Storing Solar Energy in Water | Hoax or Reality

Storing Solar Energy in Water has been one of the talked about topics in the quest for storing solar energy. so, is storing solar energy in water a hoax or reality. In this read, we will answer that.

Solar power is meeting some of our electricity needs, but it’s not inescapably barring the need for other sources of electricity. And is some cases, it may be making the grid less effective by contributing to insecurity and taking the use of peaking shops that are generally heavier polluters.

Peaking shops are the go-to result for cargo following on the grid. These are lower, more precious sources of electricity that only run for many hours per day to make up the difference between the base power cargo and the evening peaks.

Another intriguing result of this problem is called demand operation, which is impacting the demand for electricity to reduce or shift peaks and match generation capacity more.

But the holy grail in grid-scale power delivery is simply to let the demand and generation angles be what they will be, storing energy when generation exceeds demand and using that stored energy during demand peaks.

There are a wide variety of fascinating ideas for storing large quantities of energy, from molten swab to pressurising the air in old mines, but the utmost of the current grid-scale storehouse calculate on a gravitational eventuality, that’s using redundant energy to lift commodity, also use that thing to induce electricity as it falls back down, basically treating earth’s graveness as a spring.

And the vast maturity of the current grid-scale storehouse does this using water, in a scheme called Pumped Hydroelectric Storage System a method of storing solar energy in water.

Pumped hydropower storage technology is the way of storing solar energy in water. This is an ancient and well-established method but not majorly used. Though they can be affordable and a good sustainable solution to store energy and water on a large and annual scale.

Pumped hydropower storage is a mechanical energy storage technology based on water transport. In this process, water is pumped uphill using electrical energy into a reservoir when the demand for electrical energy is low.

Later, when the demand for electrical energy is high, the water is allowed to flow back downhill and is used to spin a turbine to generate electricity. Though the need for pumped hydropower storage has grown because of its use in storing renewable energy like solar and wind energy it’s a technology that has been in existence since the early 1900s.

Solar energy can be stored through the pumped hydroelectric storehouse system as a way of storing solar energy in water including other renewable energy like wind energy in water violating the gap when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.

Solar energy is an energy source that is intermittent and variable, so it is necessary there is a storage alternative to ensure the energy demand is met at any time.

There are available short-term energy storage for solar energy like batteries to solve intermittency issues but, long-term energy storage like pumped hydropower storage technology can be used for seasonal variations in electricity generation like in the summer and winter periods.

Hydrogen gas can be used as long term energy storage but compared to pumped hydropower storage technology, hydrogen gas is not yet economically competitive.

A pumped hydroelectric storehouse system captures and stores water in two places with a steep drop in between. Water can be pumped uphill to exercise for power generation again and again. Of course, that pumping consumes electricity in itself, that’s where solar energy comes in.

When the sun shines and people aren’t using important power, redundant solar power is available to pump water back over into the storehouse and at other times when the sun isn’t generating enough power to meet demand, the pumped hydroelectric storehouse system swings into action and makes up for the space.

The whole system works together like a giant renewable battery furnishing the storehouse trustability and inflexibility that solar energy can’t offer on its own.

In pumped hydropower storage technology when excess energy generated from solar energy is used to pump water uphill, a massive amount of potential energy is created.

In utmost cases, the way this works is to have two budgets hard but separated by a large difference in elevation. At night, when the electricity prices are low, you use that cheap power and pumps to fill the upper force.

Nevertheless, pumped hydropower storage has some natural requirements for suitable performance. They include; suitable landscapes and reservoirs which may be lakes (natural or man-made by constructing dams).

Also, pumped hydropower storage requires lengthy regulatory permits and implementation times which can be very lengthy and not forget large initial capital.

Other than to help man cope with energy arbitration, pumped hydropower storage technology is not able to integrate various renewable energy resources optimally and this causes the financial payback period to belong.

This is among one of the various reasons pumped hydropower storage technology is not massively used today. Also, it is only in certain areas you can find pumped hydropower storage technology as it involves high upfront costs with some stringent and significant hurdles.

Does it make sense to use Pumped Hydropower Storage Technology for Storing Solar Energy in Water?

Still, the idea of storing solar energy in water sounds confusing and nearly insolvable, If you’re like the majority of people. Who has ever heard of pumped hydropower storage for solar before?

Yet “energy storehouse” is the renewable industry’s latest buzz expression, and it’s changing at a rate briskly than anyone but those designing it can keep up with.

“But why should I look out for storage?” you ask. Great question! At the end of the day, it’s about how important money you want to keep in your wallet. Our capability to store energy more effectively will directly impact the price you pay for your electricity.

Within the last decade, renewable energy generation – particularly solar power and wind – has come so wide that it’s affordable and indeed cost-competitive with conventional energies like oil, coal, and gas. Still, renewables aren’t a perfect cover for fossil energies, at least from a logistical viewpoint.

Although solar technology is fleetly perfecting our capability to make use of the energy we’re collecting from the sun, one of the biggest issues we continue to face is how to keep using solar energy when the sun is no longer shining.

Most of us live in areas of the world that require us to light our homes before and after our workday. Indeed if you’re lucky enough to live nearly with 18 hours of sun, you’ll presumably still need the energy to run your dishwasher or your refrigerator after the sun goes down.

Still, on average, the sun’s rays are strongest in the afternoon. So, in short, there’s a mismatch of schedules between the average American and the energy that the sun emits towards us earthlings.

We’re making energy that we aren’t around to use. This is where storage comes in. We need to produce styles to hold this solar energy so that we can tap into it even after the sun stops shining.

There are more ways to store solar power other than the use of batteries, one of which may be suitable to get us over those high-demand evening hours. Pumped hydropower storage is a well-tested, mature technology able of releasing large, sustained quantities of energy through water pumping.

The process requires two reservoirs of water, one at a low elevation, and the other at an advanced elevation. Once connected, low-cost electricity (like solar) is used to pump the water from below to above.

When energy is demanded, the stored water above is released through turbines, producing electric power. When the demand for energy goes down, the advanced force is sluggishly refilled for the coming round of energy dispatch.

The stylish aspect of pumped hydro as an energy storage system is that it’s fairly affordable and long-lasting. It has veritably high round-trip effectiveness, which means little power is wasted while it generates electricity.

Most are designed to store between 6-20 hours of energy, with the quantum of energy dependent on the system’s size.

Storing Solar Energy in Water by the use of Pumped Hydropower Storage Versus Storing Solar Energy in Batteries, Which Is Better?

While there are also other options for renewable energy storage similar as flywheels, compressed air, cryogenic energy storage, inflow batteries, and hydrogen, let’s focus on the comparison of large-scale lithium-ion battery storage ( used to power an entire city, not single home use) versus pumped hydro storage.

This is a hot content in the storage market these days, as these two feel to be duking it out as top-pick storage providers for both public and private enterprises.

A lot has been in the news recently about the new massive battery storage plants erected in places like Southern California. What’s special about them?

Well, unlike the Tesla Powerwall, which is a battery storehouse option for single home operation, Altagas LTD, Tesla, and AES Corp have created three of the largest battery storehouse installations in the world.

The power of these large-scale battery storehouse installations combined is equal to 15 of all battery storage installed across the world in 2016. This is big news, as batteries had previously only appeared in a small number of grid-scale systems.

These storehouse installations have proven that battery storage on a large scale can feasibly enter the ring with the other heavyweight energy storehouse installations. But it’s not certain whether they can throw a decent size punch at challengers yet.

Comparing Costs of Storing Solar Energy in Water by the use of Pumped Hydropower Storage and Storing Solar Energy in Batteries

In numerous ways, comparing large scale hydro water storage to large-scale lithium-ion batteries is like comparing an apple to a cucumber, rather than an apple to an orange.

They’re both found in the yield section, but can hardly be categorised as being in the same food group. They both store energy and put it back onto the grid, but their strengths are veritably different.

Let’s take a look at one of the most important factors of building and running these facilities cost. Indeed ten times ago, there would have been no competition between these two due to the historically high price of batteries.

Still, large-scale production of batteries has driven the price down to lower than half of what it was in 2013, making them a much more feasible option for large-scale operations.

At a large-scale solar conference in April of 2017, the head of Arena Energy said that large-scale battery installations have come down so much in price that the cost of 100MW of energy capacity with 100MWh (one hour of storage) would be about equal between large-scale battery storage and water hydro storage.

Still, if that number increases indeed slightly, to 100MW with 200MWh of energy storage, hydropower immediately outpaces battery storage.

When you take that number to 500MWh, it’s game over for batteries. As I mentioned before, pumped hydro storehouse’s topmost strength is its husbandry of scale. Once all the outfit for pumped hydropower is in place, it’s fairly cheap to get further electricity out of it (you just need more water).

With batteries, however, the more electricity you want to store, the more batteries you need, so prices increase mainly as the system gets bigger.

Think of pumped hydropower storage as a large noncommercial store, always suitable to offer much lower prices than the exchange original shops.

They buy en masse and vend en masse, making their prices veritably difficult to beat. In this way, pumped hydropower storage wins as the choice provider of power in times of peak demand.

The Future of Storing Solar Energy in Water by the use of Pumped Hydropower Storage System

As the renewable energy request continues to grow and develop, economical and effective storehouse styles like pumped hydropower storage will make solar not just a cleaner cover for fossil energies, but a more dependable one.

As the cost of batteries continues to decline, the future is bright for renewable energy consumers and creators. For those who are talking about investing in solar panels, an overall better storage system like this one will stabilize the market and invest in a safer one.

Benefits of Storing Solar Energy in Water by the use of Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Systems

During the day, when energy prices, the water in the upper force is used to spin turbines and induce hydro-power. It’s a giant water battery, and storing energy in this way has a lot of benefits, besides just paring off peaks of the demanding wind.

  1. Storing solar energy in water by the use of a pumped hydroelectric storehouse system is precious in an exigency, furnishing quick access to power when other sources may be out of commission.
  2. Storing solar energy in water by the use of pumped hydroelectric storehouse systems is of great benefit because these systems can give a lot of benefits on small, sectarian power grids (like on islets) where you don’t have as important diversification in the generation portfolio.

Major Challenges Associated with Storing Solar Energy in Water by the use of Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Systems

1. Energy Viscosity

A term used to describe how important energy can fit into a unit volume and this isn’t a pumped storehouse installation’s finest point. The lesser the head above the turbines, the further the generating capacity for a given volume of water.

It’s enough readily to see the difference in energy viscosity between a battery and the stored water. To reach the same viscosity as a typical lithium-ion battery, you would have to have the water stored at a height of roughly, which wouldn’t be accessible for an electric vehicle.

This is one of the main disadvantages of pumped storehouse installations is that they bear a veritably specific type of point where you can detect two pools near each other while also separating them by as important a perpendicular distance as possible.

And indeed also, because of the low energy viscosity, these are frequently massive budgets that are major civil engineering systems as compared to commodities like a battery that can be manufactured in a plant.

2. Effectiveness

Effectiveness is the rate of how important energy you put in versus how important of it you can get. You noway get it all. That’s the alternate law of thermodynamics. But you hope to get utmost of it, else, you have erected a veritably big and veritably precious battery that doesn’t work.

Indeed considering all the implicit losses of energy from evaporation or leakage of water to disunion and turbulence within the ministry, numerous pumped storehouse installations achieve an edge of 70 or advanced.

Of course, that means they’re net energy consumers since you can’t recover all the power used to pump the water to the top, but if the cost of the energy consumed is lower than the price they can get out of that energy (disadvantage edge) during peak demand, they can still turn a profit.


  • How much energy can you store in water?

Let’s imagine 1cm3 water. We can raise its energy by increasing its height. We can calculate the increase in energy using the equation for gravitational potential energy which is simply the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity multiplied by its height.

Here we are defining height as the difference in height between our starting point and endpoint the mass of one cubic metre of water is 1000kg so, with every 1m gain, we add 9810 joules of energy. We will convert to watt-hours as its the more commonly used unit. So, 9810 joules = 2.7 to 5 watt-hours.

That could run a 100 watt light bulb for just 98.1 secs but, we can’t convert that energy perfectly. Pumped Hydropower storage technology for storing solar energy in water is about 80% in efficiency so, that would be closer to 78.5 secs and if we raise the head of the upper reservoir to 286m like that of Turlock hill in Ireland, that 1cm3 of water could power that same light bulb for 22,452 seconds or about 6.2 hours.

  • What type of energy can be stored in water?

All forms of electrical energy can be stored in water ranging from solar energy to fossil fuel energy.


A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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