Even though some people find spiders frightening, many people find them to be so intriguing that they wish to keep one as a pet. Their longevity is another amazing fact about these creatures that you most likely didn’t know.
Certain spider species (tarantulas) can live for several decades; however, many house spider species can only live for a few years. Reports have shown that tarantulas can live well into their 20s and even up to 40 years. In this article, we take a look at some of the longest living spider species.

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Longest Living Spider Species in the World

Average Lifespan: 10 to 40 years
Southeastern Texas and Northern Mexico are home to Texas tan tarantulas. This spider is one of the biggest in all of North America, with legs that typically span 5 to 6 inches. A sac made of silk is woven by female spiders to safeguard the hundreds of eggs they can lay at once.
Female spiders can live up to 40 years, whereas males rarely live longer than 10 to 15 years. Although the lifetime of these spiders has not been well studied, it is plausible that they have extended lifespans, particularly in captivity.
Average Lifespan: 15 to 30 years
Tanzania and Kenya are home to this East African tarantula. Even though it grows slowly, when it is fully mature, its leg span can reach 7.9 inches. It burrows underground using its huge rear legs.
Although it doesn’t kill people, its bite is reported to be excruciatingly painful. The maturation period of the king baboon spider can span up to ten years.
On average, males live 10 to 15 years, while females live 25 to 30 years. The king baboon spider is not typically kept as a pet because of its violent nature, though it may survive longer in captivity.

Average Lifespan: 10 to 30 years
This huge brown spider, native to Mexico, was first noted in 1897. It is most frequently observed in and near the Pacific Mountains. Its limb span measures approximately 5 to 6 inches, and its weight is approximately 0.5 ounces. This is a burrowing spider that lives underground for most of its life.
Males of these spiders can live for several years after they attain sexual maturity, which occurs around the age of six or seven. Females often live 20 years in the wild, and 25 to 30 years is the average lifespan in captivity.
It is a well-liked pet and is renowned for its placid disposition. Its eye-catching beauty and relatively lengthy lifespan make it a popular tarantula among enthusiasts and collectors.

Average Lifespan: 7 to 30 years
In its lifetime, this North American tarantula can lay up to 1,000 eggs! Although its name alludes to Oklahoma, it is also found in Texas, Missouri, and other southern states. It can reach leg lengths up to 4 inches and is frequently observed in these areas.
Although some men live less than a year in the wild, the average male lifespan is between seven and twelve years. In captivity, females can live for almost 30 years, extending their longevity beyond 40 years.

Average Lifespan: 10 to 25 years
This big, fat spider, which may be found in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, has long, curling bristles all around it. This spider stands out from others due to its unique look, which is covered in thick, curly hair.
Being primarily nocturnal, this spider enjoys ambushing insects and tiny reptiles after dusk. Before feasting, it utilizes its fangs to poison and paralyze its prey by grabbing it between its front legs.
While female curly-haired tarantulas can live up to 25 years, males typically survive 9 to 10 years. Because habitat destruction has made it more difficult for this species to survive in the wild, the majority of long-living spiders are kept in captivity.

Average Lifespan: 10 to 25 years
This spider, which is found in the plains of Argentina and Paraguay, gets its name from the vivid yellow patterns that run the length of its legs. It can have a leg spread of up to 7 or 8 inches. Its lengthy legs are complemented by enormous fangs that it uses to bite through insects and small lizards that it enjoys eating.
Enthusiasts of tarantulas often choose the Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula because of its eye-catching golden markings on its legs. These spiders can survive for more than 20 years under their care, offering their keepers years of interesting company.
Males typically live six to seven years, although in captivity, they can live up to ten years. Females kept in captivity typically have a lifespan of 20 to 25 years, though they may live longer with the right care.

Average Lifespan: 5 to 25 years
Nestled in South America, the Goliath birdeater is regarded as one of the world’s largest spiders. Its body can grow to a maximum length of 5.1 inches, while its leg width can reach as high as 12 inches. Despite being called a “birdeater,” it is known to devour worms and amphibians rather than birds.
This spider takes three to six years to reach adulthood, and males pass away quickly after. After mating, male spiders die of natural causes rather than being slain by females.
In the wild, females have a much longer lifespan, and in captivity, they may live for more than 25 years. This spider has gained the title of arachnid marvel due to its amazing size and remarkable eating habits.

Average Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
This spider is found in the deserts of Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile. It is also referred to as the Chilean rose tarantula.
Even while it can dig its tunnels, it occasionally settles inside burrows that rats or other animals have left behind. The average leg span of a male spider is 3.5 inches, whereas that of a female spider is approximately 5 inches.
The Rose Hair Tarantula is a popular choice for tarantula keepers because of its placid disposition and rose-colored hairs. They may give their owners years of companionship and are comparatively low-maintenance pets.
One of the tarantulas that you encounter in pet stores the most these days is this spider, which is well-liked by enthusiasts. Males typically live for five years after mating, at which point they usually die. Women have a minimum life expectancy of 20 years, and they may be able to live even longer in captivity.

Average Lifespan: 5 to 20 years
This Brazilian native tarantula, as its name implies, has a full black body. When fully grown, it typically measures 6 to 7 inches, while some spiders can reach up to 8 inches in length! Despite its frightening appearance, this spider is quite gentle and will typically run away from a threat.
Brazilian black tarantulas are a popular pet choice among tarantula aficionados because of their rich black coloring and peaceful disposition. They can live well into their second decade if given the right care and environment.
In general, male spiders live six to eight years, but females may live up to twenty years or longer. According to some reports, females may even be able to live for over 30 years in captivity. Brazilian tarantulas collected in the wild are no longer permitted for export, even though these spiders were once common pets.

Average Lifespan: 5 to 20 years
Despite belonging to a separate family of spiders, trapdoor spiders are large-bodied and closely linked to tarantulas. Although they can be found in some regions of South America, Africa, and Asia, Australia is where these spiders are most frequently observed. This resilient spider typically eats at night.
The oldest known spider was an armored trapdoor spider found in Australia, despite having a shorter lifetime than many tarantulas. This spider, also known as Number 16, lived to be 43 years old.
This spider unexpectedly survived its old age! In 2016, a wasp sting killed her. The name of these spiders comes from their unusual capacity to dig tunnels with elaborately constructed trapdoors.

Average Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
Although it is indigenous to Myanmar, cobalt blue tarantulas are also found in Thailand, which is not too far away. It is a medium-sized tarantula, measuring approximately 5 inches across the legs on average.
For most of their lives, men and females have identical appearances, but following their last molt, males lose some of their vivid blue coloring and turn tan or brown instead.
While cobalt blue tarantulas can theoretically live for a very long period, male tarantulas don’t usually live very long. Males typically live 10 years on average, whereas females typically live 15 years. In captivity, these spiders typically have longer lifespans than they do in the wild.
The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a favorite option among tarantula aficionados due to its strong venom and brilliant blue hue. However, in comparison to other spider species, it has a very long lifespan.

Average Lifespan: 3 to 14 years
The name of this colorful spider comes from its vivid blue body and legs. With legs that may spread more than six inches, it’s one of the tarantula species that grows the fastest! The tarantula is indigenous to Venezuela, where it typically hides under shrubs or tree roots.
In general, female tarantulas are larger and live far longer than their male counterparts. The average female lifespan is 12 to 14 years, while the average male lifespan is approximately 3 to 4 years. Sometimes people keep female greenbottle blue tarantulas as pets.
Although the precise causes of their long lives are unknown, it is thought that their slow metabolism and capacity for long-term food storage contribute to their long lifespans.
Average Lifespan of a Spider
Just like the spider life cycle, the lifespan of a spider can vary greatly. In captivity, spiders typically have a two-year lifespan; however, some have been reported to reach 20 years.
Generally speaking, female spiders live longer than male spiders. After mating, a large number of male spiders attain adulthood in less than two years. This is primarily because female spiders consume them, albeit certain types of male spiders must die only to reproduce.
Tarantulas typically have longer lives in captivity than they do in the wild. It is highly improbable that a spider in the wild would live to a ripe old age and pass away from natural causes. The majority of the time, an elderly spider becomes sluggish and more susceptible to predators.
Oldest Spider Fossil
The 305 million-year-old “almost spider” reveals the history of arachnids. The thing had eight legs and mouthparts like a spider, but no spinnerets. The 305 million-year-old arachnid, which has been trapped in iron carbonate, provides insight into the gradual evolution of arachnids into spiders.
The Greek mythological figure Idmon, the father of Arachne, a weaver who was turned into a spider by a vengeful goddess, is the inspiration behind the name “almost spider,” or Idmonarachne brasieri. The “almost spider” is missing just the spinnerets that spiders use to weave silk into webs.
“It’s not quite a spider, but it’s very close to being one,” paleontologist Russell Garwood of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom stated to reporters after the study.
In conclusion, tarantulas seem to be an exception to the general rule that spiders have short lifespans. These intriguing arachnids have a lifespan of several years, even reaching decades for certain species.
Every species of tarantula, ranging from the Texas Tan to the Greenbottle Blue, has a distinct blend of behaviors and appearances. Spider fans across the world are still fascinated and intrigued by tarantulas, whether they are maintained as pets or seen in their natural environments.
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