, including both local, and private sector operators. Currently, the waste Management activities and funding focus heavily on the local government sector.

WMAA believes that market forces alone drive the commercial sector, therefore, less intervention and incentives are needed. A straight economic instrument such as the WARR levy is used to effect change in this organization.

Some of the visions of Waste Management Association Australia as a cooperative body, include:

  1. The integration of waste Management policy and programs and how waste Management facilities will be located in the appropriate, set aside locations with adequate buffers.
  2. Strong links between waste generators, waste collectors, and waste processors.
  3. The water Management Association to have gender balance and cultural diversity.
  4. A range of shared values including government support for and use of products from the recycling industry.


Indeed, the environmental Organizations of the Australian continent no doubt, have played and still play integral roles in society through their generosity, philanthropy, and their endeavor to ensure a sustainable, healthy Environment that is suitable to humans, the habitation of species, and the safety of plants.

There is, therefore, a high need for all lovers of a healthy and conducive environment all over the globe to join these various campaigns by these cooperative organizations in ensuring climate change actions that would put our environment in a safe condition.


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