Planting trees that attract birds is a nature-friendly way of adding live aesthetics to our environment while preserving nature. Hence a good knowledge of the kind of trees that fit into this category will make the best choice of tree to opt for.
With their towering presence, the trees stand as ancient sentinels, rooted deep within the earth. Their branches reach out, forming a tapestry of green and brown, a sanctuary for countless species. They are guardians, providing shelter, nourishment, and a haven for life to thrive.
And the Birds, our feathered messengers of the sky, weaving through the forest’s foliage with grace and agility. The trees become their stage, a place to rest, nest, and raise their young. Each branch and leaf offers a perch, a vantage point from which to survey the world below.
Like green umbrellas, their leaves catch gentle raindrops and form tiny pools of water. It is here that the birds quench their thirst, their beaks dipping into the clear liquid to take the cutest of sips. In return, they become the trees’ ambassadors, carrying their seeds far and wide.
Above, in the few previous paragraphs is a terse of the beautiful symbiotic relationship between birds and trees. Trees that attract birds do so in various ways through some of their natural features as well as surrounding features too.
Several features in trees attract birds. Some of these features of trees that attract birds are;
- Fruiting and berry production.
- Nesting opportunities
- Shelter and cover
- Insect and invertebrate support
- Flowering and nectar production
- Seed and nut availability
- Water Access
Hence a tree exhibits a combination of a simple majority or all of these features either by branch arrangements, leaf shape, dense foliage, nature of production, or even sturdy structures, it surely gets 5-star reviews from various bird species, of how much of a wonder it is.

Table of Contents
Trees That Attract Birds the Most
Here are some trees that attract birds for you to choose from.
- Apple Tree (Malus pumila)
- White Oak (Quercus alba)
- Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)
- Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
- Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
- Dogwood (Cornus florida)
- Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.)
- Crabapple (Malus spp.)
- Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
- Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
- American Holly (Ilex opaca)
- Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
- Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)
- Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
- Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)
- Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
- Sycamore (Platanus spp.)
- Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
- Willow (Salix spp.)
1. Apple Tree (Malus pumila)

Apple trees are one of the many trees that attract birds. Apple trees, with their bountiful harvests and captivating blossoms, possess a unique charm that extends beyond their delicious fruit.
One of the primary reasons apple trees are attractive to birds is the abundance of food they provide especially when the apple tree’s branches become adorned with ripe, juicy fruits, they become an irresistible feast for many bird species.
As birds partake in the apples’ succulent flesh, they also play a crucial role in the tree’s life cycle. As they peck and consume the fruit, birds inadvertently disperse the apple tree’s seeds.
They offer a haven for avian visitors as their dense foliage provides shelter from predators, inclement weather, and harsh sunlight.
The delicate blossoms that burst forth, painting the landscape with shades of white and pink in the trees blooming season exude a sweet and pleasant fragrance that wafts through the air, attracting not only bees and butterflies but also birds.
All these characteristics make the apple tree one of the best trees that attract birds of various species.
2. White Oak (Quercus alba)

The White Oak tree (Quercus alba) is a large and majestic deciduous tree native to North America. It is highly regarded for its beauty, longevity, and its role in supporting various wildlife, including birds.
With an impressive size, reaching heights of 80 to 100 feet (24 to 30 meters) and a spread of 80 to 100 feet (24 to 30 meters), it boasts of broad, rounded crown and distinctive lobed leaves that turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and brown in the fall, with its bark becoming scaly and grayish as it matures.
In terms of bird attractiveness, the White Oak provides several benefits. Its acorns serve as a significant and nutritious food source for many bird species, including wild turkeys, bluejays, woodpeckers, and various species of ducks, especially during the fall and winter months when other food may be scarce.
Moreover, the White Oak tree offers ample shelter and nesting opportunities for birds. It’s sturdy branches and dense foliage provide cover and protection from predators. The White Oak tree also supports a diverse range of insects, which in turn attract insect-eating birds.
Furthermore, the White Oak tree contributes to the overall ecosystem by providing shade, reducing erosion, and acting as a carbon sink. Its deep root system improves soil structure and helps with water infiltration, benefiting not only birds but also other wildlife and plants in the surrounding area.
3. Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)

The Red Mulberry tree typically grows to 40 to 70 feet (12 to 21 meters) with a rounded crown. It has large, lobed leaves that are rough on the upper surface and fuzzy underneath.
This tree is one among the many trees that attract birds which possess almost all the features that attract various species of birds.
It has dense foliage and good branch structuring suitable for nest-making by various species of birds, produces small, fleshy, dark purple to black berries that resemble elongated raspberries which are highly edible and sought after by birds, and attracts a variety of insects, including caterpillars, which are an essential food source for many bird species during the breeding season.
Adding to its bird attractiveness is the fact that Red Mulberry trees are often found in woodland edges, forests, and riparian areas which make birds to access water easily. They can also be incorporated into landscaping designs to attract birds and provide a food source for both local and migratory bird populations.
4. Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)

This tree is highly valued for its beautiful foliage, fragrant flowers, and fruit, which are attractive to various bird species, giving it a slot in the list of trees that attract birds. They can also be cultivated as ornamental trees in landscaping projects, particularly for their attractive flowers, foliage, and ability to attract birds.
Black Cherry trees typically grow to heights of 50 to 80 feet (15 to 24 meters) and have a narrow, pyramidal shape when young, gradually developing a more rounded crown as they mature.
Its dark red to black fruits known as cherries are valuable food to various bird species including thrushes, grosbeaks, orioles, and waxwings, because of their high sugar content and nutritional value. Also, the Black Cherry tree provides nesting sites and shelter and refuge from predators for birds as a result of its dense foliage and branches.
Overall, the Black Cherry tree’s fruit, nesting opportunities, and support of insect populations make it an important tree for bird conservation and a valuable addition to bird-friendly habitats.
5. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

The Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is an evergreen coniferous tree native to eastern North America. While it is not a true cedar, it is commonly referred to as a cedar due to its resemblance to true cedars.
Having dense, dark green foliage composed of scale-like leaves that are arranged in overlapping pairs, the eastern red cedar shelters birds and nesting opportunities, as well as serve as a roosting site during the winter.
Its bluish-purple-colored berries persist throughout the winter ensuring that there is food for its avian visitors.
Overall, the Eastern red cedar’s berries, nesting opportunities, and year-round shelter make it an attractive tree for bird enthusiasts and a valuable addition to wildlife habitats.
6. Dogwood (Cornus Florida)

The Dogwood tree refers to several species within the genus Cornus, including the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) and the red twig dogwood (Cornus sericea).
These trees are known for their attractive flowers, berries, and foliage, which make them appealing to both birds and humans. The Dogwood trees provide food, nesting sites, and shelter for birds, making them desirable additions to bird-friendly habitats and gardens.
The flowers are bracts, which are modified leaves that surround small, inconspicuous flowers. The bracts can be white, pink, or even reddish, depending on the cultivar. These vibrant bracts attract birds such as warblers, thrushes, and finches, which feed on the insects attracted to the flowers.
Their striking flowers, colorful berries, and foliage add beauty to landscapes while supporting avian biodiversity.
7. Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.)

The serviceberry tree, also known as Amelanchier, is a deciduous tree or shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family and comes in various species such as including Amelanchier canadensis, Amelanchier arborea, and Amelanchier alnifolia.
They generally have smooth grayish bark and produce clusters of delicate white or pinkish flowers in early spring and these flowers are valuable sources of nectar for early pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
The serviceberry tree’s beautiful flowers, nutritious fruits, and habitat benefits make it an appealing tree for bird enthusiasts who wish to plant trees that attract birds.
They are adaptable to a variety of soil conditions, including well-drained soils, and are typically found in woodland edges, forests, and riparian areas. Their ornamental qualities, including spring flowers, fall foliage colors, and attractive fruits, make them popular choices for landscaping in gardens and residential areas.
8. River Birch (Betula nigra)

This is a deciduous tree native to eastern North America and highly valued for its unique peeling bark, attractive foliage, and its ability to attract birds.
The most notable feature of the River Birch is its bark, which peels off in thin, papery layers, revealing various shades of brown, cream, and orange beneath. This epic feature of bark peeling adds visual interest and creates a textured appearance, making the tree an appealing ornamental choice.
Coming to its attractiveness to birds, the River Birch provides shelter and a wonderful nesting site for birds due to its branching structure, while also providing them with food at the nick of food scarcity – the winter months, with the seeds of its small brownish cones which it grows as its fruits.
9. Crabapple (Malus spp.)

The Crabapple trees come in various species and cultivars, offering a wide range of sizes, growth forms, and flower colors. They typically produce abundant and showy flowers in shades of white, pink, or red during the spring season. These flowers serve as a nectar source for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
After the flowering period, the Crabapple tree produces small, apple-like fruits, known as crabapples. These fruits can vary in size, color, and taste depending on the specific cultivar, and become an important food source for many bird species, including cedar waxwings, robins, and various thrushes.
Crabapple trees also possess dense foilage and a good branch structure suitable for nest-making by birds which make them an attractive habitat option for avian visitors.
Being a tree that produces food, shelter, and nesting opportunity for birds as well as its ornamental qualities which are pleasing humanly and ecologically, the crabapple tree is a choice tree to be listed when considering planting trees that attract birds.
10. Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

The Eastern Hemlock is an evergreen coniferous tree highly valued for its beauty, ecological significance, and role in attracting birds.
Being a tall tree with a pyramidal shape and dense foliage of dark green needles (its leaves are needle-like), these trees provide shelter and form important nesting sites for various species of birds throughout the year.
Also, the eastern hemlock tree’s needles provide an abundant food source for many insects, which in turn attract insect-eating birds such as Warblers, chickadees, and kinglets.
Furthermore, Eastern Hemlocks produce small cones containing seeds that serve as food for birds, particularly seed-eating species such as finches, crossbills, and nuthatches.
Amongst all these bird-attractive characteristics possessed by the Eastern Hemlock is the fact that they are commonly found in moist, shady areas such as forests, woodlands, and stream banks, which gives birds easy access to thirst-quenching sips whenever they want it.
Their presence in forested habitats supports avian biodiversity and adds beauty to natural landscapes.
11. Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Like most other trees that attract birds, the Red Maple through its natural features creates the most suitable habitat for various species of birds such as finches, chickadees, sparrows, warblers, flycatchers, woodpeckers, etc.
Red Maples produce small, inconspicuous flowers in early spring before their leaves emerge, and these flowers produce nectars which attract insect pollinators like butterflies and bees which is a palatable nutrition for insect-eating birds. This tree also plays host to a variety of insects, which can be an important food source for insectivorous birds such as warblers, flycatchers, and woodpeckers
the seeds of the red maple known as helicopters or samaras, when dispersed by wind become a source of food also for various bird species and hence, an attractive factor for the tree.
The dense foliage and branching structure is an important habitat feature that attracts and supports birds as they offer cover and shelter to these flying creatures, creating a suitable nesting site for them and their offspring providing.
12. American Holly (Ilex opaca)

The American Holly is one of the many dioecious trees that attract birds, which means that for them to attract birds optimally, there has to be a male counterpart for every female (berry-producing) tree of this species planted.
Being a berry-producing tree, birds are attracted by their sumptuous fruits and feast on them throughout the winter months when they are ripe.
Also, American Holly provides dense foliage and branching structure, creating a suitable habitat for birds. The evergreen leaves offer cover and protection, serving as a shelter from predators and harsh weather conditions.
American Holly can support a variety of insects and invertebrates. These insects serve as an additional food source for birds such as warblers, chickadees, and titmice that forage on the tree.
13. Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

Redbud trees (Cercis canadensis) attract birds with their flowers, seeds, and overall habitat value.
One major feature possessed by most trees that attract birds is colorful nectar-producing flowers which are produced before the leaves emerge, and the redbud falls under this category of colorful-flower-producing trees, which provide nectar for hummingbirds as well as attract insect pollinators that other bird species may rely on for food.
Also, their seeds can be a food source for birds, particularly seed-eating species. Birds such as finches, jays, and sparrows may feed on the Redbud seeds, especially during the fall and winter months when other food sources may be limited.
14. Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)

Eastern White Pine trees are commonly found in forests, woodlands, and residential landscapes.
Their tall stature, evergreen foliage, and provision of food and shelter make them valuable and one of the best trees that attract birds.
The Eastern White Pine’s large, elongated cones contain seeds that serve as a palatable food source for birds during the winter months of scarcity.
They also have dense evergreen foliage and a pyramid-like shape, providing excellent shelter and cover for birds such as owls, woodpeckers, and various songbirds, as this fine habitat feature offers a high degree of protection from predators and adverse weather conditions.
Incorporating Eastern White Pine trees into bird-friendly habitats can enhance avian diversity and contribute to a healthy and thriving ecosystem.
15. Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

The Bald Cypress is one of the few trees that attract birds whose life features attract birds in all ways one can imagine.
The seeds of the bald cypress serve as food for avian species like wood ducks, wild turkeys, and various songbirds. These seeds are a valuable resource, especially during the winter months when other food options may be limited.
Bald Cypress trees have a unique feature called “Cypress’s knees.” These knee-like protrusions rise above the water level in swampy or waterlogged areas where Bald Cypresses are commonly found. This feature and the tree’s dense foliage offer shelter and roosting spots for birds like owls, hawks, and waterfowl.
Another bird-attractive feature of the bald cypress is its naturally occurring habitat, which is in swampy and waterlogged areas, birds, as well as all living things that need water for life, need access to it when they need it. These flyers won’t say no to a habitat that offers them food, water, and shelter all in one place.
Having all of the features which are used to identify trees that attract birds, it won’t be a surprising thing to observe a lot of bird species preferring to make the Bald Cypress their home.
16. Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)

Black Gum trees are one of many trees that attract birds commonly found in moist, well-drained soils in forests, woodlands, and wetland edges.
Black Gum trees exhibit vibrant fall foliage colors, ranging from shades of yellow, orange, red, and purple. These colorful displays can attract birds as they migrate and seek out areas with abundant food and suitable habitat.
Also, these colorful trees that attract birds produce small, dark blue or purple fruits that resemble berries which serve as a valuable food source for many bird species such as thrushes, bluebirds, warblers, and waxwings.
Moreover, The thick canopy formed as a result of its dense foliage and branching structure offers protection and cover, making it a suitable habitat for birds including warblers, vireos, and woodpeckers to build their nests.
17. Sycamore (Platanus spp.)

Sycamore trees are commonly found near water sources, riverbanks, and floodplains.
Their attractive seeds which serve as food for many bird species, large sturdy branches, and dense foliage where birds would enjoy roosting on and making their nests, and habitat features which give its flying visitors limitless access to refreshing sips of water, make them one of the most appealing trees that attract birds.
However, incorporating Sycamore trees as one of the choicest trees that attract birds when making efforts to create a bird-friendly habitat can enhance avian diversity and contribute to a thriving ecosystem.
18. Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)

Sweet Gum trees are commonly found in woodlands, forests, and residential landscapes.
Their spiky seed pods that contain small, brown seeds which persist throughout the fall serve as a very important food source for birds such as sparrows, flinches, and woodpeckers during the colder months when there s relatively scarce sources of food.
Added to its pleasant ability to feed its avian visitors is also its ability to house and conceal them, as it gives them a perfect nesting site due to its dense foliage and impeccable branch structuring suitable for this bird activity.
Bird species who are not attracted by their palatable seeds, or the nesting opportunity which this amazing tree offers will also be seen flocking around this tree due to the presence of tree-climbing insects which serve as their food, in the case of an insectivorous bird species.
19. Willow (Salix spp.)

Willow trees are commonly found in riparian areas, wetlands, and other moist environments. Their seeds, nesting opportunities, and provision of food and shelter make them attractive to a variety of bird species.
Like many trees that attract birds, the willow tree has dense foliage and an appealing branch structuring which serves as a perfect spot for nesting. Also,
Willows growing near bodies of water, such as rivers or wetlands, are particularly attractive to bird species like warblers, kingfishers, and marsh birds that prefer nesting in or near aquatic environments.
Insects and invertebrates also create their habitat on this tree, and this could be a strong attractive force for insectivorous birds.
20. Black Walnut

It would be surprising that this tree is listed here as one of the trees that attract birds. But yes, the black walnut tree is one of the many trees that attract birds, although, they do not typically attract birds to the same extent as some other tree species.
Black Walnut trees provide shelter and nesting sites for birds. The dense foliage and branching structure offer cover and protection, making them suitable habitats for birds to build their nests and find shelter from predators and inclement weather.
It is worth noting that while Black Walnut trees may not be a primary food source or attract birds in large numbers, they support insects and other organisms, indirectly benefiting bird populations in their respective ecosystems.
Planting trees that attract birds is a sure way to create a balance in the natural ecosystem. Some of these trees as we have seen above serve dual purposes and are both attractive to birds as well as, to humans too.
The natural aesthetics that trees add to the environment is dight-appealing and as such, should be encouraged.
When we think of tree planting to sink excess carbon in the atmosphere, to attract or create a bird-friendly environment, to be as close as possible to nature, to avoid erosion, and serve as windbreaks in vulnerable places, etc, then planting any of these trees that attract birds will be the best decision an environment conscious being will make.
We should therefore note that incorporating trees that attract birds into bird-friendly habitats can enhance avian diversity and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.
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A Passion driven Environmental Enthusiast/Activist, Geo-Environmental Technologist, Content Writer, Graphic Designer, and Techno-Business Solution Specialist, who believes it is up to us all to make our planet a better and greener place to reside.
Go for Green, Let's make the earth Greener !!!