12 Animals that Start with N – See Photos and Videos

Welcome to the animals that start with the letter N!

There are numerous fascinating animals whose names start with the letter N. We have created a comprehensive list of these animals that includes fascinating information, scientific names, and localities.

We hope you will find this article on animals that begin with N interesting.

Animals that start with N

Here are some fascinating animals that begin with N

  • Nabarlek
  • Narwhal
  • Nase
  • Newt
  • Nematodes
  • Nightingale
  • Nighthawk
  • Nilgai
  • Noolbenger
  • Nudibranch
  • Nutcracker
  • Nutria

1. Nabarlek

The Nabarlek is a tiny wallaby that can only be found in Australia’s far northwest. It is the second smallest member of the Macropodid family (which includes kangaroos and wallabies) and is also referred to as the Little Rock Wallaby. It is less than a foot tall and weighs less than 3 pounds.

The Nabarlek (Petrogale concinna) spends the majority of its time underground, only coming out at night to forage for grasses. The Nabarlek is the only marsupial in the world with limitless molar growth!

Due to its diet of abrasive grasses, the molar teeth are continuously worn down and are continuously replaced by a conveyor belt of new molars that emerge from the jaw’s back. The IUCN has listed it as an endangered species because it is quickly vanishing throughout its range.

2. Narwhal

A unique species of whale known as the narwhal lives in the Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans (Monodon monoceros).

The most striking aspect of it is a protruding long spiraling tusk from the front of its head. You’ll be shocked to learn that this unusual tusk is actually an extended tooth. This tooth can grow up to 9 feet long and grows through the skin directly!

Millions of nerve endings make up the extremely sensitive instrument that makes up a narwhal’s tusk. Narwhals tap fish with their tusks and shock them in order to catch them, according to a new video!

3. Nase

Nase is typically used to refer to the Common Nase (Chondrostoma nasus). But Nase can also refer to any of the 20 fish species that make up the genus Chondrostoma.

Chondrostoma, which may refer to its peculiar bumpy, rasping teeth, is a term from Ancient Greek that means lump mouth. The term “Nase” comes from the German word for “nose,” and it refers to the Nase’s amusing protrusion of its upper jaw past its mouth.

European rivers along the Black Sea, Baltic Sea, and North Sea are home to the Common Nase.

4. Newt

There are small-sized amphibians known as newts (Pleurodelinae). Because “newt” and “salamander” are sometimes used interchangeably around the world, many people are unsure of what exactly a newt is. Newts are amphibians that belong to the salamander family.

The bizarre thing about newts is that they begin life as an aquatic larva with gills, change into a terrestrial juvenile stage with lungs (known as an eft), and then change back into an aquatic (or semi-aquatic) adult stage to reproduce!

Asia, Northern Africa, North America, and Europe have all reported seeing them. The majority of newts are carnivores that eat insects, tadpoles, worms, and slugs. Damaged limbs, eyes, and intestines can all regrow in newts.

5. Nematodes

Nematodes are parasitic tiny organisms that belong to the phylum Nematoda and are present almost everywhere on the planet. They can be recognized by their long, tubular bodies, and they depend on other organisms to thrive.

When thousands of distinct kinds of animals are included in the category of nematodes, it is quite unjust to refer to the nematode as an animal. Nematodes sometimes referred to as “roundworms,” are actually among the planet’s most abundant multicellular organisms in terms of both biomass and species diversity.

The Nematodes are the representatives of the Nematoda phylum of the animal kingdom. A lovely Old-World Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale), which I have pictured below, is one of the many that are parasites of other creatures. This little creature, which measures around half an inch long, may reside inside your small intestine!

Nematodes often have relatively lengthy bodies. Nematode species found inside sperm whales, for instance, are roughly 13 meters long. The animals with the highest populations are nematodes. Nematodes make up about 80% of all living things.

6. Nightingale

For thousands of years, the common nightingale’s (Luscinia megarhynchos) exquisite and intricate singing has moved poets and writers. They are honored in literary and creative works including Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale” and Homer’s Odyssey (8th century BC).

The Nightingale, one of the most revered birds in existence, has a melodic voice unmatched by any other. Africa, Asia, and Europe are the native habitats of the common nightingale bird.

The common term “nightingale,” which means “night singer,” comes from the fact that nightingales are rare birds that sing both during the day and at night. Contrary to popular belief, the unpaired male nightingales are the only ones who sing at night.

7. Nighthawk

The Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) is a nocturnal bird that is nearly impossible to notice during the daytime due to its cryptically colored plumage. It properly fits into its surroundings. The fact that they have such large eyes for night vision indicates that they are nocturnal.

Other members of the Chordeilinae subfamily may also be referred to as “nighthawks” (aka the Nighthawks). The Nightjar family (Caprimulgidae), which is ranked number 10 above, includes nighthawks. There are six different species of nighthawks in the Americas.

8. Nilgai

The Blue Bull is another name for the wild cattle species known as the Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) in India. Hindi for “blue cow” is “nilgai” (nil = blue, gai = cow).

In some regions of India, this giant antelope is so common that it is regarded as a plague in agriculture. One of the last remaining Asiatic lions in India like eating nilgai. Only men can grow fairly modest horns.

9. Noolbenger

What do you get when you cross a tiny nose, a hyperactive marsupial that only consumes flower nectar and has a prehensile tail, an extremely long tongue, and tarsier feet? Noolbenger!

Number five on my list of five favorite animals whose names begin with the letter N! Because the Noolbenger is so distinct from other marsupials, it has its own family, the Tarsipedidae.

This little animal, which can only be found in Australia’s extreme southwest, is the only true nectarivorous marsupial on the earth. Although it also goes by the name of the Honey Possum, it is neither a possum nor does it consume honey. Instead, it only consumes pollen and flower nectar to thrive.

The 10-gram Noolbenger (Tarsipes rostratus), which is about the size of a mouse, can consume up to 7 cc of nectar every day! Bush Heritage Australia claims that this is equivalent to a person drinking 50 liters of Pepsi per day!

The Noolbenger’s extra-long, bristly tongue travels quickly in and out of its mouth to lap up nectar about three times per second, much like a hummingbird.

Additionally, they are crucial pollinators for many flower species, just like hummingbirds. In contrast to most mammals, it relies on extended fingertips to grasp branches like a primate rather than using claws to climb.

The Tarsier, a non-human primate, and its foot are so similar that they share the family name Tarsipededidae.

10. Nudibranch

A diversified collection of over 2,300 species of ludicrously colorful sea slugs known as nudibranchs (gastropods).

These strange mollusks, unlike other marine snails, don’t have shells, but they do exist in every size, shape, and color imaginable. The name Nudibranch, which is pronounced NEW-dih-brank, refers to the exposed gills that the majority of them carry on their backs.

11. Nutcracker

Nutcrackers are corvids, a family of birds (along with crows & jays). The Clark’s, Spotted, and Large-Spotted species of the genus Nucifraga are among them. The Clark’s Nutcracker, which resides high in the Rocky Mountains of the US and Canada, is the one I drew below.

They rip apart pine cones with their powerful bills to extract the seeds, which they store for the winter in a pouch behind their tongue. Each year, a nutcracker may bury over 10,000 seeds, and he or she can recall the locations of the majority of them! The ones they overlook are crucial to the regeneration of pine forests!

12. Nutria

The big aquatic rodent known as the Nutria is indigenous to South America. There, it is frequently called Coypu.

A small group of roughly 20 Nutria was imported to Louisiana for fur farming in the late 1930s. They managed to get away, and within 20 years, their population grew to almost 20 million people.

Other wetlands in the United States faced a similar fate. Since they have destroyed thousands of acres of wetlands with their insatiable appetite for succulent roots, they are now regarded as an invasive species in the United States. They are currently the target of widespread eradication operations through no fault of their own.


This is not a comprehensive list as there are many more animals that start with N compared to the ones in this article. Nevertheless here is a video on some of the animals that start with N.

Very intriguing are animals talked about in this article but, we do have a problem though as some of these animals are threatened with extinction through habitat degradation and poaching. This calls for effective conservation efforts.


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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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