In this article, we look at 10 Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources.
Our Environment has been suffering from the neglect we have given to the conservation of natural resources hence the need to know the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources.
But before we look at the importance of conservation of natural resources, let’s understand the meaning of conservation of natural resources.
Table of Contents
What is Conservation of Natural Resources
This is the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner. This is the rational use, skillful management and preservation of the natural resources in the environment. This also the use of our natural resources to have enough for future generations.
Our natural environment is blessed with resources and these resources include, both plants and animals, soil, water, coal, minerals, timber, land, etc, but these resources have been overexploited over the years hence, the need for the conservation of these resources.
Conservation of Natural Resources involves maintaining and restoring habitats of plants and animals, preventing species from extinction, improving the ecosystem, and protecting biodiversity.
These resources can be renewable or non-renewable natural resources. Renewable natural resources include; geothermal energy, biomass energy, solar energy, hydropower and wind energy. Non-renewable natural resources include; fossil fuel energy, nuclear energy, etc.
Who is responsible for the conservation of Natural Resources?
The major responsibility for the conservation of natural resources is the Government even the Department of Environment of a Nation which has the power to create laws that drive the conservation of natural resources.
Though the government has a major responsibility, we as citizens are to take action for the conservation of our natural resources. These parties need to see the importance of the conservation of natural resources to everyone so necessary actions can be taken.
Steps to conserve our natural resources.
Before we look at the importance of the conservation of natural resources, let’s also look at the steps we can take in conserving our natural resources offered by a custom research paper writing service. To conserve our natural resources, there are some actions we are to take and they are;
- 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
- Volunteering
- Conserve Water
- Use of Renewable Energy
- Conserve Energy at Home
- Reforestation and Afforestation
- Effective Waste Management
- Educate
- Compost
- Reduce the use of fossil fuel energy
1. 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. This is one of the most efficient ways of waste management and hence, conservation of natural resources.
There should be a reduction in the use of products that are gotten from the exploitation of these natural resources. An example is reducing the use of plastic products that are gotten from crude oil – a natural resource.
We should imbibe the act of reusing products we have used before to reduce the exploitation of the natural resources used in producing them.
A way of doing this is to use the material for another purpose or the same purpose. For example, the use of soda bottles for drinking water or for storing some food spices. Another form of reuse is the use of tires for decoration or outdoor chairs.
The act of reuse is gaining huge prominence because people are seeing how valuable an item that may have been disposed of and turned into waste is useful. Because of this the act and business of reuse have seen a boom in Africa.
Recycle is the most popular of the 3R’s, it’s the one that has grown into industrialization. Recycling involves passing used products through some processes which changes are firm and hence its use.
A typical example is the production of clothes from plastics, the production of tissue papers from disposed of papers.
Recycling like the act of Reduce and Reuse helps in the conservation of our natural resources but still has the capacity of degrading or natural resources through pollution from the industrial processes.
Of the 3R’s, the best and safest is to Reduce the use of exploitation of the natural resources followed by Reusing the by-products of these resources and the least is to recycle.
2. Volunteering
Another step we could take in conversing our natural resources is volunteering in taking action to conserve the natural resources we have left.
One can volunteer by joining various organizations be it governmental or non-governmental but should have a specific goal of the intent of reducing the overexploitation of the natural resources.
Another way one can volunteer in taking action to conserve our natural resources is by community action. In this way, one can join the people of his or her community to create laws that prohibit overexploitation of natural resources.
One can also be involved in peaceful protest so actions could be taken against the overexploitation of natural resources going on in the community at that particular time.
If we keep quiet, more exploitation which has no aim at conserving the natural resources will go on and it would be detrimental to us.
3. Conserve Water
One of the steps we can take to conserve natural resources is to make consistent efforts to conserve water.
If we use less water, there would be less runoff and the wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean would be reduced.
We can conserve water individually by; taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth. Wash a full load of clothes if you’re using a washing machine or dishwasher, only use them when there is a full load, and switch to energy-saving appliances if possible.
4. Use renewable energy
The use of renewable energy has been practiced for ages but was only made popular recently and this is a result of growing concerns about global warming and climate change.
The use of renewable energy should be adopted because it replenishes itself, there is no need to continuously harvest natural resources which have been used for generating energy at previous times.
5. Conserve Energy at Home
This can be done by turning the lights off when not in use, using long-lasting light bulbs which are energy efficient and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Turning off televisions after you leave a room, unplugging appliances like air conditioners, toasters, and other electrical appliances when not in use could help conserve energy as these appliances can continue to use small amounts of electricity.
6. Reforestation and Afforestation
This is another efficient way of conserving our natural resources. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change. When trees are planted, the benefits of trees can come into play helping man’s survival.
7. Effective Waste Management
Effective Waste management is another very good step in conserving our natural resources. Reason being that effective Waste management will reduce pollution and also help in the recovery of some materials which can be useful later on.
8. Educate
Illiteracy has been known to be one of the factors that foster the destruction of our natural resources. The more people are educated about the usefulness of these natural resources and the need to conserve them.
They will voluntarily do the needful in conserving them. When we are educated, we can also help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.
9. Compost
Compost is the decayed remains of organic matter that has rotted into a natural fertilizer. Kitchen waste can serve as a natural fertilizer (manure) instead of artificial fertilizer which degrades both soils in the long run and water from runoff.
Composting is a great way to convert your food scraps into useful materials for your home garden. Compost contains more nutrients than artificial fertilizer. It enriches your soil and reduces the need for watering by improving runoff, which reduces soil erosion.
Compost attracts underground organisms and microorganisms that help the growth of plants cutting down on the need for artificial fertilizer which contains harmful chemicals. Composting encourages sustainability and can lessen waste and pollution that comes from food waste.
10. Reduce the use of fossil fuel energy
We can do this by engaging in walking or cycling for short distances, using public transport, car or bike pooling for traveling the same amount of distance, biking more, driving less, and using more electrical and hybrid vehicles than fuel ones are also steps we can take to conserve our natural resources.
Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources
Now, we look at the importance of the conservation of natural resources. The following are the importance of conservation of natural resources.
- Preserve Species Diversity
- Preserve Cultural Heritage
- Health and Wellbeing
- Recreation
- Survival of the Human Race
- Prevent Soil Erosion and Maintaining Soil Quality
- Reduce Flooding
- Reduce Air Pollution and Water Pollution
- Improvement the Nation’s Economy
- Improvement of Food Production
1. Preserve Species Diversity
Preserving Species Diversity is one of the importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Our environment is blessed with diverse species of plants, bird, mammal, and insect populations.
These species help in the survival of our ecosystem. If our natural resources are not conserved the trees are cut down without regrown if there is irregulated exploitation of minerals etc.
Many of the species would be lost reducing the diversity of species we have, some specific species which contribute immensely to the ecosystem might be lost also which would be detrimental to the ecosystem in the long term.
So much habitat harbouring diverse species has been lost that the remaining ones which are still critical to our survival must now be protected as nature reserves and new areas created with ideal conditions to encourage colonisation and expansion of species.
The protection of particular habitats is vital for the survival of those rare species that rely on them.
2. Preserve Cultural Heritage
Preserving Cultural Heritage is one of the importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Culture is the people’s way of life. People’s cultural heritage has been preserved in specific natural resources like trees, caves, etc.
Also, these natural resources are older than our current generation and by so have records of previous land use.
The distribution of species and habitats within a particular landscape often provide important clues to previous land use in that location, particularly when combined with archive records and archaeology.
Ancient techniques are the best ways of conserving natural resources from their farming methods to building construction like dry stone walling and hedge laying help preserve the condition of species and their habitat.
3. Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing are one of the importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Our natural resources contain diverse plants which can act as herbs and help improve man’s health, and also help in the cure of some diseases of which might be rare.
If these resources are destroyed so would decrease the general health and well-being of man. Many doctors and botanists argue that no species should be allowed to die out because of their potential medical value.
Virtually all the medications used today are gotten from plants which is a natural resource.
Apart from the mere treatment of diseases and increase of the well-known of man, plant which is a natural resource also harbour answered to various virus infections which plague or the world today.
It’s being said that we’ve not fully discovered all the health benefits of natural resources carry, why then destroy them?
When our natural resources are not being conserved, we are being exposed to stand diseases. This mostly occurs in the rainforest regions.
4. Recreation
Recreation is one of the importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Who doesn’t like an aesthetic view? I guess everyone loves it one in the right sense would not like a dumpsite. Our natural resources are aesthetic so, they appeal to our fancy.
A recreational environment is a sight to behold being packed with aesthetic views of our natural resources. From plants and trees to caves harbouring beautiful gems, we can say, nature is beautiful. Recreational sites also body the economy of that community improving tourism.
Imagine a large area of land with green grass and beautiful trees aligned to your fancy, the cool fresh air you breathe in. It’s a place worth spending time in.
Also, imagine that area to be sitting on diamond, gold, or a potential oil field. The greedy nature of man would want to exploit it destroying and exploiting the natural resources there.
This is what we see every time in many places. Some rivers that harbour beautiful species of fish are destroyed for want of oil.
Hence, the need to conserve the remaining resources we have. Let’s learn to appreciate these resources so, or children can have something to fall back on, aesthetic views of nature to behold.
5. Survival of the Human Race
Survival of the Human Race is one of the importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Whenever we admit it or not, we’re being kept alive thanks to our natural resources primarily the plants and trees.
Apart from the fact that they are the primary producers of the food web as we eat them directly or indirectly through animals, they help in controlling the ambient temperature of the environment.
Plants are natural sinks for carbon dioxide as they take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen that man needs for survival.
Plants and trees being sinks for carbon dioxide also regulate the ambient temperature of the environment by taking in carbon dioxide which is responsible for global warming.
Global warming has become an issue which it wasn’t before and a major factor to this is because our natural resources (plants and trees) are not conserved but destroyed.
Water (oceans, rivers, and seas) which is a major natural resource and also the biggest sink for carbon dioxide is not conserved but polluted reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that is trapped in the oceans resulting in global warming and climate change.
When we take deep thought at this and necessary actions are out in place to significantly reduce the felling of trees and the pollution of our oceans, there would be improved carbon dioxide sinks and better ambient temperature.
6. Prevent Soil Erosion and Maintaining Soil Quality
Prevent Soil Erosion and Maintaining Soil Quality is one of the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Soil erosion is the washing away of the uttermost pay of the soil.
When soil erosion occurs, the soil quality is degraded as important soil properties that aids plant growth and survival of underground living organisms are washed off.
Soil erosion through a natural occurrence is mostly man-induced. When bushes are burned and trees are uprooted soil erosion occurs.
When the mining operation is done without necessary actions to redeem the land, landslide or sinkholes could be created which increases the chances of soil erosion or even caused the soil erosion themselves.
But when we seek to conserve these natural resources, there would be limited or no soil erosion occurrences.
7. Reduce Flooding
Reduce Flooding is one of the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. From soil erosion to flooding, the results are alike. The degradation of the soil. Trees not only restrict water movement reducing flooding, but they also take some of the water for their use and survival.
Also, the leaves of trees reduce the impact of rainfall on the ground which would have caused flooding or soil erosion.
What if these trees are destroyed and not conserved, the soil would be exposed to both flooding and soul erosion hence the need to conserve our natural resources.
8. Reduce Air Pollution and Water Pollution
Reduce Air Pollution and Water Pollution is one of the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Industrial and mining processes that exploit our natural resources cause both water and air pollution.
Though efforts have been made to minimise pollution as a result of these processes, it’s not enough an alteration in the placement of natural resources often to pollution.
But if more attention is given to the conversation of these natural resources, it will result in reduced air and water pollution.
Also, some of our natural resources are natural cleaning and purification agents. Some gems in water help purify the water, water itself is a purification agent as it purifies some rocks. Wetlands that border our rivers, lakes and streams filter pollution before it reaches our drinking water.
Trees purify the air making the environment habitable for man, the leaves of trees collect impurities of the air hence purifying the air. If these natural resources are not conserved, there would be increased pollution of the air and water.
9. Improvement the Nation’s Economy
Improvement of the Nation’s Economy is one of the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. Conservation of natural resources brings improvement to a Nation’s Economy.
When the resources of a particular community are conserved, that area would become a tourist site drawing people from far and near to visit areas of outstanding landscape and natural beauty and this can also generate large amounts of cash and new jobs.
Conservation was widely known in the past to hinder economic growth but studies have proven that notion to be wrong. When there is the exploitation of these natural resources, most species are of more economic value.
Also, when our natural resources are not conserved, we are being exposed to different kinds of diseases and sicknesses and this, in turn, reduces the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.
With our natural resources not under threat, the creation of medical would be easier and faster and this, in turn, reduces the cost of medical treatment which improves the GDP of the country.
New incentives to protect certain areas and consider their wildlife value make conservation an economically viable option.
The conservation of natural lands and working farms and forests can generate financial returns, both to governments and individuals, and create significant cost savings through the sells of harvested crops and fruits.
If land which is a natural resource on its own has some other natural resources in it, the monetary value of that land increases exponentially. Conserving land increases property values near greenbelts, saves tax dollars by encouraging more efficient developments.
10. Improvement of Food Production
Improvement of Food Production is one of the Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources. When we conserve our land and forest we are natural resources, we are directly and indirectly improving food production.
Forest harbour different variety of food and the different spices which one can use to make a delicious meal. If our land is not conserved and used for productive uses like food production, it can hamper the availability of food hence the need to conserve our natural resources.
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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.