Even while bats are frequently harmless animals, you probably don’t want to have them live in your house. Bats are best left to dwell outside in the wild because they can cause noise and damage to your home’s insulation as well as transmit potentially fatal diseases.p
Anyone would have the heebie-jeebies upon learning that a bat family had made its home in the attic. Fortunately, evicting these avian squatters only requires patching up holes in your house’s exterior and sealing off vents, chimneys, and other openings.

Table of Contents
Things that Scare Bats Away
Listed below are some of the things that can scare bats away from your garden or compound.
- Ultrasonic Devices
- Outdoor Lighting
- Natural Bat Repeller
- Play with Temperature
- Fruits with Specialty Scent
- Mothballs
- Hang Aluminum Foil
- Install a Mirror
- Essential Oils and House Items
- Phenol
1. Ultrasonic Devices
Additionally, you might be able to scare bats with the sound of ultrasonic equipment. If all else fails, bats can be scared away by using an ultrasonic sound machine. However, this method should only be utilized in extreme cases. Sound discourages bats, who prefer quiet places to rest, like getting rid of squirrels.
The bat’s senses are disturbed when ultrasonic sound is used. These tiny creatures use their ability to hear frequencies above the range of human hearing to echolocate, making up for their limited vision.

This approach should only be used as a last option and should be turned off once the bats have fled and you have sealed up any entry points because it can be uncomfortable for the bats.
2. Outdoor Lighting
Your outdoor lighting design ideas can be used for much more than just decoration; yard and porch lights can also be used for insect control. Because they are nocturnal, bats are sensitive to intense light.
Bright porch and garden lights will discourage bats from coming into your yard in the first place, and placing motion-activated lights in nooks like your attic may drive the bats out and give you time to re-open the entry points.
3. Natural Bat Repeller
Bat-repellent sprays are a wonderful option if you’re looking for a quick and easy approach to keeping bats away. These are unpleasant to bats because they contain artificial or natural substances.
Applying bat repellent to strategic entry sites, resting locations, and hollow areas can prevent bats from building nests and from roosting.
Popular bat deterrent Bonide Bat Magic. It has essential oils of spearmint and peppermint, which have unpleasant aromas for bats. The nearby bats, other animals, or people are not harmed by these natural products.
Simply place a package of this product in the area of your house where the bats’ nest is located to use it. One pack can cover an area of up to 150 square feet. They can also be nailed to the wall or hung from eaves. This product is a natural bat deterrent, biodegradable, and doesn’t call for any further safety precautions.
This works best when used to prevent bat infestations or to keep them at bay. This might not be sufficient to get rid of bats that have developed a colony within your house. Other bat pest management methods might work well in these situations.
4. Play with Temperature
In the sense that they are particular about their surroundings, bats are finicky creatures. The majority of species favor temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything less or more makes it easier to remove bats from houses.
However, raising the temperature as opposed to lowering it is simpler. Purchase heaters from your neighborhood Home Depot or appliance store to achieve this. The intention is to raise the temperature of the bats’ nest to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or a little higher.
Evaporation occurs as a result of the heat drying up the moisture. You need to make your attic hot and dry to keep bats away.
It could be a good idea to assess the size of your attic or other area where bats have chosen to nest before heading to the store. Give the salesperson this information so they can calculate how many you would need.
leave in mind that you won’t notice the results right away; you’ll need to leave the heat on for a few days. Check to make sure the heat is contained and everything is secure every few hours.
5. Fruits with Specialty Scent
Due to their keen sense of smell, bats can be easily dissuaded from your property using natural deterrents.
In order to drive bats out of or discourage them from entering bat nesting locations, scents such as peppermint (which is also effective in getting rid of mice), phenol (an aromatic chemical sometimes found in cleaning goods), cinnamon, or eucalyptus can all be used in large quantities.
If you want to avoid causing skin irritation, you can apply phenol in crystal form directly to the affected area. There are phenol sprays available, but they might not last as long and need to be reapplied frequently.
Use two cups of warm water, half a cup of sugar, and the essential oil of either peppermint or eucalyptus. To prevent the bats from residing there, liberally spray this area where they commonly build their nests. Cinnamon, eucalyptus, and white phenol do not appeal to bats.
If the bats are new to your home, fragrances are a fantastic method to get them to go, but more established colonies may need a bit more convincing using a combination of deterrents.
6. Mothballs

Mothballs work well to keep clothes moths away, but the chemical they produce is unpleasant and frequently has harmful effects on tiny mammals, so avoid using them to get rid of bats.
It’s crucial to keep bats from getting hurt or becoming ill when moving them on in a compassionate manner. Mothballs act by generating naphthalene vapor, which emits particles that make bats feel sick to their stomachs, lightheaded, and occasionally even fatally ill.
Additionally, mothballs are no more effective than other, more humane ways of getting rid of bats in a house once they have dissolved, making them a waste of time.
7. Hang Aluminum Foil
In general, animals dislike sudden bright lights. For bats, the same idea works even better. They hunt at night when their eyes have become used to the darkness.
A bright light that appears suddenly can be both annoying and unsettling. A simple and affordable home cure based on this idea is aluminum foil. It effectively deters bats thanks to its shiny surface and crackling sounds.
To let the bat colony’s residence’s entryway catch the light from the outdoor lamps, put strips of the foil there. Additionally, you can crumple them up to form aluminum foil balls. Hang them together so that when the wind blows, they can collide.
Light might not be a potent enough deterrent for big, established colonies, thus it works best when used in conjunction with other bat removal products. Mylar balloons, reflective tape, and even old CDs are other options.
8. Install a Mirror
A mirror can also be used to manage the problem of bats. This can be put anywhere in your home where there is a bat infestation, including the attic.
Angle it upward and throw a light on it during the day to spook the bats while they are sleeping. To reflect strobe lights or other bright lights, you can also put mirrors in appropriate locations.
As a result, it is simple to direct light at the areas of the ceiling where bats are hanging upside down. Similar to aluminum foil and other reflective surfaces, small mirrors can likewise have the same effect. They can be hung close to nesting entrances or roosting locations.
Bats are scared off by their irregular movement in the wind, which catches the light. Be aware that hanging mirrors and other light-reflecting devices should be used in conjunction with other bat eradication techniques because they are not particularly effective deterrents.
However, adopting these technologies has benefits such as low costs, ease of accessibility, little toxicity risk, and minimal environmental impact.
9. Essential Oils and House Items
If you’ve been observing a few bats routinely flying over your house and roosting nearby, you might want to try a quick DIY remedy to help scare them away from building a nest. The greatest people for this do-it-yourself remedy are those who are expecting a bat infestation.
If you’ve seen a few bats flying around your house or sleeping in the eaves, you might want to think about putting together an arsenal of household goods and essential oils to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. Although the strong aroma of essential oils may appear nice to us, bats find it to be rather unpleasant.
10. Phenol
A substance called phenol is frequently used to sterilize medical supplies and apparatus. Although it smells moderately delicious to humans, it is intolerable to bats. Compared to humans, bats have a keener sense of smell. Using phenol to deter bats is one method because they are more sensitive to smells than other animals.
Spray cans and crystals are both available forms of phenol. Spray cans can be used on vertical surfaces and are simple to use. Due to its vapor state, the smell could not linger as long.
For roosting areas and other horizontal surfaces, crystals work best. They outlive vapor in duration. If you choose to use phenol, you might have to reapply it frequently for it to be effective.
For the aroma to successfully drive out bats from that location, it must reach and linger there for several days.
When handling the substance, especially if the dosage is high, exercise caution because phenol easily penetrates the skin. Utilize safety gear to prevent inhalation and gloves to prevent skin contact.
It’s crucial to treat bats gently when getting rid of them because they are protected in most states due to the contributions they provide to the ecosystem. While evicting your bat tenants is OK, it is not acceptable to poison bats or catch them and leave them to starve. Additionally, you’ll need them to assist keep your bug-free backyard.
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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.