One of the most important natural resources on the planet, water has existed for a very long period. In reality, the water that we drink […]
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10 Most Polluted Lakes in the World
Is no doubt that one of the greatest threats to humans, animals, plants, and the biosphere in this present dispensation is Pollution which comes in […]
Read more10 Most Polluted Rivers in the World
The pollution of rivers on our planet is increasing massively daily in this present age due to human activities such as fast fashion, chemical plants, […]
Read more10 Cleanest Rivers in the World and Why They are So
Most rivers are clean at their source. The answer to the question – ‘the cleanest rivers in the world’ is an almost impossible one to […]
Read more9 Most Polluted Rivers in Europe
In Europe, water pollution poses a serious threat to the ecosystem since it affects both surface and groundwater resources. Industrial, agricultural, urban, and population increase […]
Read moreMississippi River Pollution, Causes, Effects & Solutions
The Mississippi River is a dangerous place to be, despite its breathtaking grandeur. It has a reputation for being dangerous for swimmers to survive and […]
Read more11 Solution for Oil Spills on both Land and Water
Oil spills are dangerous because they harm the marine ecosystem and needlessly endanger the survival of marine life. Oil exploration from oceanic resources has become […]
Read more10 Most Polluted Lakes in The US
Our waterways, lakes, and oceans are harmed by chemicals, trash, plastics, and other pollutants. British poet W.H. Auden stated, “Thousands have lived without love, but […]
Read more11 Types of Streams Based on Different Categories
On almost all sorts of land masses, streams are among the most significant freshwater areas. In this article, we discuss the different types of streams […]
Read more8 Environmental Impacts of Diamond Mining
Do you research the origins and mining practices of the gemstones in the jewelry you plan to buy? They can only be retrieved through mining, […]
Read more3 Environmental Impacts of Desalination
Did you know that several nations, including the Bahamas, Malta, and the Maldives, use the desalination process to convert seawater to freshwater to meet all […]
Read more22 Positive and Negative Impacts of Dams on the Environment
Since the dawn of human civilization, dams have been built. King Seti constructed the first dam in 1319 BC. These historic dams continue to function […]
Read more9 Environmental Impacts of Cement Production
At every step of the process, cement manufacturing has an impact on the environment. These include limestone quarries, which are visible from great distances and […]
Read more11 Environmental Impacts of Oil Extraction
Our wildlands and communities are seriously impacted by oil exploitation. Drilling operations are ongoing and cause pollution, contribute to climate change, disturb wildlife, and harm […]
Read more13 Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture
Suppose aquaculture is an overall benefit, why the fuss around it? Well, we will discuss that in this article as we examine the environmental impacts […]
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