Top 10 Environmental Organizations in New York City

Suppose you reside in New York City and are looking towards making an impact on the environmental health of your community or beyond. In that case, there are environmental organizations in New York City that can aid your ambition. You can get your voice heard and make a worthwhile contribution to protecting the environment.

Environmental Organizations in New York City

Environmental Organizations in New York City

Here are 10 environmental organizations in New York City you can be a part of:

  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • New York Botanical Garden
  • Earth Law Centre
  • BASF Climate Protection
  • Carbon Fund
  • ReFED
  • Little Sun
  • Rainforest Alliance
  • Sierra Club New York City
  • Environmental Advocacy New York

1. Natural Resources Defense Council

Established in 1970 Natural Resources Defense council fights to ensure that every person has access to clean water, air, and environment, with over 3 million members online and about 700 scientists Natural Resources Defense Council works towards its goals of resolving environmental problems through scientific methods.

Its area of concentration spans from the streets of Southeast Asia to the forests of North America.

Its work is directed towards tackling climate change by reducing sources of carbon emissions, promoting clean energy generation, developing energy-efficient products, etc.,

Building healthy communities that are resilient to environmental disasters and are sustainable, developing clean energy sources

Ensure food production is made to optimum health standards free of harmful chemicals, reducing food waste, creating climate resilient farms, and ensuring our oceans are protected.

To protect wildlife from illegal trading, conserve their ecology

2. New York Botanical Garden

Occupying a 250 ache land mass this is one of the top botanical environmental organizations in New York City, it hosts one of the largest plant collections in the world with over a million plant specie, it pursues its mission of creating a Plant world by the creation of a museum of living plant conservation and exhibit, a greenhouse; Enid A. Haupt Conservatory and one the largest botanical text record of over million in the record.

New York Botanical Garden is a well-established center of education for horticulture and plant science studies pulling over 2000 students.

Over a million people visit this location annually for notable exhibitions, exciting plant knowledge, camping, and relaxation. Plants are arranged in collections and make it easy to remember plants’ family and uniqueness as one the huge resort.

3. Earth Law Centre

Members of the Earth Law Centre believe strongly that since the current environmental laws have not been able to stop the direction of environmental degradation, it is essential for new laws centered on environmental health to be enacted to save the environment from further deterioration.

Rather than seeing the environment as an interdependent partner with the right to flourish and prosper, the current legal system typically views it as property that may be plundered and much damage has been brought to the natural system.

This environmental organization, therefore, fights for the rights of the environment in the court.

4. BASF Climate Protection

This environmental organization is focused on using science as a tool of innovation to create a sustainable future.

Targeting a net-zero emission society by 2050 through advancing renewable energy resources to maximize energy output and transmission.

Projects engaged by BASF Investing heavily in building the world’s biggest subsidy-free offshore wind plants for its partners involving chemical industries heavily into production, it strives to achieve its net-zero emission to reduce reliance on fossil-based energy sources.

Learning from sharks to improve ease in transportation BASF and its partners developed the sharkskin technology which made cars, and airplanes more effective, reduced energy consumption, etc.

5. Carbon Fund

Carbon fund is a non-governmental environmental organization that fights against climate change and reduces man’s carbon footprint.

Carbon fund has 3 project fronts on which it exerts its effort these are

  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Forestry

In the aspect of renewable energy Carbon fund support projects such as the Soma III wind farm, the Texas Capricorn Ridge Wind project, the 15MW Solar Power Plant are Gujarat, 3MW Hydro Power Project by Darjeeling Power, etc.

Its energy efficiency projects include The Aqua Clara Water Filtration Programme, the Kenya burn stove project, The South Korea Waste Energy Co-Generation Project, Truck Stop Electrification Project, etc.

Finally, its forestry projects Carbon Fund support include The Russas-Valparaiso Projects: Tropical Forest Conservation Projects, The Purus Project: A Tropical Forest Conservation Project, The Envira Amazonia Project: A Tropical Forest Conservation Project, Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Reforestation Initiative, etc.

Having planted over 1.6 million trees Carbon Fund is pushing to achieve its carbon reduction project having offset over 40 Billion

6. ReFED

This is a nonprofit environmental organization that is working to end food waste and spoilage in kitchens, farms, and its distribution network all around the United States through data gathering.

ReFED is the leading data analyst on food waste and offers ways to tackle this problem to improve the effectiveness of food supply chain systems.

ReFED works with stakeholders in the food industry to reduce food waste, and supply helpful incites on food waste patterns and solutions. ReFED is able to galvanize nationwide action in tackling food waste

ReFED Invests also in food waste recycling and recovery projects.

7. Little Sun

This environmental organization is concerned about galvanizing action against climate change and supplying solar energy to businesses and communities,

Little Sun is focused on fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), these goals are targeted at improving health, education, and economic development

Its projects include working with African countries and providing clean energy resources

Little Sun provides solar phones, lamps, chargers, etc. to children to enable online learning.

Help farmers Archive for food security and increase production by supplying equipment such as solar-powered chicken egg incubators, and rice to improve the livelihood of farmers in food production, rice milling, irrigation development, etc. Provide solar power for health care facilities, laboratories, etc.

Over 4 million lives have been impacted by them, and 139 million hours of extra study for students during the dark.

8. Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance is a multinational non-governmental organization founded in 1987 by Daniel Katz it is present in over 70 countries.

The rainforest Alliance for the past 30 years has been involved in protecting forests from deforestation, improving the lives of farmers by supplying them with training to improve their system of farming and productivity, promoting the rights of Indigenous forest residents, and helping them adapt more to there environment, tackling the effect of climate change which have resulted in droughts, floods, irregularity in planting and harvesting season, food insecurity, tackling child labor and gender inequality.

9. Sierra Club New York City

Founded in 1892 by John Muir, this environmental organization has grown to be the largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the united state with over 2 million members.

The Sierra Club fights to protect the environment from future degradation by human activities

Some of its goals are the transition of our energy usage to clean energy sources, protection and restore forest habitats, restoring the greenhouse gas concentration to a safe level,

restoring and enhancing the habitats of animals and endangered species to strengthen their ecology and increase resistance to adverse environmental changes, stop environmental degradative activities by industries, mining,

logging, overexploitation of natural resources, protecting water channels, air space, and land from pollution, reducing the usage of plastic, helping activists and local communities win in court, etc.

10. Environmental Advocacy New York

This non-profit environmental organization is concerned about protecting communities from the effect of pollution on the air, water, and land.

Environmental Advocacy has been a prominent player in environmental health matters in New York for over 50 years, playing an active role in many positive environmental reforms.

Its commitment is to fight factors that contribute to climate change, ensure clean water is available to every community, and promote healthier communities.

Its key action priority includes; Ensuring clean and vibrant communities through the reduction of toxic waste spillage and disposal of solid waste, climate security for all – accelerating a fossil-fuel-free future, and clean water for all – protecting from source to tap.

Ongoing is its push to make governor Hochul sign the steam bill, this would protect the 40,000 miles of class C streams that flow around New York from pollution and over development


Environmental Organizations are key drivers of building a sustainable societal system that allows the environment to thrive in health and protects nature’s vitality.


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A strong environmental health and conservation enthusiast, driven with passion to educate people on how to protect their environment and appreciate the beauty of nature.

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