Many different animals that start with W. Animals are both intriguing and magnificent to watch in their natural habitat.
Did you ever want to name animals that start with the letter W and find yourself stuck? Well, we’re here to help you out. Many animals start with W. A few of them probably live in your backyard.
Here is a detailed list of animals that start with W. We’ve also gathered some interesting features and facts about the animals that you should see. You’re in for a fascinating tour. Explore!

Table of Contents
List of Animals that Start with W
- Whale
- Walrus
- Weasel
- Woodpecker
- Warthog
- Western Gorilla
- Wallaby
- Wolf
- Western Rat Snake
- Warbler
1. Whale

The whale is the largest species of fish in the world which is scientifically known as Rhincodon Typus. They are large aquatic mammals that are found throughout the world’s oceans.
Whales are so huge that they can grow up to 40 feet in length or more. However, you would expect their large size to make them deadly, but they are not. They feed mainly on fish, crabs, and plankton. These carnivorous fishes are widespread in warm waters and open oceans.
They are also members of Cetacea, a group of animals that also includes dolphins and porpoises.
There are two main types of whales: toothed whales (Odontoceti) and baleen whales (Mysticeti).
The toothed whales are whales that have teeth. The group includes whale species such as sperm whales and beaked whales, as well as dolphins and porpoises. (The orca, or killer whale, is an oceanic dolphin.)
Baleen whales are filter feeders. In their mouths are structures known as baleen plates, which contain hair-like fingers that separate food from the water. Well-known baleen whales include the humpback whale, the fin whale, and the huge blue whale the largest species to ever live on Earth.
It is classified as endangered species by the IUCN.
In domestication, Whales are a terrible animal to domesticate, as they tend to pose a threat to humans. However, a few species of whales have been discovered to be friendly and curious to humans such as the blue whale and dolphins.
2. Walrus

Walrus scientifically known as Odobenus rosmarus are large mammals found in the Arctic Circle and are found on floating ice of the ocean.
The walrus is the only species in the family Odobenidae and a member of a group of marine mammals called pinnipeds, which also includes both of the seal families. Walruses possess thick hair coverings, a pair of tusks, and whiskers.
They also have flippers which they use to swim. The male walruses are bigger than the females. They protect their families from predators and provide for them.
Both male and female walruses have long, curved tusks. A male walrus’s tusks can grow up to 1 m (3.3 ft.) in length. Walruses have up to 250 whiskers on their face.
The Walrus is one of the most sociable and lovable marine mammals in the world. Though these creatures bellow and snort in comical fashion, display their expressive whiskers and flaunt their gorgeous ivory tusks in displays of dominance, they can be quite charming.
The greatest threat to the walrus is climate change. In its conservation status, it has been classified as Vulnerable.
Conservatively, walruses are always found in the wild, they do not make good pets. They are much too large to house easily, and their enclosures and water must be temperature controlled. It is also illegal in most places to own one as a pet.
3. Weasel

Weasel Scientifically known as Mustela nivalis is the smallest carnivorous mammal in the world! They are found on every continent except Australia and its surrounding islands, along with the more hostile polar region.
This small carnivorous mammal hunts mice, voles, and lemmings. These creative hunters are found in forests and land areas with tall trees. There are numerous Weasel animal species that all vary in size, color, and slightly with their behaviors depending on where in they are found.
Weasels are solitary, elusive creatures, mostly active at night, and often hunt along hedgerows or stonewalls, sniffing out every hollow or crack.
They are very agile climbers and also excellent swimmers. Whilst hunting, they often stand up on their hind legs to scan and smell their surroundings before dashing underground through burrows and tunnels in pursuit of their prey.
Weasels have to eat as much as one-third of their body weight each day for their survival. After their first birthday, their males become sexually mature and wander off to start their own families.
They have been classified as native, common, and widespread and they are generally wild animals making their domestication rare as they do not suit many homes.
4. Woodpecker

With about 200 different species, Woodpeckers are a group of birds in the family Picidae, most of whom live and forage among trees. These birds are found in all parts of the world, except the polar regions. They inhabit areas with trees.
Woodpeckers have specialized feet (zygodactyl feet ) that give them a good grip on trees. Woodpeckers have several adaptations for their forest and woodland-dwelling lifestyle. They make their nests in the trunk of trees.
Woodpeckers are omnivores, but they feed primarily on seeds. They are attacked by rodents, snakes, and wild cats. These creatures have feathers on their beaks, preventing debris from entering their eyes.
Woodpeckers don’t just peck at tree trunks to find food; the sound produced by their drilling is also used as a territorial call.
Habitat loss and degradation are considered to be the biggest threats to woodpecker populations. The ivory-billed woodpecker is classified as critically endangered by the IUCN, and some authorities believe it may already be extinct while Pileated woodpeckers are not considered threatened or endangered due to their population size.
Furthermore, domestication of woodpeckers is not common as they are not friendly with humans and are always found in the wild. So they do not make good pets.
5. Warthog

Warthogs scientifically known as Phacochoerus africanus are omnivorous African mammals, but they feed mainly on bulbs, grasses, and roots. They only eat meat when plants are scarce.
A large member of the swine family, the warthog is an animal species that is best known for its four sharp tusks and padded bumps, or warts, on its face.
Warthogs have big bumps and two pairs of tusks on their face. They also have strong hooves that they use to dig the earth. Warthogs don’t make their homes. Instead, they live in an abandoned den of the aardvarks.
The females of the species are quite social and live out their lives in family groups called sounders.
Warthogs are classified as Least Concern and domestication of warthogs is easy as they are members of the pig family. There are more than about 1,350 breeds of domestic warthogs that are found all over the entire world such as the Indian long-hair warthog.
6. Western Gorilla

Western Gorilla scientifically known as gorilla gorilla is one of two species of gorilla, the other being the eastern gorilla. Both species are native to Africa. However, the western gorilla is the most numerous species of gorilla and also the larger of the two.
The western gorilla is slightly smaller than its eastern relation and is therefore the world’s second-largest great ape. The western gorilla is found inhabiting the tropical jungles and forests of western and central Africa. Western gorillas live in small to medium groups known as troops.
A typical troop comprises several females, and either one or a small number of males. The troop is led by a dominant male, known as a silverback on behalf of the patch of lighter hair on his back. They have a lifespan of 35 – 50 years, but they have a high infant mortality rate
Western gorillas are herbivores, but they may feed on insects and lizards. They are large apes with the males weighing as an average of about 250 – 400 kg.
They have been classified as Critically Endangered which is a result of illegal hunting of the species by local people for bush meat.
Western gorillas do not make good pets, though taming a western gorilla might be possible, they might be calm and gentile animals but will become very aggressive when disturbed.
7. Wallaby

Wallabies are mid-sized marsupials (pouched mammals)scientifically known as Macropus in the family Macropodidae (the kangaroo family). They are native to Australia and Papua New Guinea, wallabies have been introduced to other areas of the world, including New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
They have the same characteristics as the kangaroos. They are differentiated from the kangaroos by their short height. They travel in herds and feed on grasses, leaves, fruits, and seeds.
There are roughly 30 different species of these marsupials. Like all kangaroos, wallabies have long tails, powerful hind legs, and relatively short forelimbs.
They move by jumping, rather than by walking. The dwarf wallaby is the world’s smallest macropod. Rock wallabies are expert climbers that live in rocky habitats. Wallabies are hunted down by many animals, including domestic dogs and cats.
Wallabies under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, the Proserpine Rock-wallaby is endangered; the Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby is near threatened; and the mala (Rufous Hare Wallaby or Warrup), brush-tailed rock-wallaby is an endangered species, the Black-footed Rock-wallaby and Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby are vulnerable to extinction.
Wallabies can be tamed and socialized but can become aggressive to humans when there is no food, however, Wallabies are free in the wild and are not encouraged to be kept as domestic animals.
8. Wolf

Wolf Scientifically known as Canis lupus is the largest member of the dog family, Canidae found in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Wolves are top predators that move in packs, which consist of a male and female and their offspring from multiple years. After around 1 to 4 years young wolves will leave the pack to start families of their own.
Wolves are some of the most iconic predators in the animal kingdom. There are about 38 subspecies, including the domestic dog and the dingo. Wolves are highly territorial, and fights over territorial rights are one of the leading causes of mortality in the wild. They prey on a wide range of species.
Hunting in groups allows wolves to bring down prey much larger than themselves including moose and reindeer but they will also eat small animals such as hares and mice. They are classified as Least Concern species.
Wolves do not make good pets but can be kept as exotic pets. Knowing that wolves are wild and carnivorous animals taming or socializing with them requires an outstanding amount of time dedication, patience, and persistence.
9. Western Rat Snake

Western Rat Snake Scientifically known as P. obsoletus North American snakes that have black skins with white markings that become darker as they mature. These snakes are members of the Colubridae family and are closely related to king snakes.
Western Rat snakes have special scales on their belly that aid them to climb trees effectively. Western rat snakes are one of the longest snakes in North America; the longest one on record measured 111 inches (9 feet).
They are long, slender, non-venomous constrictors that are terrific climbers.
Western rat snake under IUCN red list has been listed as Least Concern and western rat snakes are one of the easiest snakes to care for as pets. They have docile temperaments. They pose no threat to humans as they have been completely believed to be non-venomous snake species.
10. Warbler

Scientifically known as Phylloscopus trochilus are a group of birds also known as perching birds, which means they have feet adapted for perching on trees.
Warbler is a small, migratory songbird known for its sweet sound. It can be found in parks, gardens, and woodland areas all over Europe and Scandinavia.
This bird travels thousands of miles on its annual migration to Africa. They are called Warblers because of the trills of their song and Its song has been called “the sound of summer. This bird molts twice a year.
Conservatively, warblers availability differs in species as the Golden-winged Warbler has been known to be sharply declining, the Prairie warbler is extremely large and not yet approaching vulnerability, the Cerulean and Canadian warbler are classified vulnerable by IUCN, while the Golden-Cheeked warbler is classified endangered. Furthermore, warblers can not easily be domesticated as they are migratory birds that move at night.
We hope that you’ve discovered some awesome new animals beginning with w on this page. Continue your exploration of the animal that starts with each letter of the alphabet in our previous and following articles.
- 21 Animals that Start with R – See Photos and Videos
. - 13 Best Animal Rescue Organizations in the United States
. - 12 Animals that Start with P – See Photos and Videos
. - 12 Animals that Start with N – See Photos and Videos
. - 10 Animals that Start with C – See Photos and Videos

Ahamefula Ascension is a Real Estate Consultant, Data Analyst, and Content writer. He is the founder of Hope Ablaze Foundation and a Graduate of Environmental Management in one of the prestigious colleges in the country. He is obsessed with Reading, Research and Writing.