27 Animals that Start with O – See Photos and Videos

On this website, you can find a list of magnificent animals that begin with different letters, as well as images and fascinating details about each one.

You undoubtedly want to learn more about the animals you know. Maybe you want to learn about new animal species. Whatever the circumstance, we are here to assist you.

There aren’t many creatures whose names start with O, so it’s normal to run out of ideas after naming only a few of them.

But that is what we are here to fix. After a little searching, we discovered it: a list of 27 animals whose names start with the letter O. You can check them out.

Animals That Start With O

Here are some fascinating animals that start with O

  • Oarfish
  • Ocellaris Clownfish
  • Ocelot
  • Octopus
  • Oilbird
  • Okapi
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Olive Baboon
  • Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
  • Olm
  • Opossum
  • Orangutan
  • Orb Weaver
  • Orca
  • Oriole
  • Ornate Chorus Frog
  • Ornate Hawk-Eagle
  • Oryx
  • Oscar Fish
  • Osprey
  • Ostrich
  • Otter
  • Owl
  • Owl Butterfly
  • Ox
  • Oyster
  • Oystercatcher (Eurasian)

1. Oarfish

Oarfish are long, slender fish that can grow up to 11 meters in length (36 ft.). These enigmatic creatures are rarely observed in the wild.

The largest bony fish in the world is the giant oarfish. In contrast to fish like sharks, whose skeletons are formed of a softer substance called cartilage, bony fish have skeletons built of actual bone.

2. Ocellaris Clownfish

The ocellaris clownfish is a vibrant marine fish. It can be discovered in lagoons and reefs close to Australia and Southeast Asia.

The ritteri anemone, whose tentacles the ocellaris clownfish frequently swims between, and the clownfish share a mutually beneficial connection. The fish is safe from those predatory fish that are vulnerable to the stings since it is immune to the anemone’s stinging tentacles.

Fish that consume anemones will be chased away in exchange for aggressive clownfish. The status of the species is the Least Concern.

3. Ocelot

The ocelot is a medium-sized wild cat that lives in southern and western North American woodlands. Ocelots are sometimes known as “painted leopards.” These carnivores eat deer and rodents.

They are prevalent throughout Central and South America. They nearly went extinct in the 20th century due to their velvety fur. Black lines and dots are patterned on its golden coat. The ocelot hunts small mammals, reptiles, and birds primarily at night. The current conservation status is “least concern.”

4. Octopus

Octopuses are saltwater mollusks with eight arms. There are over 300 species of these invertebrates living in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. Octopuses are lonely, intelligent creatures. They can elude predators thanks to their bodies’ smooth, slippery surfaces.

Since they are so flexible, they can fit through 1-inch diameter holes. They can push through the water utilizing “jet propulsion” and move either by swimming or crawling. The animal does this by rapidly releasing water through a siphon-shaped hole.

Many octopuses can alter their color to blend in with their surroundings. When in danger, octopuses can release a cloud of black gas.

5. Oilbird

Northern South America is home to nocturnal oilbirds. Oilbirds are cave dwellers who venture outside at night to gather fruit to eat. They mostly eat tropical laurels and oil palm fruits.

Oilbirds are one of the very few bird species that can navigate in the dark by using echolocation in addition to their specialized vision.

They emit high-pitched clicks, and by listening for the echoes, they can determine how close or how far away they are from nearby things. The current conservation status is “Least Concern.” They were cooked down and used to make oil in the past.

6. Okapi

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, a nation in Central Africa, is home to the okapi, a rare mammal that dwells deep within its jungles. African countries are also home to these herbivores. The white and black stripes on their limbs are what make them stand out the most. They eat stems, leaves, and fruit.

When food is in little supply, they may eat reddish clay. Its body is mostly deep chestnut brown, with stripes that resemble those on a zebra’s coat on its legs and hindquarters.

The giraffe is the okapi’s nearest living relative. The Giraffidae family of animals includes both species. This species faces extinction.

7. Old English Sheepdog

These friendly animals are white with grey spots on their fur, which covers their eyes. They make intelligent, entertaining pets. These dogs often weigh between 60 and 100 pounds. They were found in the nineteenth century in southeast England. Hence their name, Old English.

8. Olive Baboon

They are mostly found in Africa. An average adult can reach a height of three feet, and they have brownish-grey fur. They are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including fruits and young antelopes. They also have strong ties with one another. Age 35 marks the sexual maturation of olive baboons.

9. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

The Pacific and Indian oceans are home to the olive ridley sea turtle, which is primarily found there. The species takes its name from its olive-green, heart-shaped shell, which reaches a maximum length of 60 cm (2 ft).

Despite being the most widespread sea turtle in the world, the olive ridley sea turtle is listed by the IUCN as vulnerable.

10. Olm

These animals from Europe spend their entire lives in caves. They eat insects that finish their life cycle in bodies of water. In their normal environment, they are white or pink, but when exposed to light, they turn black. Olms have a six-year lifespan without food.

11. Opossum

The Americas are home to opossums, which are pouched marsupials. Opossums come in about 100 different species.

These fruit-loving creatures reside in rural regions near rivers, such as farms and woodlands. They can climb trees and maintain balance because of their four limbs and tail.

Young marsupials are born relatively underdeveloped and continue to develop inside unique pouches inside the mother’s body. Snake poison does not affect opossums. North of Mexico, there is only one species of opossum, the Virginia opossum.

12. Orangutan

Members of the Hominidae, or “big ape” family, include orangutans (just like you and me). Fruit is the principal food for these huge arboreal (tree-dwelling) apes. In actuality, they eat a lot of the time.

The Sumatran orangutan and the Bornean orangutan are the two different species of orangutan. They are also known as the Red Apes, and they are one of the biggest primates on the planet.

They consume fruits, insects, and bark as they are omnivores. They have 97% DNA similarity to humans! Both are currently in grave danger. The main cause of this is deforestation. For crop plantations, a large portion of the orangutan’s jungle habitat has been removed.

13. Orb Weaver

Spiders belonging to the Araneidae family are orb-weavers. They create spherical webs that are impregnated with sticky droplets. Orb weavers, which have heads that resemble skulls, feed on a variety of insects, such as mosquitoes, gnats, flies, grasshoppers, and moths.

The spider kills insects that fly into the web with a bite before wrapping them in silk. They also go by the name “grass weavers,” and they live for six months.

The third biggest family of spiders, orb-weavers has over 3,000 different species. Orb-weavers are not the only spiders that create circular webs. With their frightening appearance, you may assume they were poisonous, yet they are not. Their males are half as big as their females.

14. Orca

Being a global species, orcas can be found anywhere. Unlike filter-feeder whales, these creatures are known as killer whales, because they have teeth for both shredding and devouring prey. They are the largest members of the Delphinidae family of oceanic dolphins.

As apex predators at the top of the food chain without any natural enemies, killer whales consume a variety of prey, from tiny fish to people. Killer whales eat blue whales as well. They are known to hunt adult whales and do so in groups known as pods.

15. Oriole

Orioles refer to two different bird species. Orioles are little birds that belong to the family Oriolidae and are native to the old world (the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa). The golden oriole, a stunning yellow bird found all over continental Europe, is one of the most well-known members of this species.

The old-world orioles and the new-world orioles are unrelated. New World orioles of the genus Icterus are members of the blackbird family. Contrary to popular belief, the Eurasian blackbird, which is a common sight in European gardens and woodlands, is not a member of the blackbird family.

16. Ornate Chorus Frog

The southeast of the United States is the home of the tiny ornate chorus frog. Its face and sides are covered in black blotches, and its color can range from green to red to brown. It is often found in pine woodlands and is around 1.4 in (3.5 cm) long. The state of conservation is Little Concern.

17. Ornate Hawk-Eagle

The huge, vividly colored brown and white hawk-eagle is an elegant bird. When the bird is eager, its broad crest is elevated. The ornate hawk-eagle can be found in Central and South America, and tropical woods are its preferred habitat.

It can take five times its body weight in prey. Most of these birds’ habitat is in Brazil. When foraging for prey, they gracefully perch atop trees. The condition of the environment is “near threatened.”

18. Oryx

Despite having straight horns and stripes on their limbs and faces, oryxes resemble antelopes in appearance. Wolves and people are their principal predators. Oryx may endure in areas that are nearly desert.

19. Oscar Fish

The Oscar fish has a 20-year lifespan. It can produce between 250 to 3000 eggs at a time, and its parents.

Oscar fish are omnivores that eat both fruits and algae. They might also consume fish and tiny insects. They are intelligent and monogamous. As a pet, you would adore one. The throats of Oscar fish are lined with teeth.

20. Osprey

This worldly bird’s head is white with a black mask covering its eyes. The wingspan of an osprey is roughly 5 feet. Except for Antarctica, all tropical and temperate regions (the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia) are home to medium-sized ospreys.

These birds are often referred to as “fish hawks” because their primary diet consists of fish, which they catch in their retractable talons following a forceful, feet-first dive. Least Concern is the current conservation status.

21. Ostrich

One of the biggest terrestrial creatures on the planet is the ostrich. They are, in fact, the largest birds in the world. The common ostrich and the Somali ostrich are the two varieties. Ostriches, who cannot fly, make up for this by being the world’s fastest land animals, capable of running at a speed of 70 km/h (43 mph).

They are birds without wings, and they utilize them to balance and attract females. Ostriches are predominantly found in Africa and are easily distinguished from other birds by their huge size. These species have only two toes, unlike other birds.

22. Otter

Otters are aquatic carnivores that belong to the Mustelidae (weasel) family’s Lutrinae subfamily. Otters have long, strong tails, small legs with webbed feet, and lengthy bodies. They can float on the water’s surface thanks to their extremely thick fur.

The sea otter, which is also the smallest aquatic animal, is the heaviest. The enormous otter is the longest type of otter. There are 13 species of otter known to man. The other two are sea and marine otters, while eleven of them are river otters.

They are playful animals that live in groups. Otters produce a lot of noise and have 22 distinct vocabularies. The sea otter and the gigantic otter are two of the endangered otter species.

23. Owl

The flat cheeks, protruding beaks, and bulging eyes of owls are their most distinguishing characteristics. They have good vision. Except for a relatively small number of species, most of them are nocturnal creatures.

The order (big group of animals) Strigiformes includes owls as a species of raptor bird. The majority of owl species have unique adaptations for hunting and seeing in low light.

Owls have rounded bodies and skulls as well as big, forward-looking eyes. Owls have a neck that can spin roughly 270 degrees. They eat a variety of creatures, although their main prey is small mammals, birds, and insects.

An owl’s face is covered in feathers that help focus sound into its ears. Despite having an excellent vision, owls frequently hunt more by hearing than by sight.

24. Owl Butterfly

The name “owl butterfly” refers to a group of huge butterflies that have markings on the underside of their wings that resemble an owl’s eye. Larger species can have a wingspan of up to 20 cm (8 in). Rainforests in Central and South America are home to owl butterflies.

25. Ox

These herbivores are commonly found. Initially, they were discovered on the continents of Asia, Central America, and South America. In the wild, they move in herds and are typically eaten by wolves and bears.

Bollocks are another name for oxen. In their genus, Bos, they are the sole species. For more than 2,500 years, these animals have helped people.

26. Oyster

A marine mollusk is an oyster. These aquatic organisms have a haphazard shape. Their round shells are either grey or occasionally white. Throughout their bodies, they have eyes.

Their shells are formed of two sections with a hinge along one end, just like all bivalves. Oysters come in a wide variety of varieties. Some are gathered for food because they are edible. Oysters are rich in protein and provide food for many creatures. Oysters are mostly eaten by seabirds, crabs, and even people.

Pearls are the highly prized, stone-like products of pearl oysters that are used in jewelry.

27. Oystercatcher (Eurasian)

A sizable wading bird, the oystercatcher can be found along the shores of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Its legs and eyes are bright red, and its plumage is black and white. It also has a long, brilliant crimson beak.

Despite the name, the oystercatcher does not eat a lot of oysters. The bird instead primarily consumes cockles, mussels, and worms. The status of the environment is near threatened.

See the Video of Animals that start with O

Here is a video of animals that start with O. All the animals talked about in this article might not be captured in the video but you could also see animals in the video that are not in the article.


On this page, we hope you learned about some fantastic new creatures that start with the letter O. We have, though, as many of these creatures are being threatened by human impacts like deforestation, urban sprawl, industrialization, and the like. These have led to a huge loss in biodiversity, and the loss will continue to increase unless major steps are taken to curb the menace.


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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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