In this article, we are going to explore some animals that start with G. With adequate consideration of their behavior, distribution, conservation status, and domestication possibility. I do hope you will find it fascinating and interesting. Enjoy as you explore.
Table of Contents
Animals that Start with G
Here are 10 animals that start with G
- Gentoo penguin
- Gar
- Gorgosaurus
- Gharial
- Guinea Fowl
- Goose
- Gewet
- Guinea Pig
- Giraffe
- Gazelle
1. Gentoo penguin
Cool and interesting facts about Gentoo Penguin
- Gentoo Penguin has an average life span of 15-20 years in the wild
- They Are Incredibly Fast Swimmers capable of diving to a depth of 655 feet and reaching speeds of 20 mph.
- Adult gentoo penguins are relatively small, weighing about 12 pounds and standing 30 inches tall on average.
- Gentoo parents, which often form long-lasting bonds, are highly nurturing.
- An adult Gentoo Penguin makes as many as 450 dives a day foraging for food.

The gentoo penguin, also known as Pygoscelis papua is a penguin species (or possibly a species complex) in the genus Pygoscelis, most closely related to the Adélie penguin (P. adeliae) and the chinstrap penguin (P. antarcticus).
With flamboyant red-orange beaks, white-feather caps, and peach-colored feet, gentoo penguins stand out against their drab, rock-strewn Antarctic habitat.
Gentoos are partial to ice-free areas, including coastal plains, sheltered valleys, and cliffs. They gather in colonies of breeding pairs that can range in size from a few dozen to many thousands.
The Gentoo penguin species of penguins are well known for their pebble-giving behavior during courting. These penguins’ courtship rituals and nesting operations are fascinating to observe.
They are incredibly social and hardly ever behave aggressively toward one another or other penguin species. Gentoo penguins tend to live in large colonies and breed in arid, grassy areas on land.
In feeding behavior, they are opportunistic eaters, the Gentoo penguins’ diet is greatly influenced by the season and their surroundings.
The majority of their diet consists of tiny crustaceans like krill. These birds have a diet mainly reliant on benthic seafood, and Penguins occasionally consume squid.
The species calls in a variety of ways, but the most frequently heard is a loud trumpeting, which the bird emits with its head thrown back.
Gentoo penguins are the fastest swimmers among the 17 species of penguins. They live throughout the lowlands and mountains of the southern continent, as well as the surrounding islands and ice shelves. They can be found in the Antarctic Peninsula and southern islands.
Gentoo penguins are a favored menu item of the leopard seals, sea lions, and orcas that patrol the waters around their colonies. On land, adults have no natural predators other than humans, who harvest them for their oil and skin.
Gentoo population numbers are increasing on the Antarctic Peninsula but have plummeted in some of their island enclaves, possibly due to local pollution or disrupted fisheries. They are protected by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and received near-threatened status on the IUCN Red List in 2007.
Currently, the IUCN now considers these penguins to be in the “Near Threatened” species whose current population trend is decreasing.
2. Gar
Cool and Interesting facts about Gar
- Gar can grow to more than 3m long!
- They have a lifespan of 10-20 years
- The hard scales of the gar have been used to make jewelry, lampshades, plows, arrows, and armor throughout history.
- Because of its unusual body structure, the gar is a popular fish at several aquariums, including the Georgia Aquarium, the Tennessee Aquarium, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

Gars, also known as “garpikes,” are members of the family Lepisosteidae, which are the only surviving members of the Ginglymodi, an ancient Holstein group of ray-finned fish.
Gars have elongated bodies that are heavily armored with ganoid scales and fronted by similarly elongated jaws filled with long, sharp teeth.
All of the gars are relatively large fish, but the alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) is the largest; the alligator gar is 2 m long and has a weight of over 45 kg. Their vascularized swim bladders can function as lungs, and most gars surface periodically to take a gulp of air.
Gar flesh is edible and the hard skin and scales of gars are used by humans, but gar eggs are highly toxic.
There are seven different gar species, which include: alligator gar, Cuban gar, tropical gar, Florida gar, short-nose gar, spotted gar, and long-nose gar. The first three species belong to the genus Atractosteus, whereas the final four belong to the species Lepisosteus.
Gars inhabit the fresh, brackish, and occasionally marine waters of eastern North America, Central America, and Cuba in the Caribbean.
Fossils indicate that gars formerly had a wider distribution, having been found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Living gars are confined to North America.
The distribution of the gars in North America lies mainly in the shallow, brackish waters off of Texas, Louisiana, and the eastern coast of Mexico, as well as in some of the rivers and lakes that flow into them.
A few populations are also present in the Great Lakes region of the United States, living in similar shallow waters.
Although the exact population numbers are not known, the gar as a whole is in good health.
According to conservation estimates, almost every species is listed as of least concern, which is the best possible prognosis, but some local populations appear to be decreasing in number.
For instance, the alligator gar is becoming rarer in states like Missouri and Tennessee.
Gar has never been known to attack humans. People who catch gar may want to watch out for its teeth when it thrashes around though as well as domesticate it.
3. Gorgosaurus
Cool and Interesting facts about Gorgosaurus
- Gorgosaurus was a tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, between 76.6 and 75.1 million years ago
- It is non Venomous
- It reproduced by laying eggs

Gorgosaurus a large bipedal predator (dreadful lizard’) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that during the Late Cretaceous Period (Campanian), between about 76.6 and 75.1 million years ago. An adult Gorgosaurus would have been between 26 -30 ft (8-9m) in length from snout to tail. They weighed between 2–3 tons.
This means their size would have been roughly the same as that of the Albertosaurus and Daspletosaurus but smaller than the Tyrannosaurus. As opposed to other tyrannosaurid genera with oval or keyhole-shaped eye sockets, Gorgosaurus had a circular eye socket.
There were horn-like. Dozens of large, sharp teeth lined its jaws, while its two-fingered forelimbs were comparatively small.
The heavily-built carnivore was an apex predator that preyed on ceratopsids and Hadrosaurus dinosaurs that lived in the same habitat.
Gorgosaurus had a closely crammed dental structure. The premaxillary teeth at the front of its mouth were stronger than the rest. Unlike other theropods, its teeth were not blade-like but oval-shaped.
They had serrated edges that were extremely sharp, with posterior edges used to tear apart prey. Thanks to their massive jaw size and teeth, this dinosaur had a bite force of up to 42,000 Newtons.
Gorgosaurus lived in a lush floodplain environment along the edge of an inland sea in western North America about 76.6 to 75.1 million years ago. This was during the Campanian epoch of the Late Cretaceous.
Its habitat consisted mainly of woodlands and forests since these areas held significant numbers of herbivores for prey. The climate of its habitat was subtropical, with marked seasonality and periodic droughts, which frequently resulted in vast mortality among the dinosaurs.
The Gorgosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous and might have disappeared shortly before the Cretaceous Period ended 66 million years ago.
If it persisted till the end of the Cretaceous, then it probably died off with the rest of the land-dwelling dinosaurs during the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event.
Due to its high level of aggressiveness, Gorgosaurus can never be domesticated.
4. Gharial
Cool and interesting facts about Gharial.
- Gharial has an average life span of 40 to 60 years in the wide.
- The eyes of gharials have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum behind them, which assists in night vision.
- Gharials are one of the biggest crocodilians, but they have the narrowest snout of the crocodilian species.
- They are very intelligent animals, whose great memory helps them do very well to survive in the wild.
- Very large gharial females are able to lay almost 100 eggs.
- The gharial’s distinctive narrow snout is a fine adaptation for the purpose of catching prey underwater, as it enables it to whip its head through the water sideways to snatch prey.
- A gharial picks up low frequencies through its sense of hearing and is able to close its ear canal when submerged.

Gharials, sometimes known as gavials or fish-eating crocodiles, are a type of Asian crocodilian distinguished by their long, thin snouts. Crocodilians are a group of reptiles that includes crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and more.
Adult males have a distinct boss at the end of the snout, which resembles an earthenware pot known as a ghara, hence the name “gharial”. The gharial is well adapted to catching fish because of its long, narrow snout and 110 sharp, interlocking teeth. Mature females are 2.6–4.5 m long, and males 3–6 m.
Gharials are the most thoroughly aquatic crocodiles; they regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun to warm up or resting in shade or water to cool down.
Being cold-blooded, it seeks to cool down during hot times and warm up when the ambient temperature is cool. Gharials do not stalk and lunge at prey like other crocodilians; their snouts contain sensory cells that can detect vibrations in the water.
By whipping their heads from side to side, the animals zero in on fish and grab them in their jaws, which are lined with more than a hundred teeth. While adults eat fish, their offspring also eat insects, crustaceans, and frogs.
Gharial is majorly found in river systems of the northern Indian subcontinent, from the Indus River in Pakistan, the Ganges in India, the Brahmaputra River in northeastern India, and Bangladesh to the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar.
The wild gharial population has declined drastically since the 1930s. According to the IUCN Red List, the total gharial population size is less than 235 individuals. This includes fewer than 200 individuals in India and fewer than 35 adults in Nepal. Overall, currently, gharials are classified as Critically Endangered (CR) and their numbers are decreasing.
5. Guinea Fowl
Cool and interesting facts about Guinea Fowl.
- Guinea fowl have an average lifespan of 10-20 years.
- The guinea fowl is a bird that can sometimes interbreed with chickens and peafowls. Depending on the compatibility, they can even sometimes produce viable offspring together.
- Most guinea fowl have the ability to go for long periods of time without water.
- The helmet guinea fowl is the only species in the family to be domesticated by humans as a source of food, fulfilling a similar role as the chicken.
- They are sometimes mixed in with other fowl because their naturally harsh sounds serve as a warning against predators or because they keep in check Lyme-carrying ticks and other pests.

Guinea fowl also known as “pet speckled hens” or “original fowl” are birds of the family Numididae in the order Galliformes. They are endemic to Africa and rank among the oldest of the gallinaceous birds.
While modern guinea fowl species are endemic to Africa, the helmeted guinea fowl has been introduced as a domesticated bird widely elsewhere.
The guinea fowl has a big curved body with a short beak, a hunched posture, a very long neck, and a rather grizzled, featherless head (which probably serves the purpose of releasing excessive heat).
They measure around 16 to 28 inches in length and weigh up to 4 pounds. Most species have black or brown feathers with white spots on them, but the aptly named white-breasted guinea fowl also has a white-colored breasts as well.
The head is usually covered by some combination of red, blue, brown, or tan. However, a few species exhibit some exotic accouterments.
These birds are generally gregarious and friendly, but sometimes interactions between males can degenerate into dangerous and bloody fights. The birds communicate with each other through harsh and repetitive sounds that are distinctive to the sex.
To make themselves appear bigger, the males will stretch out their wings, bristle their feathers, and make aggressive sounds. They will also sometimes charge at each other with the intention to injure or harm.
Although its breasts and wings are very strong, the guinea fowl is not a migratory bird or much of a flyer at all. It is a terrestrial bird that would rather stick to the ground and outrun its predators, but the wings do enable it to escape from particularly tough situations with short bursts of flight.
It is most active in the morning and late afternoon hours when the heat is more tolerable, but at night they take to the trees for sleep. The flock sticks closely together and sometimes moves in a single file line.
They travel behind herd animals and beneath monkey troops, where they forage within manure and on items that have fallen to the understory from the canopy.
They play a pivotal role in the control of ticks, flies, locusts, scorpions, and other invertebrates. They pluck maggots from carcasses and manure.
Guinea fowl live in semi-open habitats such as savannas or semi-deserts, while some, such as the black guinea fowl, mainly inhabit forests, savannas, scrublands,, and even farmlands. Some perch high on treetops.
Guinea fowl species are found across Sub-Saharan Africa, some almost in the entire range, others more localized, such as the plumed guinea fowl in west-central Africa and the vulturine guinea fowl in northeast Africa.
The helmeted guinea fowl has been introduced in East Africa, South America, the West Indies, the United States, Britain, and India, where it is raised as food or pets.
Flocks of these birds will sometimes roam around urban areas as well. They have several adaptations to deal with the harsher African climate.
These birds are a very common family and widely distributed across most of sub-Saharan Africa. According to the IUCN Red List, which tracks their conservation status, seven species are classified as least concern, the best possible ranking.
Only the white-breasted guinea fowl is vulnerable to extinction. Population numbers are hard to come by, but just to take one species, it’s believed there are at least 10,000 mature vulturine guinea fowl left in the wild.
Guinea fowls are naturally wary birds, but they can grow to become friendly toward people they recognize.
While they can be a little more aggressive than chickens, it is possible to mix them together, especially if raised together from an early age.
6. Goose
Cool and interesting facts about Goose.
- Goose has an average lifespan of 12-26 years.
- Geese are usually disease-free, hardy, have long lives, and can exist by foraging and without supplementary feed.
- Geese are also able to sleep while staying alert by shutting down one-half of their brain.

A goose (Pl: Geese) is a bird of any of several waterfowl species in the family Anatidae. This group comprises the genera Anser (the grey geese and white geese) and Branta (the black geese).
The term goose can refer to not just the bird itself, but also the adult female specifically. She’s sometimes called a hen to avoid confusion. An adult male is generally referred to as a gander.
There are almost 60 distinct breeds of geese and many of these are found in Eastern Europe. They are farmed for their meat, feathers, and down and to produce fatty livers (goose meat is also notoriously fat). Eggs hatch within 30 to 35 days, depending on breed.
Geese have long necks and noisy communication calls, in as much, as it is a loud bird it is also caring bird the parent usually tries to protect their young from danger.
The social life of these birds revolves around large flocks called gaggles (though in the air they’re called skeins). When defending against threats or interacting with other members, these flocks are a loud cacophony of honks and cries.
Sometimes, when they are particularly angry, they will vibrate their neck feathers in defiance. After triumphing over a foe, they will emit a kind of victory cry as well.
As members of the waterfowl family, these birds are obviously excellent swimmers and flyers, but the more forward position of their feet compared with swans and ducks also makes them better walkers as well.
Geese are also able to sleep while staying alert by shutting down one-half of their brain. This is called the uni-hemispheric method and is shared with other animals like dolphins.
The goose is a bird that has evolved over millions of years to live near the freshwater rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams of Europe, Asia, and North America.
Most species prefer temperate or Arctic climates, but the Hawaiian species is an obvious exception since it lives in tropical climates. Over time, the bird has adapted to live in many different regions around the world.
These birds sometimes face threats from hunting, habitat loss, and predation (both natural and introduced species). These threats tend to be localized, however, and affect each population differently, rather than all geese as a whole.
According to the IUCN Red List, most goose species are considered to be of the least concerned, perhaps because they are rarely hunted enough to be threatened.
Of the 16 or so true geese species, only the swan, the red-breasted, the Hawaiian, and the white-fronted goose are vulnerable, while the emperor goose is near threatened.
Geese were first domesticated in China over 6000 years ago and were domesticated over 3000 years ago by the Egyptians.
Today most domesticated birds are descended from the swan goose, graylag lag, and a few other species for the purpose of cultivating their feathers (which end up in quilts, pillows, and coats) or meat and paste.
7. Genet
Cool and interesting facts about Genet.
- Genets have an average lifespan of 13-22 years
- Like cats, they kill with a bite to the neck of their prey.
- They have been known to hitch a ride on the backs of buffalos and rhinoceros.
- They climb trees easily and hold down their prey with the aid of their claws.
- The small-spotted genet is the only genet species that live in Europe.

The genet is a slender, catlike(viverrid) animal with a body that’s between 16 inches to 2 feet in length and a tail that can be as long as its body. It is a member of the genus Genetta, which consists of 17 species of small African carnivorans.
The common genet is the only genet present in Europe and occurs in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, and France. The Females may be a bit smaller than males in some species, otherwise, males and females are the same size and weight.
Genet is covered with thick, soft fur that is spotted or marbled, with a dark stripe down the back. It also has a crest along the back that can be raised when the animal is agitated. The tail bears dark bands or rings.
Depending on the species, the tip of the tail can be dark or light. The pupils of their large eyes are elliptical, much like a cat’s, and their ears are large, triangular, and have a great range of movement.
The animal also has musk glands it uses to mark its territory. Genets have retractable claws that help them climb trees.
Genets are highly solitary, agile, and mostly nocturnal. They have quick reflexes and exceptional climbing skills. They are the only viverrid able to stand on their hind legs.
They walk, trot, run, climb up and down trees, and jump. They live on the ground, but also spend much of their time in trees. They are omnivorous and opportunistically catch invertebrates and small vertebrates, but also feed on plants and fruit.
During the day they rest in a den or crevice. Their large eyes make it easy for them to find prey during the night, and they are lithe enough to squeeze into surprisingly small places.
Though the animal is an excellent climber, it prefers to stay close to the ground, with its long tail held horizontally. It marks its territory and advertises its reproductive status through musk glands, urine, and feces.
Along with raising the crest on its back and fluffing its tail, the genet tries to intimidate would-be predators by baring its teeth. For annoying it, you’ve got a price to pay
Genets live in Wood land savannas, grasslands, coastal forests, rainforests, dry forests in the mountains, shrubland, and near small and seasonal lakes. All genet species are indigenous to Africa.
The common genet was introduced to southwestern Europe during historical times. It was brought from the Maghreb to the Mediterranean region as a semi-domestic animal about 1000 to 1500 years ago, and from there spread to southern France and Italy.
Humans are among the predators of genets. They are caught in traps for their fur and religious and medicinal practices, even if they are protected by the government of their country. Other creatures that prey on the viverrids are leopards, pythons, owls, and honey badgers.
The exact number of genets in the world is unknown, there are 16 species of genet of which most of the species are listed as least concern.
A genet does not make a good pet. It is even less biddable than a house cat, has sharp teeth and claws, and if it is upset it will not only use these weapons but spray whoever is annoying it with foul-smelling liquid unless its glands have been surgically removed.
To domesticate it, it must be caged when unsupervised to keep them from destroying the house.
8. Guinea Pig
Cool and interesting facts about Guinea Pig.
- Guinea pig has an average life span of 4-8 years.
- Guinea pigs have 14 toes 4 on each front foot and 3 on each back foot.
- In Germany, guinea pigs have been called meerschweinchen, which translates to “little sea pigs.”
- Guinea pig pups are born with fur and their eyes open.

The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig also known as the cavy or domestic cavy is a species of rodent belonging to the genus Cavia in the family Caviidae. Its common name does not depict that it evolved from pigs, the origin of the name is still unclear.
It is an herbivore. There are both haired and hairless guinea pigs and more than 20 recognized breeds.
Cavies are terrestrial and colonial, active during the day (diurnal) or during early morning and evening (crepuscular). They are social rodents and stick together when feeding or grooming.
Quite expressive, guinea pigs communicate via chirps, purrs, rumbling, and squealing. Guinea pigs are social companion animals that require daily interaction.
They are rodents who have an extensive vocabulary and communicate by vocalizing various sounds that have different meanings. One of the most unique behaviors they express is “popcorning,” in which they jump and twirl in the air when they are very happy.
Guinea pigs are from various regions of South America, spreading across all Western societies. The guinea pig has enjoyed widespread popularity as a pet since its introduction to Europe and North America by European traders in the 16th century.
Four species of guinea pigs, namely the Brazilian, Montane, Shiny, and Greater, are of the least concern.
There is insufficient data for the Sacha guinea pig, and the Santa Caterina’s guinea pig (or Moleques do Sul guinea pig) is critically endangered, due mainly to the fact that the population of fewer than 50 individuals lives in a small area of Serra do Tabuleiro State Park on Moleques Island do Sul, in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
People have free access to the island and protected area enforcement is not strict.
Their docile nature, friendly responsiveness to handling and feeding, and relative ease of caring for them have made guinea pigs a continuingly popular choice of household pets.
Many people may recognize the domestic guinea pig, as it is a popular pet.
9. Giraffe
Cool and interesting facts about giraffes.
- Giraffe has an average life span of 25 years in the wild.
- Giraffe calves grow 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) each day during their first week.
- A giraffe’s eyes are the size of a golf ball.
- A giraffe’s feet are the size of a dinner plate 12 inches across (30.5 centimeters).
- The record running speed of a giraffe is 34.7 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour).

The giraffe is a large African hoofed mammal belonging to the genus Giraffa. It is the world’s tallest mammal. A giraffe’s legs alone are taller than many humans by about 6 feet. These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles an hour over longer distances.
A giraffe could look into a second-story window without even having to stand on its tiptoes! Its neck weighs about 600 pounds (272 kilograms). Traditionally, giraffes were thought to be one species, Giraffa camelopardalis, with nine subspecies.
They feed on leaves, fruits, and flowers of woody plants, primarily acacia species, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach.
Typically, these fascinating animals roam the open grasslands in small groups of about half a dozen. They are usually found in groups that vary in size and composition according to ecological, anthropogenic, temporal, and social factors.
Biologists suggested giraffes were mute and unable to create enough airflow to vibrate their vocal folds. On the contrary; they have been recorded communicating using snorts, sneezes, coughs, snores, hisses, bursts, moans, grunts, growls, and flute-like sounds.
During courtship, males emit loud coughs. Females call their young by bellowing. Calves will emit bleats, mooing, and mewing sounds. Snorting and hissing are associated with vigilance.
Dominant males display to other males with an erect posture; holding the chin and head up while walking stiffly and displaying their side.
Giraffes are often the early warning signal for other savanna wildlife: if a giraffe herd starts to run, everyone else does, too! Studies suggest giraffes vocalize below the level of human hearing and perhaps use this sound for long-distance communication.
Its scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs and woodlands.
In many African countries, giraffe populations are slowly decreasing because of habitat loss and the overgrazing of resources by livestock.
As a result, the future of giraffes is dependent on the quality of the habitat that remains. The giraffe is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as vulnerable to extinction and has been extirpated from many parts of its former range.
Giraffes are still found in numerous national parks and game reserves, but estimates as of 2016 indicate there are approximately 97,500 members of the species in the wild. More than 1,600 animals were kept in zoos in 2010.
Giraffes aren’t ideal pets. They involve a great deal of feeding, so neighbors tend to become a little irate when their carefully tended trees begin to disappear from the top downwards
10. Gazelle
Cool and interesting facts about Gazelle.
- Gazelles are not fast enough to evade the path of a cheetah, but they are able to outmaneuver them as they run away.
- The most distinctive feature of the gazelle is its long, curved horns.
- Males and females have horns, unlike many mammals in the antelope family.
- Gazelles honk when they are nervous.
- A gazelle can jump 10 feet in the air and can run up to speeds of 60 mph in short bursts.
- Its average lifespan is 10-12 years

The gazelle is one of many antelope species in the genus Gazella. Gazelles are known as swift animals. Some are able to run at bursts as high as 100 km/h (60 mph) or at a sustained speed of 50 km/h (30 mph). Gazelles are small antelopes that stand 60-110 cm tall at the shoulder and are generally fawn in color.
The gazelle genera are Gazella, Eudorcas, and Nanger. The taxonomy of these genera is confused, and the classification of species and subspecies has been an unsettled issue.
Currently, the genus Gazella is widely considered to contain about 10 species. Of which one subspecies is extinct: the Queen of Sheba’s gazelle. Most surviving gazelle species are considered threatened to varying degrees.
Closely related to the true gazelles are the Tibetan goa and Mongolian gazelles (species of the genus Procapra), the blackbuck of Asia, and the African springbok. At great speeds, it can’t quite outrun predators but the way they jump helps them to get away. Though challenged in number, you can still see just under 500 in the wild today.
The gazelle is a graceful, intelligent, and alert creature. They are sociable and live in a group called a herd, which can be comprised of as many as 700 other gazelles.
Most often, females and males do not live together in the same herd, as males tend to exclusively live in a small group or completely alone.
Any herd that is only made of male gazelles in the wild is called a bachelor’s herd. To protect themselves from an onslaught of predators, gazelles are incredibly alert. They constantly look around with their large eyes to see where the next attack may happen.
Gazelles are found mostly in the dunes, plateaus, deserts, grasslands, and savannas of Africa; but they are also found in southwest and central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
They tend to live in herds and eat fine, easily digestible plants and leaves. They don’t need much space for their small bodies, but they need to live near areas with leaves and shrubs in their diet, reducing their need for water during seasons that are especially dry.
When the dry seasons settle in, most species of gazelle will migrate with other animals and species in a movement called the Great Migration.
Alongside eland, impala, zebras, and wildebeest, these animals make the trek each year in the wild. Unfortunately, about 250,000 animals in the migration do not make it.
In the entire world, less than 500 gazelles of the 16 species still roam in the wild. The population has continued to trend downward in recent years, though the majority of the reason for their diminished numbers is due to hunting by humans.
The gazelle is considered to be critically endangered by the IUCN. The NGO Sahara Conservation Fund has worked to restore the population of Dama gazelles in Africa by capturing them for reproduction, but the numbers are still suffering.
While it is possible to keep a gazelle as a pet, it is best to let them live in the wild where they belong. They don’t make good pets as they require a habitat of substantial size to accommodate them. Most areas have deemed their use as a pet to be illegal.
I hope you saw something interesting during your exploration. Check the recommendations for other animals that start with the letters of the English alphabet.
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Ahamefula Ascension is a Real Estate Consultant, Data Analyst, and Content writer. He is the founder of Hope Ablaze Foundation and a Graduate of Environmental Management in one of the prestigious colleges in the country. He is obsessed with Reading, Research and Writing.