Top 9 Hunting Scholarships

There are many hunting scholarships available for outdoor enthusiasts like you, whether you are an enthusiastic adventurer in outdoor activities, aspire to protect the environment, or simply love outdoor recreation.

Outdoor extracurricular activities are not only a great way to maintain good health and dress up a college application, but they can also potentially pay dividends in terms of scholarship money.

The following are some of the most generous outdoor recreation scholarships to support you in accomplishing your professional goals if you’re looking for more resources to help you fund getting a college degree.

Top 9 Hunting Scholarships

  • Hunting for Beautiful Minds, H-FARM International School
  • Ph.D. in Conservation: Hunting, consumption, and Trade of Animals in the Tropics
  • AGFC Conservation Scholarship Program
  • Alma Natura Trust Scholarship
  • Delta Wildlife Annual Scholarship
  • Ed Hiestand Memorial Veterinary Student Scholarship
  • J. Frances Allen Scholarship Award
  • National Wild Turkey Federation Annual Scholarships
  • Vancouver Wildlife League Scholarship Program

1. Hunting for Beautiful Minds, H-FARM International School

H for Human Foundation is launching Hunting for Beautiful Minds, a scholarship initiative that gives four talented students the chance to begin their academic careers at H-FARM International School, for the third consecutive year.

The mission of H for Human, an organization founded to promote the development and distribution of digital culture, is to make creative, excellent, and technologically advanced courses more easily accessible.

With this project, the foundation demonstrates its tangible support for exceptional and forward-thinking students by offering them the chance to fully integrate into the vibrant community of the H-FARM International School.

Here, students will be able to encounter not just the inclusiveness, creativity, and interchange that have been hallmarks of H-FARM from the start, but also its all-encompassing philosophy.

They aim to provide the students with the core skills they need to become autonomous, lifelong learners, and global citizens prepared to flourish in today’s rapidly changing world through their customized education program, which combines academic achievement with creative activities.

They hope to share their philosophy and method with new students through the Hunting for Beautiful Minds program, assisting them in realizing their full potential.

The four grants are divided into the following categories:

  • One will pay 100% of the tuition for the MYP program (4 years);
  • To qualify, one must have an ISEE (Economic Situation Indicator) of less than or equivalent to 35,000 euros annually;
  • For the MYP program (4 years) and the DP program (2 years), two additional grants will ensure a 30% decrease in the tuition fee and board charge;
  • The fourth grant will solely cover the tuition fee for the DP program (2 years).

On their website, candidates can apply for the Hunting for Beautiful Minds selection through March 31. After completing the registration requirements, candidates must take an online pre-selection test in logic, lateral thinking, general knowledge, and IT/coding & digital.

A written English test and a written test to gauge the applicant’s level of knowledge will both be administered online to those who make it past the first round of selection.

The results of the aforementioned exams will be ranked, and on June 6th, the winners of the scholarships will be declared.

2. Ph.D. in Conservation: Hunting, consumption, and Trade of Animals in the Tropics

The University of Kent is providing funding for this project. Applications from students in the UK and abroad are accepted. To support the costs for overseas students, however, additional financing from a different source would be necessary as the funding is only currently guaranteed to pay the costs of UK home fees and stipend for three years.


In addition to the qualifications listed below, they are looking for a passionate, self-driven candidate who has a keen interest in wildlife use.

It is necessary to have a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree (with at least Merit), or significant professional experience in a relevant discipline.

  • Knowledge of French would be advantageous.
  • Fieldwork experience in the tropics would be advantageous.

It would be advantageous if they had prior experience using R to analyze complicated data and were eager to advance their analytical abilities.

This research group strongly supports and actively promotes diversity of all kinds, hence we would like people from varied backgrounds to apply.

The candidate will join a research team with expertise in wildlife trading, consumption, and hunting (together referred to as “wildlife use” below), and will have the chance to contribute to the team’s new study on wildlife use in cities.

With a focus on West and Central Africa (Cameroon and/or Guinea), the candidate will develop studies and use cutting-edge statistical techniques to address important concerns surrounding

  1. Determining the variables that influence wildlife use in urban environments
  2. Developing strict procedures to track wildlife use
  3. Examine the effects of using wildlife on human health.

With a focus on African pangolins, the applicant will also work widely on all species used for wild meat.

The Ph.D. program offers the candidate the option to perform fieldwork in West and/or Central Africa and to collaborate with researchers from many fields by using techniques from anthropology, economics, social sciences, or environmental psychology. This study strengthens the body of knowledge required to enhance wildlife management throughout the tropics by having significant practical value.

Visit the school site here for further details.

3. AGFC Conservation Scholarship Program

The AGFC Conservation Scholarship Program promotes young people to work in the fields of education, natural resource management, and fish and wildlife management. Jobs in wildlife law enforcement, fisheries management, wildlife management, nongame specialists, environmental education, and other related sectors are among the employment options available.

The revenue generated from the sale of conservation license plates supports the AGFC Scholarship Program.

Minimum Conditions

Candidates must be enrolled in or have plans to enroll in an Arkansas college or institution that is accredited. Candidates must be employed full-time.

The following requirements must be met by first-time applicants:

  • A high school senior in Arkansas, an undergraduate or graduate student in Arkansas.
  • Must work toward a degree in an accepted area of study.
  • Must continue to be employed full-time and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Must be a resident of Arkansas paying in-state tuition.
  • Comply with the deadline and application criteria.

Candidates for renewal must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Maintain your eligibility by meeting all requirements.
  • Apply for renewal.
  • Submit a certified copy of your transcript and proof of your declared major.

List of Majors

  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Biology (non-medical)
  • Botany
  • Civil Engineering (emphasis sanitary/environmental, structural or hydraulic)
  • Conservation Management
  • Criminal Justice
  • Environmental Management and Regulatory Science
  • Fisheries
  • Forestry
  • Park and Recreation Administration (emphasis on Natural Resources)
  • Science Education
  • Wildlife Biology
  • Zoology

Award Amount

According to continuous eligibility, the AGFC Conservation Scholarship awards graduate students $2,000 each semester, $1,000 per semester for freshmen and sophomores, $1,500 per semester for juniors and seniors, and $2,500 per semester for undergraduate students.

Scholarship recipients are eligible for funding for up to eight semesters. If these eight semesters are not consecutive, the student must submit a new application when funding resumes. Scholarship money is given to the college or university directly.

How are scholarship recipients chosen?

Personnel from outside the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will make up the selecting committee. The AGFC scholarship committee has developed a standard scoring methodology that will be used by the selection committee. Selections are made solely based on merit, without regard to a candidate’s race, sex, gender, religion, age, or national origin.

4. Alma Natura Trust Scholarship

The Alma Natura Trust Scholarship is given each year to a resident of Canada, the United States, or Mexico who wants to foster relationships with nature by pursuing post-secondary education or training in wildlife rehabilitation.

It is sponsored by the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA) and is worth $750. Eligible applicants must provide two recommendation letters that have been signed along with their completed online application, as well as a brief essay outlining their background as wildlife rehabilitator.

5. Delta Wildlife Annual Scholarship

The Delta Wildlife Annual Scholarship is given each year to permanent residents of Mississippi who are enrolled in the College of Forest Resources at Mississippi State University with a major in Wildlife Management, Fisheries, Aquaculture, or Forestry. It is funded by a conservation organization working to improve wildlife habitat and the environment.

Academic excellence, leadership, financial need, and involvement in outdoor activities relating to one’s vocation will be taken into consideration when awarding the $1,000 scholarship, which is renewable.

6. Ed Hiestand Memorial Veterinary Student Scholarship

The Ed Hiestand Memorial Veterinary Student Scholarship is provided in honor of a committed wildlife rehabilitator and outdoor enthusiast who spent his entire career working at the Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research Center.

It is available to all enrolled veterinary students, interns, and residents at the moment. Candidates who meet the requirements must create an original article that addresses a veterinarian element of wildlife rehabilitation, such as the diagnosis, transmission, etiology, treatment, or prevention of a certain disease associated with wildlife.

7. J. Frances Allen Scholarship Award

The American Fisheries Society (AFS) Equal Opportunity Section offers the J. Frances Allen Scholarship Award, established to recognize a pioneer for women’s involvement in the field of fisheries, the J. Female members seeking doctorates in aquatic sciences in the fields of fisheries science, aquatic biology, fish culture, limnology, oceanography, and marine engineering are eligible for the Frances Allen Scholarship Award.

A recent resume, certified college transcripts, a dissertation research plan, and three letters of recommendation are required of qualified applicants.

8. National Wild Turkey Federation Annual Scholarships

The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) awards more than $500,000 in scholarships each year to graduating high school seniors who exhibit a strong dedication to the preservation of the association’s hunting legacy by actively participating in hunting sports.

Students must also be enrolled in an approved U.S. post-secondary institution, be actively involved in their community, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, and submit three letters of recommendation that attest to their commitment to conservation.

9. Vancouver Wildlife League Scholarship Program

As a group of conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts, the Vancouver Wildlife League Scholarship Program awards two $1,000 awards and two $500 awards each year to deserving Clark County, Washington graduating high school seniors or college students who are interested in environmental studies, conservation, fish and wildlife management, or other outdoor-related field opportunities.

Academic success, interest in civic or voluntary work, enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, and career goals all play a significant role in selection.

How Hunting Scholarships can help achieve Sustainable Hunting

Many nations argue the advantages for biodiversity and human well-being. Some rural mountain communities across the world view trophy hunting as an integrated development and conservation approach to safeguarding biodiversity and maintaining the way of life.

Community-based trophy hunting programs and the hotly contested topic of trophy hunting may be confused.

The Community Trophy Hunting Programs (CTHP) approach for protecting protected and conserved landscapes, rare and threatened wildlife populations, as well as community welfare and economic development.

Results show that CTHP has been crucial in stopping illicit animal hunting and poaching, eventually raising their populations in many crucial but remote areas, and enhancing local livelihoods and economies.

For remote and isolated mountain villages, the CTHP plays a crucial role in the resilience of the rural socio-ecological system. To combat wildlife poaching and illegal trafficking, diversify livelihoods, and harness essential biodiversity conservation values, it has provided financial incentives for an integrated conservation and development paradigm.

However, there are several serious issues with trophy hunting programs, such as a lack of precise data to understand how trophy hunting affects herd structure and size, poor policy execution, a lack of openness, and corruption.

To make CTHP more effective and sustainable, it is critically necessary to regularly monitor wildlife, comprehend population dynamics, allocate hunting quotas and hunting revenue appropriately, and carefully document CTHP processes and their effects.


It’s crucial to keep in mind that scholarships are not simply about academics if you’re looking for financial aid to avoid piling up mountains of student loan debt. Many scholarship selection committees and foundations are particularly interested in finding students who have a variety of extracurricular pursuits and the motivation to pursue their passions.

Therefore, to lessen the financial burden of school fees, it is highly advised that people who have a passion for the great outdoors and a strong desire to preserve its beauty look into these fantastic scholarships for outdoor enthusiasts.


A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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