Welcome to animals that start with V.
Many different animals that start with V. Animals are both intriguing and magnificent to watch in their natural habitat.
Did you ever want to name animals that start with the letter V and find yourself stuck? Well, we’re here to help you out. Many animals start with V. A few of them probably live in your backyard.
Animals that start with V include mammals such as Virginia opossums, and vicunas and birds such as vultures, and velvet asity; snakes such as vipers, etc.
In this article, you’ll meet these and many other interesting animals beginning with v, together with pictures and facts on each animal.
Table of Contents
List of Animals that Start with V
- Viper
- Vulture
- Vampire Bat
- Vancouver Island Marmot
- Vaquita
- Vagrant Shrew
- Velvet Asity
- Vicuna
- Vizsla Dog
- Virginia Opossum
1. Viper

Vipers (Crotalus ruber) are a family of Viperidae, they are venomous snakes known for their very long fangs. There are around 374 species in the family. They are found in all regions of the world except Australia, Antarctica, and other remote islands.
Vipers can grow to be more than 25 cm in length or as short as 25 cm, depending on the species. These snakes can open their mouths nearly 180 degrees to deliver a bite, through their hollow fangs they inject venom into the body of their victims.
Their fangs fold back when not in use, and are only revealed as the animal strikes. Most vipers are ovoviviparous; this means that their young emerge after breaking out of their eggs in the mother’s body.
Vipers are of three main types which are: Feas’ vipers, pit vipers, and true vipers. Of the three types, the pit vipers are the most numerous sub-family of vipers having 271 species.
They have heat-sensing “pit organs” between their eyes and their nostrils, giving them a “sixth sense” for finding prey. Examples of pit vipers include all rattlesnakes, the bushmaster, and the sidewinder. The world’s largest viper is the Gaboon viper, which is found in African rainforests. It has the longest fangs and carries the highest amount of venom, of any snake.
According to IUCN, globally 30 species of vipers are listed as vulnerable, 33 species are listed as endangered and 10 species are listed as critically endangered.
These snakes are mostly found in the wild and can be rarely domesticated due to is venomous release and aggressiveness
2. Vulture

Vultures are birds of prey that specialize in scavenging the remains of dead animals (carrion) and they are found all over the world. They are two main groups of vultures the Accipitridae (the old world vulture) which are found in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and (Cathartida) the new world vultures which are found in the Americas.
Their trademark bald heads, black feathers, and carrion feeding have made vultures quite popular. They are seen in many mythologies as harbingers of doom and death.
Vultures gorge themselves on food and then spend long periods resting and digesting what they eat. The old-world vultures hunt by sight alone, new world vultures also have an acute sense of smell with which they find food.
Irrespective of their similarities in appearance and behavior, New World and Old World vultures are not closely related.
Vultures cannot be kept as pets, however, you can develop means to interact with vultures close-up. also in some countries like the United States, Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, and so many other countries, it is illegal to keep a vulture as a pet.
Poaching and unsustainable development have pushed most species of vultures into consistent decline as endangered or critically endangered species. For example, in the last 50 years or so population of 7 of the 11 African vulture species has plummeted by 80%-97%, and 4 species are now critically endangered.
3. Vampire Bat

The vampire bat scientifically known as Desmodus rotundus from the family of Phyllostomidae is a small bat species found in tropical regions of Central and South America, especially in Mexico. It lives in grassland and woodland habitats. During the day, the bat sleeps in large roosts in caves and deserted buildings.
Three species of vampire bats exist, which are Common Vampire Bat, the Hairy-Legged Vampire Bat, and the White-Winged Vampire Bat. All of these species are closely related and have the same distinctive feeding habits, as they are the only known animals that solely depend on blood for their survival.
The Vampire bats are infamous for their habit of feeding on the blood of other animals. The scientific name for this behavior is hematophagy.
Compared to other bats, the Vampire Bat is a relatively little creature, with its body seldom growing larger than the human thumb size.
A finger claw protrudes from the front of the creature’s wings, which it uses for gripping when leaping on about its host. Its wings are characterized by long, finger-like bones coated in a light skin layer
In their mechanism of feeding, they usually feed on sleeping animals, with mammals (in particular, livestock) being their most common victims.
Using heat sensors in its nose, the bat can locate where blood is flowing closest to its victim’s skin. It can walk (and even jump), using its folded wings as legs.
The vampire bat makes an incision in its victim’s skin using its razor-sharp incisor teeth, then proceeds to drink. Its saliva contains anticoagulant chemicals that prevent its victim’s blood from clotting.
It is interesting to know that, despite popular belief, vampire bats don’t suck out the blood from their hosts. Instead, they bite the host and lap up the blood that flows out.
It has been categorized by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as Least Concern species. Vampire Bat cannot be domesticated.
4. Vancouver Island Marmot

Marmots Scientifically known as Marmota vancouverensis are mid to large rodents in the squirrel family, Sciuridae. They are native to Vancouver Island in Canada( North America) in the wild.
Also, they are the largest members of the Squirrel family they can weigh from 3-7kg and their lengths (including tail) is around 72 cm / 2.36 ft. They live in small groups in communal burrows of grasslands and mountainous areas in Eurasia and North America and hibernate during the winter.
They feed in subalpine meadows, where they collect pollen from various plants and distribute seeds that have been ingested through their excrement.
The marmots of Vancouver Island are subject to significant predation, with the majority of their predators being wolves, cougars, and golden eagles.
Vancouver Island Marmots have a short gestation period of 30-35 days. Although this species of Marmot is similar in appearance to other marmot species, on the whole, they can be distinguished by their darker chocolate brown coat and irregular white patches over the snout and chest area.
The average lifespan of a Vancouver Island marmot is ten years, with females usually surviving for a longer period than marmot males.
The Vancouver Island marmot is Canada’s most endangered mammal. In 2017, it was estimated that the species’ wild adult population numbered just 90 left in the world. Making it critically endangered as classified by the IUCN. Vancouver Island Marmot can be domesticated but is mostly found in the wild.
5. Vaquita

Vaquitas scientifically known as phocoena sinus from the family pocoenidae, are small sea-dwelling mammals that are closely related to whales and dolphins. They are located in the Gulf of California a small region of the Pacific Ocean an area also known as the Sea of Cortez that separates Baja California from mainland Mexico (North America)
These little creatures are known as porpoises or little cows which live in shallow waters and feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans, Sharks were the most common predators encountered by Vaquita.
Its marine features are a dorsal fin that is noticeably more significant and more angular than its body.
They, like dolphins, as well as other aquatic mammals, must come to the surface to breathe regularly. With a body length of up to 1.5 m / 4.9 ft, the vaquita is the world’s smallest cetacean.
Vaquita possesses several world records, including the rarest marine mammal and the shortest native range.
It has dark color around the eyes, is a distinguishing characteristic of the animal, and readily identifies them in the wilderness. Vaquitas give birth to live young and breathe air like any other mammal.
The vaquita is the world’s most endangered cetacean, with a wild adult population numbering just 18 in 2017. It is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.
6. Vagrant Shrew

The tiny mammal is found in the western parts of the US and Canada. These voracious eaters can consume about 160% of their body weight in food each day. Vagrant Shrews can echolocate. Unlike bats, they don’t use it for hunting.
This tiny shrew has a long, pointed snout and long tail, and weighs less than a loonie. Shrews are valuable components of island ecosystems, consuming snails, invasive earthworms, slugs, and various insects.
Shrews do not hibernate, and they are able to reduce their body mass, including bone mass, during winter to conserve energy.
They are been classified as Least Concern.
7. Velvet Asity

The Velvet Asity Scientifically known as Philepitta castanea from the family Philepittidae is a bird native to the rainforests of the African island of Madagascar only. It is found nowhere else on Earth, that is it is an endemic species to the island.
It is a visually beautiful bird species with short wings and brightly colored head decorations that contrast with the bird’s black feathers. This bird feeds primarily on tiny fruits and nectar, with some arthropods thrown in for good measure.
As the case may be with many bird species, there is a marked difference in the appearance of male and female velvet asity.
Males are black and have bright green wattles (fleshy growths) over the eye making them brighter in appearance while females are pale green with streaked chests making them duller in appearance. The males are seen with yellow wingtips after molting, but these wear away.
As a result of its ability to tolerate degraded habitats and the fact that it is found in protected regions, the Velvet Asity is not considered critically threatened. Larger wild creatures were the primary predators of this remarkable bird species. According to IUCN, they have been classified as the Least Concern species
8. Vicuña

Vicunas Scientifically known as vicugna from the family Camelidae is a hooved mammal native to regions in South America. They are close relatives of the llamas and alpacas. The vicuña inhabits at high altitudes in the Andes and is present in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.
Grass and shrubs were the most common foods on their menu. This animal species has a life expectancy of roughly fifteen to twenty years on average. This creature has a slim body with long necks and legs and a long neck and legs. Its wool is highly valued (the species’ domestic ancestor, the alpaca, was bred for its wool).
Vicuna wool is thin but is very effective in protecting the animal from cold. It’s no wonder it is so expensive. They are timid in nature and quick to run when they sense danger. They live in the wild and are not domesticated.
The vicuña became endangered in the 1970s when its population shrank to around 6,000 individuals as a result of overhunting. Currently, the vicuña’s conservation status is ‘Least Concern’, and its adult population numbers around 350,000.
9. Vizsla Dog

Vizsla dog is scientifically known as Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiar from the family Canidae were found first bred in Hungary.
This is a short-haired, mid-sized hunting dog with red-brown hair. Since becoming domesticated, the domestic dog has been selectively bred in order to produce breeds that are suited for performing certain tasks.
This explains the large diversity of dog types; small dog breeds may have been bred for catching rats, while larger breeds may have been bred for protective duties.
The Vizsla is a pointer a type of gun dog whose natural instinct to “point” at the game (by standing still and looking at its target) has been reinforced by years of selective breeding.
The Domestic dog is either considered to be species in its own right or a subspecies of gray wolf.
10. Virginia Opossum

The Virginia opossum, or just possum, Scientifically known as Didelphis virginiana from the family: Didelphidae is a cat-sized marsupial found in parts of North and South America including Central America. This makes it the northernmost marsupial in the world.
Although most of the world’s marsupials are today found in Australia, the first true marsupials appeared in the Americas.
Marsupials are mammals whose young are born in a relatively underdeveloped state (compared to placental mammals such as dogs, cats, whales, humans, etc.).
Newborn marsupials, which are known as “joeys”, undergo further development in a special pouch in the mother’s body. Here they receive shelter, protection, and milk (all mammals feed their offspring with milk).
Virginia opossum infants come out from their mother’s pouch after around ten weeks. They are then carried around on the mother’s back until able to fend for themselves.
In times of extreme danger, the Virginia opossum feigns death. That is where the phrase ‘playing possum’ comes from. It has been classified as a Least Concern species by the IUCN.
We hope that you’ve discovered some interesting animals with names beginning with v in this article. However, there are many other species that are not captured here while other species are yet to be discovered. But then, why not take a look at a variety of our articles on animals that start with each letter of the alphabet?
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Ahamefula Ascension is a Real Estate Consultant, Data Analyst, and Content writer. He is the founder of Hope Ablaze Foundation and a Graduate of Environmental Management in one of the prestigious colleges in the country. He is obsessed with Reading, Research and Writing.