Welcome to the animals that start with the M category.
Some examples of animals that start with the letter M are monkeys, moths, and mosquitoes. Today, there are many more than just that tiny amount. And still, more are no longer alive, like the Megalodon.
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Animals that Start with M
Here are some fascinating animals that start with the letter M
- Macaque
- Madagascar Tree Boa
- Malayan Krait
- Malayan Tiger
- Manchester Terrier
- Mantella Frog
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
- Moon Jellyfish
- Mozambique Spitting Cobra
- Myna Bird
1. Macaque

One of the most widespread primates in the world, the macaque is clever, gregarious, and highly intellectual. There are more than 20 Old World monkeys in the Macaque genus (meaning monkeys that originated from the Eastern Hemisphere).
These charismatic primates have extremely sophisticated social structures and behavioral patterns. Numerous animals have adapted to coexist with humans in close proximity, leading to regular interactions.
The lion-tailed macaque, the crab-eating macaque, and the rhesus monkey are a few of the more well-known species.
Macaque Behavior
The macaque troop is its basic unit of social organization. These armies are largely characterized by dominance hierarchies, consisting of several females, a few males, and their offspring (totaling ultimately a few dozen or perhaps more than a hundred individuals).
Matrilineal hierarchies among the females are typically robust and persistent, and they pass the dominant positions from mother to daughter.
Additionally, the males have their own distinct dominance hierarchy that is primarily based on strength, however, it tends to change more frequently as the males enter and exit the troop. Young men, in particular, who do not belong to a specific unit, may form their own distinct bachelor organizations.
Because higher-ranked members have better access to food supplies and mates, the hierarchy is quite significant. The common practice of grooming and other routine tasks helps to sustain group cohesion. Another effective method for reducing stress after a stressful encounter is physical contact.
Males will also groom females during the mating season, but females are more prone to groom each other.
They interact with each other in a variety of ways to convey their goals and attitude. An aggressive or menacing gesture is an open-mouthed gaze accompanied by a loud bark or screech. Branch shaking, lunging, or slapping the ground may occur in conjunction with this.
A tail-up posture can be a sign of attentiveness or sexual orientation. They also have a variety of vocalizations, including grunts, coos, and whimpers. Their behavior is, in a word, extraordinarily intricate and fascinating.
Given that they are related to modern humans, it is hardly surprising that macaques are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. There are reports that crab-eating macaques use stone tools to open up nuts and shells. They also wash their food in the water to clean it.
Some macaques in popular tourist destinations will steal food right from the hands of people, or they’ll steal objects and barter for tasty treats. In the wild, macaques spend a good deal of their time in the trees, searching for food and looking out for predators, but they are equally comfortable on the ground.
They are great climbers, good runners, and even quite adept at swimming. There are rumors that crab-eating macaques crack nuts and shells with the help of stone tools. They clean their food by washing it in the water as well.
In well-known tourist areas, some macaques may grab food right out of people’s hands or steal things and exchange them for pleasant delights. Macaques are equally at home on the ground as they are in the trees, where they spend a large portion of their time in the wild while seeking food and keeping an eye out for predators.
They are excellent climbers, strong runners, and even competent swimmers.
Threats and Predators of Macaques
Humans pose serious threats to these monkeys in the wild, including habitat degradation and poaching. Many species cannot survive having their native habitats split and destroyed by farms, plantations, and towns, even though they are capable of adjusting to changes caused by humans.
Numerous macaques are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. For instance, it is estimated that there are only around 2,500 individuals of the endangered lion-tailed macaque in India.
One of the primates with the greatest threat to their survival is this one. As species of least concern, only the Japanese macaque and the Rhesus monkey are included.
2. Madagascar Tree Boa

The stunning Madagascar tree boa is a non-venomous snake with a base color of bright red that turns green as it gets older. A variety of rodents, small mammals, birds, lizards, and other animals are consumed by this medium-sized boa, which sleeps in trees.
A pregnant woman’s skin turns so dark that it practically looks black. It lives in gardens and farms where it may find shrubs and trees to rest in since it has adapted quite well to human encroachment. As they get older, they transition from red to green.
Being nocturnal, unless you go out hunting for one at night if you reside on the island of Madagascar, you probably won’t ever see one. This boa spends the day sleeping in nearby trees and bushes and the night hunting on the ground.
One of the rare snakes that appear to have adjusted effectively to environmental changes brought about by humanity is this one.
The boa’s long tenure on the Vulnerable list and CITES’ inclusion of it on the Appendix I list banning international trade both contributed to this. It was shipped for the pet trade and is quickly growing in popularity as a pet before being listed by CITES under Appendix I.
The Madagascar tree boa is non-aggressive and non-venomous. It is a shy helper that makes an effort to remain out of your way as it searches for food or a partner.
Madagascar tree boas were listed as vulnerable by the IUCN in 1996 as a result of severe habitat degradation, pet trade collection, and mining. It was classified as endangered after researchers discovered that many had been taken as pets and that only 20% of its natural habitat survived.
The island has seen significant ecological change and degradation, but the boa has been able to adapt fast, according to the IUCN’s 2011 reassessment of the species.
It started settling in suburban areas with gardens and outlying areas where it might find bushes and trees to hide in. It flourished where other creatures suffered. Because it is widespread and has a stable population, this species is now listed as the Least Concern.
3. Malayan Krait

One of the snakes referred to as the “five-step snakes” is the Malayan or blue krait. This indicates that you have roughly five steps left before you pass out if it bites and envenomates you. Though not particularly poisonous, the blue krait’s venom is nonetheless potent.
If untreated, envenomation can kill a victim as soon as 12 hours after envenomation, and even young snakes are capable of inflicting fatal bites. The extremely fantastic news is that some individuals aren’t hesitant to pick up this snake because it is so tame. The Malayan krait is also unusually attractive with its vibrant black and white bands and slim body.
- The Malayan krait is a snake that is well-known for having bands around it, but it also has individuals that are not banded at all and are instead a single color, usually black.
- The blue krait is known to have a practically painless bite. This is risky because it gives the venom plenty of time to cause extensive harm before symptoms appear.
- By the way, the snake’s venom is 15 times more potent than the typical cobra’s.
- Malayan kraits consume many snakes, including their own species.
The Bungarus genus contains numerous species of krait, notwithstanding the fact that the Malayan krait has no subspecies. The banded krait, common krait, Ceylon krait, red-headed krait, and Burmese krait are among them. The northeastern hill krait, the South Andaman krait, the Sind krait, and the Persian krait are further members of the genus.
The Malayan krait is remarkably timid and docile, despite the fact that it can attack when cornered. It is a nocturnal snake that hides during the day and is found in a range of habitats, including damp woods, plantations, rice fields, and communities.
If it is discovered in its hiding location, it will immediately crawl away or attempt to hide its head by wrapping its tail around it. If it believes it cannot escape, it may strike without making any threat demonstration.
Unusual for venomous snakes, the blue krait hunts for its victims at night. Other venomous snakes typically ambush prey and wait for their venom to kill or render them unconscious before suckling them.
In addition to eating other snakes, Bungarus candidus occasionally preys on lizards or small mammals. They frequently deposit eggs in the burrow of a rat that was probably their food.
The eggs are placed in the spring and hatch in the summer, and males appear to participate in ceremonial fights for the right to mate. The female produces four to ten eggs, which hatch into babies that are about a foot long and resemble adults.
Juveniles have a healthy supply of venom from birth and are completely independent. Despite being used for food, skincare, and traditional medicine, the blue krait’s conservation status is the least concerning.
4. Malayan Tiger

Malayan tigers are critically endangered species that are known to be excellent swimmers and can gallop at speeds of up to 40 mph!
Malayan tigers are found in Malaysia, which is in southeast Asia, as their name suggests. They are the smallest members of the mainland tiger subspecies. Other than during the breeding season, Malayan tigers live alone. They are carnivores that devour sun bears, cattle, deer, and wild boar. In their natural environment, these tigers can live for fifteen to twenty years.
Great swimmers and Malayan tigers have even been observed crossing rivers when necessary. Every Malayan tiger has a distinct pattern of stripes that is only found on that particular animal. Most of the day is spent sleeping for these tigers, who hunt at night.
Malayan tigers communicate with one another via chuffing (puffing), roaring, and snarling. The Malayan tiger male is extremely aggressive and will engage in combat with any other males who visit the region.
Although occasionally these tigers fight one another in territory disputes, humans are the only predators of Malayan tigers. Tiger males leave pee or scratch marks on nearby tree trunks to denote their territory. Along with their claw marks, they have a distinct fragrance.
This aroma is intended to warn other cats to stay away from the area. The majority of the time Malayan tigers are on patrol, making sure no other tigers enter their region.
This large cat doesn’t have any natural predators, thus camouflage is not necessary for it to remain hidden. The striped coat of a Malayan tiger, however, acts as camouflage while it is pursuing prey and needs to disappear into its surroundings before making a surprise attack.
By sitting among tall grass or other sorts of dense foliage, this cat likewise tries to avoid being noticed. Unless they are hunting for a partner during the breeding season, Malayan tigers live alone.
The Malayan tiger’s population is threatened and declining, according to the big cat’s official conservation category of “critically endangered.” There were between 250 and 340 adult Malayan tigers thought to be alive in 2013. There are probably fewer currently because of habitat degradation and poaching.
5. Manchester Terrier

Manchester terriers, which come in normal and toy sizes, are wonderful, responsive canines. They are incredibly perceptive and smart—the Sherlock Holmeses of the canine world.
But unlike the well-known fictional detective, Manchester terriers get along well with kids and display outward devotion to their owners. Additionally, the breed doesn’t have a lot of shedding issues, making them simple home pets!
Manchester terriers come in conventional and toy sizes. Canine enthusiasts once divided them into distinct breeds. Cynophilists today view them as two size variations of the same breed.
Behavior and Temperament of the Manchester Terrier
Manchester terriers are an excellent personality match for active families and people thanks to their sleek, vigilant, and athletic characteristics. People who are considering adopting one should be aware that the breed is notorious for its “ratting” tendency.
To put it another way, they enjoy hunting little animals! Therefore, Manchesters are probably not the puppies for you if you don’t want a dog that hunts and kills mice and other pests. However, many who live in apartments or rural areas who would enjoy having a mouser within their homes might actually enjoy the behavior.
Manchester terriers have a ton of other desirable characteristics in addition to their athleticism and vermin-deterrent senses. They are not just intelligent but also loyal to their masters, enjoy themselves, and are appropriately discerning.
Manchester terriers have cheerful dispositions and are eager to please, in contrast to other terrier breeds that are serious. There is no greater best friend than them, as long as you do your part to keep them engaged and content.
It’s crucial to realize, however, that any dog’s behavior and attributes may change as a result of a genetic heritage mix. Additionally, personality features and temperament are not always a guarantee. All dogs have distinct personalities, just like people.
Canines that resemble Manchester Terriers
The breeds that resemble Manchester terriers most are rat terriers, bull terriers, and whippets.
- Rat Terriers: Both rat terriers and Manchester terriers have smooth-haired coats and are excellent vermin hunters.
- Bull Terriers: Bull terriers are a smooth-haired breed, just like rat terriers and Manchester terriers. Bulls and Manchesters have similar behavioral traits. Both are witty and lovable.
- Whippets: By mating terriers and whippets, the original Manchester terriers were created. As a result, the two breeds have comparable appearances and personalities.
6. Mantella Frog

Mantella frogs are among the tiniest, most poisonous, and most brightly colored frogs in the world. There are 16 species of frogs in the genus Mantella, 11 of which are threatened, vulnerable, endangered, or in danger of going extinct.
They are brightly colored, with some having spots or other patterns as a deterrent to predators. The frogs are frequently referred to as the “jewels of Madagascar” due to their vibrant colors and size. For the most part, mantillas eliminate pollutants through their skin.
The majority of other frog species are nocturnal, emerging at night and hiding throughout the day. But these vibrant frogs are active during the day because they are so little and have colors that scare off predators. Many times, adaptations like their vivid colors and high visibility are essential to their survival.
Mantellas are a type of diurnal frog. Out of the 16 mantella species, 11 are either near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. The majority of mantella frogs are toxic, small, and colorful.
They are also known as Malagasy poison frogs and the “jewels of Madagascar.” This genus’ frogs are all smaller than 1.22 inches in length.
Mantella Frog Appearance & Behavior
The majority of Mantella frogs are marked with vivid colors for a very special reason. They use their skin color to signal to potential predators that they are toxic and not good to eat rather than trying to blend in with the background of the ground or a tree.
They are aposematic due to these adaptations. Additionally, their vivid orange, copper, yellow, blue, or greenback markings account for their Italian feminine word “cloak” naming.
Mantella frogs are quite small. The second-smallest genus of frogs in the world, they are just 18mm to 31mm in length and range in size from 0.71in to 1.22in. They are comparable in size to the Virgin Islands dwarf gecko, the tiniest reptile in the world, and Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, the tiniest mammal.
Despite their diminutive size, they are nocturnal. They are not nocturnal like the majority of other non-toxic frogs; instead, they come out throughout the day to feed and explore. In fact, they depend on people seeing their colors to keep them safe.
Mantella adults dwell in colonies. There are two male frogs for every female in these tiny colonies. The males relocate to their own territory during the breeding season, where they become ferociously devoted to maintaining their rule over those areas. Men are generally smaller than women.
The Population of Mantella Frogs
The IUCN lists 11 species of the Mantella frog as being endangered. Four are vulnerable, five are endangered, one is near threatened, and one is highly endangered. Climate change is one of the main problems facing the protection of frogs.
Another issue is pollution since they absorb water through their skin and inhale poisons from their surroundings. Because there is such a huge demand for these tiny animals on the pet market, human predation is another problem for conservation.
- Black-eared mantella (Mantella milotempanum) – Critically endangered
- Green golden frog (Mantella viridis) – Endangered
- Blue-legged mantella (Mantella expectata) – Endangered
- Cowan’s mantella (Mantella cowanii) – Endangered
- Haraldmeier’s mantella (Mantella haraldmeieri) – Endangered
- Golden mantella (Mantella aurantiaca) – Endangered
- Bernhard’s mantella (Mantella bernhardi) – Vulnerable
- Eastern golden frog (Mantella crocea) – Vulnerable
- Madagascan mantella (Mantella madagascariensis) – Vulnerable
- Mantella manery – Vulnerable
- Parker’s golden frog (Mantella pulchra) – near threatened
7. Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

There can be millions of Mexican free-tailed bats in a single colony. They consume dozens of insects every evening because they are carnivores. The most prevalent kind of bats in Texas are these. One pup, also known as a baby, is born to a female bat. They have an 18-year lifespan.
The tail of this bat is just half as long as its body. These bats primarily feed on moths. A mother bat uses noises and scent to locate her young in a busy roost. Before the onset of winter, they migrate south in a predictable fashion. While in flight, they can quickly shift course.
The speed of this bat is its most significant defensive attribute. It has a decent chance of escaping a predator because it can fly at speeds of 47 mph or higher. Because of their speed, these bats are frequently referred to as the “jets” of the bat world. Additionally, they may blend in with the trees in their habitat because of their dark fur.
Bats have been observed flying in enormous formations. They further defend themselves against predators in this manner. A hawk or an owl can only take one bat from the group if it is nearby. The remainder of the party can now fly away as a result. Or, the predator can feel so overpowered by the number of bats that it simply leaves without striking.
A colony of bats will chirp, click, sing, and even screech at one another. If a predator is nearby, they almost certainly have a warning sound. Can you imagine how loud a bat colony is with all of those chirping sounds?
These bats are timid and want to avoid being seen by both people and other animals because of their small size.
Due to mining operations in the Antilles, this bat population is losing some habitat. However, due to a stable population, its official conservation category is Least Concern. Between 120 million and 150 million Mexican free-tailed bats exist.
Texas has a particularly large number of them. There is a location in San Antonio, Texas named Bracken Cave. Within these caves are 20,000,000 bat colonies. Bat colonies leave the caves in the form of substantial black columns in the air. The groupings are so big that they might even show up on an airport nearby’s radar!
8. Moon Jellyfish

The Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans all have warmer waters where the Moon Jelly jellyfish can be found. These jellyfish favor the ocean’s coastal regions, particularly harbors, and inlets close to the shore. Due to their weak swimming abilities, they frequently wash ashore on beaches.
Because they only have a limited collection of tiny tentacles, they are not as painful to sting as many other jellyfish species. They are the most typical variety of jelly that people keep as pets. They are used in both sweet and savory dishes in some Asian cuisines.
In reality, moon jellyfish are ancient fish. A fish species that glow is called a moon jelly. The warmer coastal waters near the beach are preferred by moon jellyfish. Moon Jellyfish may age backward and even regenerate. In orbit, moon jelly research has been conducted.
In most of the warmer oceans, moon jellyfish can be found in shallower places. The ideal water temperature for these jellies is between 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, however, they don’t mind water that is dirty or low in oxygen.
Scientists keep an eye on moon jellyfish blooms because their expansion and contraction are indicators of other events occurring in the ocean nearby. Increased moon jelly populations indicate either an excess of their prey or a scarcity of their predators.
Other marine life cannot simply exist in the oxygen-poor and even contaminated environments that these jellyfish can.
These moon jellies are not listed as being threatened or endangered on the IUCN Redlist of endangered species.
9. Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Africa is the home of the Mozambique spitting cobra snake species. It is a highly poisonous species of cobra, so named because it may blind or impair eyesight when it spits venom from its fangs into the eyes of its prey. Like a puff adder, its bite can cause local tissue to die. The rinkhals can spit venom as well, but it is not a real cobra and belongs to the Hemachatus genus, not Naja.
In terms of length, it is smaller than other cobra species. It is one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa. The Caspian cobra is the only other species of cobra that is deadlier, and its venom is just as deadly as that of the American Mojave rattlesnake, which is the most dangerous snake in the world.
Its venom is cytotoxic, thus in addition to pain, its bite also damages nearby tissue. One of its distinctive characteristics is that, in contrast to other species of cobra, the openings in its fangs are at a straight angle, enabling it to spit venom either lying on the ground or standing with its hood lifted. At a distance of 4 to 8 feet, it can spit venom.
After being bitten by this cobra, a person will endure discomfort as well as localized tissue damage. They risk going blind or losing their vision if the snake sprays venom into their eyes. However, its poison cannot cause any harm if it splashes into the face, another area of the body except the eyes, or into the skin.
It moves incredibly quickly, just like other cobra snakes. People are frequently bitten while they are sleeping. It moves quickly when attacking and when attacking. The best course of action while facing it is to flee due to its speed, capacity to spit venom, and toxicity of its bite.
Unknown is the snake’s population. There are no recognized dangers to this species, though. According to the IUCN Red List, its conservation status is Least Concern.
10. Myna Bird

Songbirds or passerines include mynah birds. They are not all members of the same species or even a genus. They are all essentially different species of starlings that are members of the Sturnidae family.
The world has welcomed these intriguing, intelligent, and loud birds, including California, Hawaii, Florida, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Some mynah species make entertaining pets.
Gracula religiosa, a myna bird, most likely earned its nickname due to training in prayer recitation. The myna has an astounding range of sound production abilities, some of which resemble human speech. However, hill myna doesn’t have a unique song.
The Hindu term marina, which means “messenger of God,” is the root of the English word “myna.” The 10 rupee postage stamp for the country features the Sri Lanka Hill Myna. The pied myna won’t be eaten by the Sema Nagas. They think the bird is a human who has been reborn since it can mimic human speech.
Even as young birds, mynas are social creatures who enjoy gathering in groups. Although during the breeding season, they become quite territorial and violent, hundreds or even thousands of birds can roost together in trees when they are not producing eggs or raising young.
Mynahs are regarded as being fairly brave, even outside of the breeding season. Even with fire ants, the common mynah bird will “ant.” This implies that it will actually drop onto a colony of fire ants and take a dust bath there, or even pick up the fiercely stinging ants and drop them on its feathers. The formic acid produced by the ants aids in the parasites’ death and might even make the ants edible.
Foraging Myna birds leap over the ground to get their prey, and they use their beaks to pry open tiny holes. Pairs coif their partners. They exhibit an incredible range of vocalizations, including screams, wails, gurgles, and whistles.
Mynah birds learn these vocalizations as young birds, and birds that dwell far away from one another have various dialects. The common hill mynah is particularly skilled at imitation and can accurately imitate a human voice.
Myna birds occasionally group in big flocks that serve as a defense against predators. However, crows, mongooses, and domestic cats can prey on these passerines. Even mynah birds are caught and eaten by humans.
Mynah birds take ant baths because they are susceptible to parasites like tapeworms and mites. Other dangers include habitat loss and fragmentation, however, some birds, like the common mynah, may adapt to human activity and even gain from it.
The species affects the myna bird population as well. In some locations where it competes with local species, the common mynah bird, as its name suggests, maybe a nuisance. Other species are in danger of going extinct. These species include the vulnerable pale-bellied myna as well as the severely endangered Bali and Nias hill mynas.
The list of creatures whose names begin with M has now come to an end. We hope this post has been very helpful to you and that you have learned about some creatures that start with M that you were unaware of.
There weren’t many more animals whose names start with M on this list. Do you know of any that we missed? If that’s the case, this supplementary list of animals whose names start with K will make up for it.
You can view video of animals whose names begin with M above.
- 10 Animals that Start with J – See Photos and Videos
. - 8 Animals that Start with I – See Photos and Videos
. - 10 Animals that Start with C – See Photos and Videos
. - 9 Animals that Start with B – See Photos and Videos
. - 10 Animals that Start with A – See Photos and Videos

A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.