10 Animals that Start with A – See Photos and Videos

A is the first letter in the alphabet, and the second most commonly used in the alphabet.

Many people have been curious about how many creatures there are that begin with the letter A. According to popular belief, there are actually quite a few.

Many animal species begin with the letter A. I am aware that you are already interested in seeing a list of these animals.

But, this article contains a list that you can peruse. We have created lists of several animals, including mammals, fish, and birds. It’s fascinating to jump in and find the creatures whose names begin with A.

Animals that Start with A

Here are 10 animals that start with A.

  • Aardvark
  • Amur Leopard
  • Aardwolf
  • African Bush Elephant
  • African Grey Parrot
  • Addax
  • Arctic Wolf
  • Africanized Killer Bees
  • Agama Lizard
  • African Tree Toad

1. Aardvark

Their name, which translates to “earth pig,” comes from the Afrikaans language of South Africa. Aardvarks live primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and prefer sandy and clay soil as their habitat. Aardvarks are nocturnal animals that hunt for food at night; thus, humans hardly ever see them.

Aardvarks are primarily solitary creatures that only congregate in large numbers to breed. They occupy underground burrows to shield themselves from both predators and the intense daylight sun.

Aardvarks are nocturnal mammals that only emerge from the shelter of their burrows during the night in quest of food and water. They frequently travel great distances to locate the largest termite mounds using their keen hearing and sense of smell.

Aardvarks are known to be able to swiftly dig small temporary burrows where they can defend themselves rather than having to go back to their original residence, while frequently having a vast burrow made up of a dense network of tunnels.

Aardvarks are currently classified as a species of Least Concern by the IUCN. Aardvark populations have undoubtedly decreased in certain nations, but they have remained stable in others. They are frequently seen in both protected areas and locations with acceptable habitats.

However, as towns and villages grow and forests are cleared, they are suffering an increasing amount from habitat loss. The precise population sizes are unknown because they are exceedingly elusive.

2. Amur Leopard

The Amur Leopard lives primarily in Russia’s Far East and prefers the forest habitat.

They are quite difficult to find because there are so few of these leopard species surviving and they are severely endangered. But if you do discover them, it will presumably be in a very cold location. These leopards enjoy the winter.

The Amur leopard is not among the largest cats, but it is unquestionably among the most attractive.

Except for moms with their young and adults during mating season, the Amur leopard spends most of its time alone. The Amur leopard hunts at night, the same as other leopard subspecies. Camera traps have, however, revealed that the species can be more active during the day than other leopard subspecies.

Depending on the habitat, the availability of food, and the season, home range sizes change. Although home ranges larger than 160 square kilometers have been seen, the primary hunting grounds of Amur leopards are normally significantly smaller.

To help it lick the meat off bones, the Amur leopard’s tongue includes small hooks.

3. Aardwolf

Aardwolves are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa, where they live in savannas and grasslands. The aardwolf’s name is deceptive. Its Afrikaans and Dutch names translate to “earth wolf,” but it is not at all like a wolf.

You wouldn’t be too far off the mark if you thought the aardwolf was a hyena. The two eat termites despite being closely related to hyenas. The front paws of the aardwolf have five toes.

Aardwolves primarily use their anal glands’ scent marks for communication. To mark their territory and attract mates, they smear this fragrance all over the vegetation. Unless they feel threatened or alarmed, they usually don’t produce much noise. Only a few clucking, barking, and roaring noises are exceptions.

The hairs on the back of the mane will stand up, and the anal gland may release a pungent fluid if it is in immediate danger. Though considering its poor pace, the aardwolf might decide to let the invader leave rather than chase it out of its territory. The aardwolf won’t overtake the other animal until it is faster.

4. African Bush Elephant

The African Elephant is the biggest terrestrial animal on the planet, with some individuals weighing over six tons. The African Bush Elephant can be easily identified from a distance thanks to its distinctive tusks, large ears, and a long trunk.

African Bush Elephants are mostly found in central and southern Africa and have a habitat that includes forests, savannahs, and floodplains.

The African Bush Elephant is a tremendously active creature in addition to being incredibly friendly. Being a migratory species, African Bush Elephants are continuously traveling about in quest of food. By joining these family herds, they are better protected from predators and the elements.

One of the African Bush Elephant’s most distinctive traits is its trunk, and this extra-long nose is flexible enough to collect water in addition to being able to gather and manage food. It can also protect itself from predators like lions and engage in combat with other male African Bush Elephants during the mating season using its trunk and tusks.

African Bush Elephants are also thought to be highly intellectual and empathetic creatures who exhibit traits like giving and accepting love, expressing intense affection for the young, and grieving for the loss of ancestors.

Six times over its lifetime, the African Bush Elephant replaces its teeth.

5. African Grey Parrot

One of the planet’s smartest creatures is the African Grey Parrot. They are not only notable for their striking red tail and grey plumage. Lowland forests, mangroves, savannas, and gardens are the habitat of African Grey Parrots, which are primarily found in Central and West Africa.

60 to 66 percent of African grey parrots that are captured for the pet trade each year—an estimated 21 percent—do not survive being kept as pets. This is one of the factors contributing to the bird’s endangered status.

Due to their sociable nature, African grey parrots make for fairly demanding pets. Their brilliance necessitates mental stimulation from either their owner or, ideally, one or more grey parrots. Even wild birds are skilled imitators of other birds, even though it is challenging to study them in the wild.

They gather in large flocks to roost on trees, even though each parrot family has its tree in which to nest. Their flocks do not contain other parrot species, in contrast to other parrots.

During the night, they are silent, but at dawn, they become loud to warn of danger, beg for food, and recognize one another. Although to us it may seem like a lot of yelling, juveniles must acquire complicated vocalizations.

Juveniles might stay with their families for years because they need to learn a lot about being grey parrots. Grey parrots must learn over these years where to locate food and water, how to protect their territory, and how to spot and avoid predators.

Additionally, they must learn how to build, protect, and rear chicks in their nesting areas. As a result, grey parrots become highly combative with one another when looking for nesting sites. However, some grey parrots are kind and will share their food with other grey parrots.

6. Addax

The addax is a stunning antelope that was formerly located in semiarid and desert settings. It is now present in Niger, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Libya, and Sudan, and has been reintroduced to Tunisia and Morocco.

Poachers have significantly reduced their numbers from more than a thousand to less than 500, placing them in grave danger.

The addax can go without water for as long as necessary. Addax is a mammal that lives in herds, some of which, according to some biologists, are led by the alpha male and others by the alpha female. They are aware that females form hierarchies among themselves, with the eldest females ruling.

Males create territories and protect the females who live there. Despite once being enormous, modern herds now only consist of five to twenty animals. Following the rains, Addax herds travel large distances in search of grass.

It’s interesting to note that Addax spends most of its time at night because the cooler temperatures allow for easier movement. They dig shaded depressions to lay in during the hottest part of the day. Additionally, their light-colored coats reflect heat and keep them cool.

7. Arctic Wolf

The Arctic wolf lives in Canada, Greenland, Alaska, and Iceland’s frigid interior. To retain body heat, it features a short nose, small ears, and thick white fur. Arctic wolves are born with blue eyes, but as they age, they turn yellow or gold.

The packs or groups of these wolves average six individuals. They have a 7-year lifespan in the wild. The Arctic wolves run while pursuing muskoxen or other prey because of their thick, white coat, which insulates them from extremely cold temperatures. An Arctic wolf can run at a top speed of 46 mph.

Although you might imagine wolves to be solitary creatures, Arctic wolves move in groups of around six. These wolves rarely come into contact with humans because they reside in extremely frigid climates. People typically don’t want to visit these chilly locations! Except when protecting their territory from a wolf or another predator, they are not aggressive creatures.

8. Africanized Killer Bees

Killer bees, which are Africanized bees that prefer warm climates, are mainly found in North and South America. When frightened, they will drive intruders away from their hives for up to a quarter mile.

The Africanized bee, a hybrid of the western honey bee, is one of the most aggressive insects in the entire world. Breeders crossed European honey bee subspecies with East African lowland honey bees to produce the first of them.

Numerous hives have escaped confinement over time, spreading across North and South America. Compared to other western honey bee subspecies, they are far more aggressive, and they are probably to blame for thousands of thousands of deaths. 

9. Agama Lizard

Small social groups of agama lizards, which comprise a dominant male and numerous subordinate males and females, dwell in the wild. In sub-Saharan Africa, lizards belonging to the agama genus can be found. Within this genus, there are more than 40 known species.

Small social groups called agama are made up of both dominant and subservient males.

A lead male, numerous agama lizard females, and a few younger subordinate males make up an agama’s tiny social groupings. The group’s organizational structure is somewhat ad hoc and informal.

Apart from the lead male, commonly known as the “cock,” who has exclusive breeding privileges with the females, there are no clearly established hierarchies.

Although agamas are generally peaceful creatures, aggressive behavior by dominant males in the protection of mates is not uncommon. When angry or startled, they frequently flaunt their colors, lash their tails, or create a menacing demonstration.

To mate with the females, subordinate males must either create their territory or oust the existing cock and take his place. The incumbent cock will stand in a dominant position, flash his throat pouch, and bob his head up and down in response to a challenge from a newcomer.

The cock will charge at the intruder with his mouth open and his colors displayed if he hasn’t fled. Then, to establish who is the most dominating male, they will strike at one another with their tails.

10. African Tree Toad

This species is found in tropical lowland damp woodlands!

The African Tree Toad’s toxins have therapeutic benefits, just like those of many other toads and frogs in the same family. A little toad belonging to the family Bufonidae of the order Anura is known as the African tree toad.

The tropical and subtropical lowland woods of West and Central Africa are its natural habitat. It has a mixture of tan, brown, black, and white coloring. Despite not being a threatened species, it is susceptible to local habitat loss.

These toads spend most of the day in water when it’s not breeding season and are terrestrial (land dwellers) at night. During the day, they forage for food and water on the ground.

They utilize their partially webbed feet to hop, and their small size and camouflage make them hard to locate on the forest floor. Their way of life is lonely. They use their climbing skills and camouflage at night to skulk high in the trees away from predators.


Animals with names that begin with A are common. These are but a few examples. We trust the list was enjoyable. Below is a video of the animals that start with A.


A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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