What does it mean to be green?
There is much more to green than just color. It currently stands as a reminder of the importance of protecting our planet’s natural resources for both the present and future generations.
What it means to live sustainably and make sure that our individual or collective activities take into account the finite nature of our planet’s resources are what it means to be “green.”
Let’s face it, almost everything we consume—including the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe—depends on our environment. Being environmentally conscious means realizing how important it is to protect the planet for future generations.
At first appearance, it would seem impossible to refute these ideas. Why would someone want to trash the Earth and destroy their environment if the consequences are so clear and substantiated by evidence? Why aren’t we all composed of green somehow?

Table of Contents
What does it mean to be Green? 19 Ways to Be Green
It is not sufficient to acknowledge the need for environmental stewardship and respect. Being environmentally conscious is committing to taking little but consistent steps to lessen our actions’ negative effects on the environment.
If you want to live sustainably, there are a few essential principles that should guide your everyday activities and choices.
- Recycle
- Utilize reusable bags
- Shop locally
- Use recyclable containers for food storage
- Drink water from a reusable bottle
- Save energy
- Power down
- Consider your water usage
- Dry your clothing by hand
- Establish a garden
- Walking or bicycling more
- Make use of the bus or carpool
- Stop using paper
- Compost any leftover food
- Purchase organic
- When cleaning your kitchen, use cloth rather than paper
- Turn off the heat or air conditioning
- Purchase less or borrow
- Use biodegradable materials
1. Recycle

Recycling is one of the most important (and simple) actions you can do to live more sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint. Look for the recycle symbol on any plastic, cardboard, or aluminum waste before you throw it away.
Purchasing products made from recycled materials is another environmentally friendly advice. When you shop, look for “recycled” or “post-consumer” products. You can buy things made from recycled materials ranging from sleeping bags to glass.
2. Utilize reusable bags
Get reusable items to finish your daily duties without producing a sizable carbon footprint. You always carry these with you. The majority of your bags should be reusable.
Plastic bags are ubiquitous and detrimental to the environment. Purchase a reusable bag for the next time you go shopping, and keep it with you going forward.
3. Shop locally
Many meals travel over a thousand miles before they reach your plate. Local purchase reduces air pollution from food production and helps conserve energy. Additionally, less plastic will be utilized to package your goods.
4. Use recyclable containers for food storage
Stop using takeout containers for food or ziplock bags that you can throw away quickly. Reduce your carbon footprint by using reusable food storage containers. Extra green tip: Glass containers and less plastic encourage the growth of microorganisms. See the pattern here?
5. Drink water from a reusable bottle
We all buy plastic water bottles although, they’re really awful for the environment. Purchase and utilize a reusable water bottle as opposed to drinking bottled water. This helps the environment and saves money. Buy a reusable water bottle made of recyclable materials as an additional green tip.
6. Save energy
Turning off your lights when you are not home or using them is another money-saving and planet-saving tip (and one that can be easily done). Be cautious about the lights you have on around you whenever you are.
7. Power down
Unplug all electronics while not in use as another energy-saving advice. Leaving the city? Electronics that you don’t need to be using energy while you are away should be unplugged.
8. Consider your water usage
The amount of water we utilize is one that we frequently overlook. Occasionally, take shorter showers. Wash your garments in cold water; washing in warm or hot water requires more energy.
9. Dry your clothing by hand
Using a drying rack to air dry your clothes instead of using the dryer all the time saves a ton of energy.
10. Establish a garden
In addition to being healthy for the environment and lowering your carbon footprint, starting a garden is also a rewarding activity. Imagine stepping outside to see the fresh vegetables you grew rather than having to purchase them from a store.
11. Walking or bicycling more

Try to cycle or walk more often than you drive if at all possible, depending on where you live. As a result, far less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere.
12. Make use of the bus or carpool
Once more, take public transit or carpool as opposed to driving. The number of omissions per person will decrease as a result. Extra green tip: travel by train rather than by air. One of the major sources of carbon dioxide is aviation.
13. Stop using paper
Take advantage of the possibility of online bill payment and choose paperless billing. You’ll not only save time by doing this, but you’ll also help save paper. Reduce paper use to conserve trees.
14. Compost any leftover food
Did you realize that food waste makes up about 21% of the volume of landfills? Food rescue benefits the ecology.
15. Purchase organic
Organic farming attempts to protect natural resources, promote animal welfare and steer clear of the majority of synthetic ingredients.
16. When cleaning your kitchen, use cloth rather than paper
A frequent type of household trash is paper towels. Use dish towels and cloth napkins rather than paper towels and napkins. You will use a lot less rubbish in your home as a result of this.
17. Turn off the heat or air conditioning
This will conserve a ton of energy if you can.
18. Purchase less or borrow
By purchasing fewer of everything, you can lower your carbon footprint. Alternatively, visit a thrift shop and see if you can’t locate anything fantastic used. If not, borrowing is the next best option rather than purchasing it yourself.
19. Use biodegradable materials
According to our research, one of the major carbon dioxide producers that a student can make in a year is a round-trip overseas flight. This is also one of the biggest disparities between an internship at home and an internship abroad.
Have you heard about our green initiative? We have and will keep buying carbon credits from various renewable energy, reforestation, and biodiversity initiatives in crucial parts of the world to offset flights for all intern participants and employees.
In response to the severe global climate issue, we are dedicated to achieving our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025.
By setting an example of how to go green, you can inspire others to follow suit. When people inquire about your decision to fight pollution, explain why it’s crucial and give them some straightforward instructions so they may become involved too.
Every single one of us has an impact on the planet.
- 11 Carbon Negative Products Reducing Greenhouse Emissions
. - 7 Effects of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment
. - Go Green: Tips For An Eco-friendly Small Farm
. - 4 Importance of Green Technology
. - 10 Reasons Why You Should Recycle

A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.