Top 9 Environmental Organizations in Seattle

As a volunteer, there are many environmental organizations you can volunteer for in Seattle, Washington. What if you want to start your environmental organization? Well, you can draw inspiration from the environmental organizations in Seattle.

With this experience, you could focus on any field of the environment, especially the one that is directly affecting your community. It could be an organization focused on forest conservation, animal rescue, and conservation, or it could even be an organization that hosts environmental awareness events to tell people more about environmental sustainability.

Top 9 Environmental Organizations in Seattle

1. Washington Environmental Council

By putting the voices of the most vulnerable communities front and center and amplifying them, the Washington Environment Council seeks to create, promote, and defend laws that guarantee environmental progress and fairness.

As a group dedicated to societal transformation, there has been a period of fervent campaigning and introspective thought.

The urgency of the problems we are facing forces us to move more quickly, and cooperation gives us more power.

They have achieved a lot together by forming alliances and coalitions, engaging the public, and promoting just and efficient policies.

2. EarthCorps

A global network of young leaders with training in ecological restoration is created by EarthCorps. Each year, they gather a group of enthusiastic and dedicated young adults, known as corps members — for environmental leadership development and green-jobs training program where they take care of the lands and waterways of Puget Sound, people coming from the United States and all around the world.

A future where humans and nature coexist is what EarthCorps envisions.

People can address the most critical issues confronting our world, according to EarthCorps.

Young adults from the US and other nations are brought together by EarthCorps for a year-long leadership development program in Seattle, Washington.

By collaborating, managing neighborhood volunteers, and carrying out technical restoration projects along shorelines, trails, and woods, their corps members develop their leadership abilities. Their corps works diligently every day to enhance the region’s health in Puget Sound.

After completing the one-year program, these young leaders are equipped with the knowledge and abilities to address today’s most important problems, such as climate change, pollution, and ecological degradation, to make the world a better place for all of us.

EarthCorps relies on the kindness of generous donors and volunteers. Every year, more than 10,000 kids, business executives, and community members work with us to maintain and renovate public parks so that future generations can enjoy them. Take part in our volunteer efforts.

A global network of leaders called EarthCorps wants to build a world in which people and nature coexist in harmony.

EarthCorps cultivates leaders to bolster local economies and rehabilitate the environment.

Seattle, Washington-based EarthCorps is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Their values include

Integrity: They are dedicated to putting in a lot of effort, upholding the greatest standards of morality, ethics, and technology, as well as having fun. They act in this way because they owe it to us, the environment, and the community.

Sustainability: The effort we do now will determine the planet’s long-term viability. They firmly believe that everyone must contribute to maintaining the well-being of our natural systems.

Inclusivity: The most effective systems are those that combine the advantages of several stakeholders. They are dedicated to maximizing human potential regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, gender, or country of origin.

Service: Everybody has the power to make a difference in the world; by doing so, they benefit themselves, their communities, and the environment. Their collective experience reveals that individuals perform at their best when they are a part of teams that value leadership, encourage individual agency, and develop community.

3. EarthShare

To safeguard the health of our world, EarthShare brings together individuals, businesses, and communities. They are a group of regional and international nonprofit organizations dedicated to enhancing and protecting the environment.

Ten neighborhood groups looking for additional funding sources came together to join the Environmental Fund of Washington (EFW) in 1987. In 1992, EarthShare, a charity that collaborates with national conservation organizations, was affiliated with EFW.

As a result, EFW acquired the trade name Earth Share of Washington (ESWA), which now stands for 18 local and 37 national organizations. To establish a national network of EarthShares, they teamed together in 2001 with 14 other EarthShare states.

In 2007, they reorganized their membership vetting process to carefully assess the value and impact of their members, set three-year terms for their member charities, and designated issue areas for their local member groups.

Over 60 notable nonprofit groups working locally, nationally, and internationally to safeguard our environment and quality of life makeup EarthShare Washington today.

To encourage individuals to care for and contribute to livable communities and a healthy world, EarthShare Washington collaborates with regional companies and governmental organizations. They are well recognized for assisting businesses in encouraging employees to volunteer and give back to the community.

4. Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS)

In all of Washington, ECOSS provides environmental solutions that are beneficial to businesses, individuals, and the environment.

ECOSS envisions prosperous, just, environmentally sustainable communities.

In Seattle, ECOSS has been a preeminent urban environmental nonprofit organization since the 1990s. Formerly known as the Environmental Coalition of South Seattle, ECOSS is a nonprofit organization that promotes the interests of locals, businesses, and the government. It specializes in bridging knowledge and cultural barriers.

Their multilingual workforce, who works with communities in Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa, and Latin America, speaks more than a dozen languages. ECOSS is a pioneer in multiracial environmental outreach and involvement thanks to its depth of cultural knowledge and more than two decades of experience.

In the areas of recycling and food waste, electrical cars and solar energy, brownfields, green stormwater infrastructure, and outreach to multicultural communities and companies, ECOSS provides environmental education, resources, and technical support.

5. The Nature Conservancy

The Washington-based Nature Conservancy is committed to preserving and improving a positive interaction between people and nature.

They are well positioned to bring cutting-edge solutions to our most pressing conservation needs and to leverage them at a meaningful scale, ensuring the quality of life for people and nature in the state—and on our planet.

They are a part of the greatest worldwide conservation organization. The lands and waters upon which all life depends are to be conserved as the mission of nature conservancy.

All of their actions are honorable, open-minded, and supported by reliable science. They are aware that trust must be earned and can be readily lost.

They collaborate with The Nature Conservancy’s local, regional, and international offices. They view this capacity to operate at various scales as a crucial asset.

They are in it for the long haul, and we are responsible for assessing the benefits of their deeds.

6. Got Green

People of color and low-income individuals lead the grassroots movement Got Green, which has its headquarters in South Seattle and campaigns for environmental, racial, and economic justice.

To make ensure that low-income neighborhoods and communities of color receive the advantages of the green movement and the green economy (green jobs, good food, energy-efficient & healthy houses, public transit), they cultivate multigenerational community leaders to be key voices in the movement.

Their Vision include

Low-income families and people of color are utilizing their right to self-determination to build and run strong communities where they reside.

They see healthy communities where everyone has access to

  1. Meaningful employment that benefits our planet, our communities, and our souls
  2. Inexpensive, wholesome food that is produced with respect for the environment and workers.
  3. Reside in secure, environmentally friendly homes anchored in climate-resilient communities;
  4. Be environmentally conscious in our interactions with the land, the weather, and one another.

7. EarthGen

Youth are equipped by EarthGen to increase their influence as environmental change agents.

Young people acquire the knowledge, abilities, and experience they need to become leaders for climate solutions and environmental justice through EarthGen’s science-based, action-oriented programs.

Climate change and social injustice are two interconnected challenges that the future generation will inherit and are not their fault. A nonprofit organization called EarthGen empowers young people to become change agents for a sustainable future.

Youth, educators, and school communities are supported and guided by EarthGen as they work to become leaders for a healthy environment.

Young people get the knowledge, abilities, and experience they require to think critically, act purposefully, and collaborate with others to solve problems through EarthGen’s science-based, action-oriented programs.

EarthGen strives to make sure that every young person can learn about and take action to create an equitable and sustainable society, with an emphasis on marginalized communities throughout Washington State.

8. Conservation Northwest

Their strategy is straightforward: link the vast landscapes, revive recognizable fauna, and save the natural heritage for future generations. Coast of Washington to the Rockies of British Columbia, They are involved in protecting wildlife and wildlands.

From the Washington Coast to the British Columbia Rockies, they preserve, connect, and restore wildlands and wildlife.

They were established in Bellingham, Washington, in 1989, and they advocate for protecting the region’s animals and wildlands. To learn more about their organizational principles or dedication to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, read about it here.

They collaborate closely with numerous landscapes throughout Washington, British Columbia, and abroad with a workforce of about 22 people and a dozen regular contractors. They receive more than 4,000 donations each year, in addition to more than 18,000 activists and online supporters.

They have successfully safeguarded hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlands, assisted in the recovery of threatened species from wolves to anglers, and had a significant positive impact on thousands of people’s lives across the broader Norththeyst.

Their innovative partnerships and fruitful initiatives assist to characterize their successful conservation strategy. We are renowned for being science-based, persistent, and pragmatic by elected officials, government organizations, and conservationists.

9. Puget SoundKeeper

Puget Soundkeeper has existed since 1984. Completed more than 1600 patrols of the waters of Puget Sound.

Supported the construction of over a dozen new or upgraded water treatment facilities in the Puget Sound area.

Filed lawsuits against more than 170 people who violated the Clean Water Act, never losing a case. The Clean Marina Washington program certified 71 Clean Marinas.

Established the Puget Sound Stewardship and Mitigation Fund and provided settlement payments totaling more than $7.4 million for Puget Sound restoration initiatives.

They have involved more than 18,000 people in outreach activities, cleanups, and advocacy.

They cleared Puget Sound waterways of more than 145,000 pounds of marine trash.

They created a precedent that will be followed nationally for low-impact development rules, green infrastructure, and industrial stormwater treatment

The goal of Puget Soundkeeper is to safeguard and improve Puget Sound’s waters for the well-being and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

In their ideal world, Puget Sound would be bursting with a variety of marine species and offer secure chances for recreational activities like swimming and fishing as well as sustained economic activity.

They want the Sound to once again be a location where there are plenty of salmon and orcas, supports the traditional cultural practices of indigenous peoples, and offers all communities a clean, healthy environment in which to live and work.

They keep an eye on the sea in Puget Sound, enforce environmental laws, involve residents and businesses in waterway cleanup and recovery projects, inform and engage the public about local water pollution issues, and set solid policies and regulations to safeguard our waterways and our health and work with neighborhood and regional organizations to advance Puget Sound protection measures.


Certainly one can choose to start up his own environmental organization but taking an internship with any of these environmental organizations would be a great idea as you could use that experience to impact your environment better. doing what other organizations are not able to do.


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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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