A few animals that start with J can be seen just by glancing out your window. These creatures are native to several different continents, including Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe.
Each animal is accompanied by an intriguing detail about it, such as its size, habits, origin, characteristics, and so forth! The variety and individuality of the animals in our world are astounding.
Table of Contents
Animals that Start with J
Below are some fascinating animals that start with the letter J
- Jabiru
- Jackal
- Jackdaw
- Jackson’s Chameleon
- Jaguar
- Jaguarundi Cat
- Jamaican boas
- Jamaican Iguana
- Japanese Macaque
- Jellyfish
1. Jabiru

The Americas are home to the enormous stork known as the Jabiru. This bird is distinguished by its large neck. a bird that flies the highest in Central and South America. The Jabiru, a huge stork that stands 47 to 55 inches tall and weighs 9.5 to 11.5 pounds, is the tallest flying bird in Central and South America.
Their remarkable beaks, which range in length from 9.8 to 13.8 inches, are broad, pointed, and upturned. The males of these birds exhibit sexual dimorphism, being about 25% larger than the females. They have white feathers, featherless black heads and necks, and a red pouch at the base that can be stretched.
It lives in riparian areas and wetlands where it wades in shallow water all day long while watching for fish and other things to swim into its open mouth. Due to overhunting, this species was on the verge of extinction in the 1980s, but it has since made a recovery. Learn all there is to know about this stork, such as where it can be found, what it eats, and how it acts.
These birds have amazing sizes, but they fly gracefully and with strong wingbeats. Their precise speed is not known, though. They even share a nest with up to 12 other mixed-species partners. The Jabiru is mostly silent, like other storks. However, they occasionally make sounds like hissing and clattering bills.
2. Jackal

The coat of the common jackal is a Tricolore of yellow, brown, and gold. Seasonal changes can cause a jackal’s appearance to alter from darker to lighter.
The jackal animal resembles a fox a great deal thanks to its long, narrow nose, huge ears, and even bushy tail. Bear in mind that foxes and jackals are related. Jackals are little animals with four thin legs, slim bodies, and black eyes that are constantly scanning their environment.
A jackal is approximately 16 inches tall from its shoulder and can weigh anything between 11 and 26 pounds. You will be staring at something that is roughly the height of a common jackal if you stack two number-two pencils on top of one another. In contrast, a 26-pound jackal weighs nearly the same as a dachshund of the same size.
The fastest speed for a jackal is 40 mph, so these dogs can run quickly. They can move at high speed for brief periods or slowly for lengthy periods. They can avoid some predators thanks to their speed, which also helps them catch their prey.
A jackal that is out on its own will probably flee from danger, but many jackals can defend themselves from a predator. Even a leopard or hyena may be defeated by a pack of jackals. A sizable pack might be able to fend off the predator at the very least.
These dogs are renowned for defending their area by chasing any intruders away with their razor-sharp teeth and claws. The ferocious defense of a jackal’s territory is a trait it shares with its wolf, fox, and coyote relatives. In addition to defending its home, it also looks out for any nearby puppies.
3. Jackdaw

The jackdaw, which weighs around 8 ounces and is about 13 inches tall, is the smallest member of the Corvid family. This weighs approximately the same as a regular drinking glass.
The complete plumage of this bird is replaced throughout its annual molting season, which occurs in the summer and fall. Age will cause its feathers to begin graying. Shiny objects appeal to this bird. It is frequently portrayed as a thief in stories.
The mating couple, which forms the cornerstone of jackdaw “society,” binds for life. Together, the pair lives and forages in even bigger colonies, which can occasionally number in the tens of thousands of birds.
Although the colony members are essentially unrelated to one another, they do seem to work together to get food and resources. When one colony member discovers a plentiful supply of food, it will occasionally inform the other colony members about the location as well.
These birds communicate with one another by making a variety of noises. The well-known “Jack” or “Chak” greeting sound for which they are named is the most frequent vocalization. Additionally, they have roosting, mating, and alarm cries.
Jackdaws are considered some of the smartest creatures in the world and are members of the Corvid family. They can use tools, find solutions to difficulties, and possibly even distinguish between different human faces.
4. Jackson’s Chameleon

The Jackson’s chameleon, also called the Kikuyu three-horned chameleon, is most recognized for the three horns that cover its face. It is one of the few reptiles that give birth to live young while not being known for being the largest or smallest animal (though the hatchlings are kept as eggs within the female for several months).
Many individuals decide to keep a male Jackson’s chameleon as a pet because of its distinctively vivid green color. The yellow-crested Jackson’s chameleon, the diminutive Jackson’s chameleon, and Jackson’s chameleon are the three subspecies in total.
This reptile has an unusual grouping structure. One of these reptiles is content to roam, hunt, and live alone whether maintained as a pet or even in the wild. They cost between $75 and $175 in shops. A family, on the other hand, is organized very differently.
They regularly communicate because of their social structure, which gives them the freedom to maintain distance from one another when they choose to do so. When kept in captivity, they need extra attention to stay content and healthy, and before their personalities can fully emerge, they must be given time to settle in.
5. Jaguar

The Jaguar is a nocturnal animal that prefers to either snooze in the shelter of trees or hunt in deep underbrush. Most members of the cat family have an unusual preference for being near bodies of still water, such as floodplains or slow-moving rivers.
In dry, desert-like environments, jaguar sightings are also uncommon. This cat can move quickly across the water in search of prey because of its outstanding swimming ability.
With the exception of its first few years with its mother, the Jaguar, like many other cat species, lives alone. Males are very possessive, and even though at their home ranges may overlap those of several females, they will fiercely protect their patch from other males.
Jaguars urinate on trees to mark their territory, and they also use growling vocalizations to make their presence known. No other wild creatures are known to genuinely view the Jaguar as prey because of its enormous size and domineering personality.
Jaguars were once widespread over South America, but Humans have been killing them mostly for their fur, which has caused their population numbers to dramatically drop worldwide.
The Jaguar is increasingly at risk from habitat loss due to deforestation for agriculture or expanding human settlements, despite having legal protection and a decrease in hunting for their fur. As a result, these massive and majestic animals are being forced into more remote areas of their native range.
6. Jaguarundi Cat

The Otter Cat is the nickname given to the Jaguarundi. This is because its head resembles an otter’s head in shape. The tail of this cat is similar to an otter’s tail. Additionally, a jaguarundi cat is a skilled swimmer, giving the moniker even more merit.
A jaguarundi, though, is unquestionably a feline. The scrublands, marshes, and forests of Central and South America are home to this tiny carnivorous mammal.
A jaguarundi spends the day in its habitat foraging for food, unlike other cats. This cat uses a variety of vocalizations to communicate with other cats, such as whistling, chirping, chattering, and, of course, purring.
In order to catch a bird, it can leap 6.5 feet into the air. Due to habitat degradation and human-set traps, this cat’s population is in jeopardy. These felines can live up to 15 years.
A jaguarundi cat’s black fur helps to shield it from predators in its native scrubland, swamp, or woodland habitat. In the wild, they can move at a pace of about 40 mph, which is fairly quick for a cat. These little cats have an advantage over predators who won’t go near water since they can swim.
Although jaguarundis often live alone, scientists have observed a couple of them in their natural environment. They are timid mostly as a result of their tiny stature and susceptibility to larger local mammals.
7. Jamaican boas

The average length of this snake is seven and a half feet. It belongs to the family of boas and is not venomous. It once lived throughout all of Jamaica, but now it only exists in a few isolated locations.
They enjoy hanging from tree branches and cave ceilings to catch flying insects like bats and birds. The color of this snake changes unusually from greenish-yellow in the front to completely black in the back. The large, pointed teeth of Jamaican boas are used to seize prey.
In Jamaica, many people are scared of snakes. Some people learn early on that snakes are dangerous and that these boas are poisonous. The opposite is true, as these non-venomous legless aids are a farmer’s best buddy.
However, because of early training, farmers frequently do not understand the benefits of snakes to their crops and immediately kill any snake they see.
The Jamaican boa population is dispersed and comparatively tiny. Although it is no longer widely distributed across the island, it still occurs in the wild in a few isolated areas. Due to this, the IUCN listed it as a threatened species on the Red List of Threatened Species in 2015.
This caused a lot of problems, and the numerous invasive species were among the first dangers it encountered. Initially, sailors who had dealt with Jamaicans for sugar cane and other goods brought the rats.
Then they imported the cane toad, European polecat, and Cuban carnivorous ants in an unsuccessful attempt to control the rats. The poisonous secretions of the cane toad appear to affect the boas similarly to other species.
8. Jamaican Iguana

The Jamaican iguana is a member of the iguana family Iguanidae’s rock iguana genus, Cyclura. The Jamaican iguana, which formerly inhabited the entire island of Jamaica, nearly went extinct in the middle of the 20th century.
From 1948 until 1990, when a small population was found living in the rugged limestone woodlands of the Hellshire Hills, no one had ever seen a live iguana on the island. The Jamaican iguana is currently classified as a Critically Endangered species by the IUCN.
The second-largest native land mammal of Jamaica is the Jamaican iguana. Before it was rediscovered in 1990, it had been more than 40 years since anyone had seen a live Jamaican iguana.
These lizards are herbivores and eat more than 100 different varieties of leaves, flowers, and fruits. The Jamaican iguana may remove its tail, just like other iguanas, to flee from predators.
One of the most uncommon creatures on earth, just 100 to 200 Jamaican iguanas are still found in the wild.
Jamaica was home to many Jamaican iguanas, as late as the early 19th century. All of that, however, altered when the little Asian mongoose was introduced. The mongoose was initially imported to manage vermin and snakes, but they soon started preying on iguana eggs.
Within a few decades, the Jamaican iguana population across the island experienced a sharp drop. After discovering the last Jamaican iguana alive in 1948 on one of the nearby Goat islands, the species was deemed extinct.
No one saw a live Jamaican iguana again for more than 40 years after that. Then, in 1990, researchers found a small community residing in southern Jamaica’s Hellshire Hills region. At the time, studies done in the region put the overall number at roughly 50.
Soon after, various zoos collaborated to increase the number of Jamaican iguanas in their care. They established a breeding program for hatching eggs and raising young wild-found iguanas at the Hope Zoo in Kingston. At the Hope Zoo’s Headstart Facility, more than 500 iguanas have been released back into the wild since 1991.
The number of wild Jamaican iguanas is currently thought to be between 100 and 200. The IUCN classifies the Jamaican iguana as a critically endangered species due to its low population and hazardous situation.
9. Japanese Macaque

The Japanese Macaque is a medium-sized monkey that can be found throughout Japan in a range of settings. Because they are frequently seen residing in colder areas of the nation where significant snowfall is typical throughout the winter, Japanese macaques are also known as snow monkeys.
They are the most northern living monkey species in the world and have made remarkable adjustments to their environment and the passing of the seasons.
There are two distinct subspecies of Japanese macaques, one of which is confined to one of the nation’s southern islands and can be found throughout northern and mainland Japan. The size and look of the two are barely different.
Japanese macaques live in groups called troops, which are typically made up of 20 to 30 members and are headed by the dominant male. The leader of the troop determines where to go and guards it against both predators and other Japanese macaque troops, in addition to helping to mate for the young.
In Japanese macaque society, social status is particularly significant for both genders, with the rank of the males frequently being based on their age. Thought to also pass down the status of their mother, younger siblings frequently outrank their elder brothers and sisters.
The female Japanese macaques, who often live in the same group their entire lives and spend their time grooming and caring for the troop’s young, are extremely gregarious creatures.
The Japanese macaque has no real predators in its natural habitat because of its size and variety of habitats, except for the occasional hungry wolf or feral dog.
Since humans frequently kill Japanese macaques when they approach cattle and crops, humans pose the biggest threat to this species.
The Japanese Macaque, however, is being forced into ever-tinier pockets of its native ranges as a result of deforestation and expanding human settlements, which is the only cause of these clashes.
Japanese Macaques in the north are known to sleep in deciduous trees during the colder winter months to avoid getting covered by copious amounts of snow at night.
10. Jellyfish

Jellyfish are ancient marine organisms that have been present in the water for millions of years.
These fish are renowned for their capacity to sting, allowing them to protect themselves against any threat even though they are often not aggressive.
These fish hunt using their tentacles. However, they lack a heart, bones, and the majority of other organs. It’s interesting to note that most of their bodies are formed of water.
They can grow up to 7 feet in length and have a lifespan of three to six months.
Amazing Jellyfish Facts
- These fish are primarily composed of water; they have no minds, hearts, or eyes. They lack minds, emotions, and eyes. Additionally, they lack bones, and the nervous system functions as their body’s primary control system.
- Old, primordial creatures: It is known that jellyfish have existed for millions of years, possibly even longer.
- These fish are bioluminescent, which means they can generate their light.
- Rapid digestion: When jellyfish consume, the digestive process doesn’t last very long. They can float in the water thanks to this short process.
- Global delicacies: Humans all across the world like eating jellyfish, in addition to the predators that eat them.
Here is a short video on some of the animals that start with J. You may find out that we’ve just brushed the surface of these animals in our article, as there are more animals that start with J than those listed in this article.
You did well to get this far. This collection includes fascinating information and fascinating animals. I hope you had fun with it. I’ll see you again, but before you go, take a look at this list of animals whose names begin with I.
- 10 Animals that Start with A – See Photos and Videos
. - 9 Animals that Start with B – See Photos and Videos
. - 10 Animals that Start with C – See Photos and Videos
. - 15 Animals that Start with X – See Photos and Videos
. - 2 Importance of Preservation and Conservation of the Environment

A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.