9 Animals that Start with B – See Photos and Videos

There are many animals whose names begin with the letter B. Some of them are frequently present around us; others are less frequently seen; and some are likely to only ever appear in photographs or motion pictures.

Animals that Start with B

On this list, you will undoubtedly encounter a new species as well as run into some old acquaintances. Relax and take pleasure.

  • Baboons
  • Bald Eagle
  • Barracuda
  • Bears
  • Bed Bugs
  • Bison
  • Blue Whales
  • Bull Frog
  • Bush Viper

1. Baboons

These are a few of the most typical creatures. Baboons are hairy primates that are widespread in Asia and most of Africa. They are available in a variety of hues.

Baboons come in five different species. As omnivores, their primary sources of food are fruits and insects. They are capable of walking more than four kilometers every day.

Baboons are classified into five species: Olive Baboon, Guinea Baboon, Chacma Baboon, Yellow Baboon, and Hamadryas Baboon. The Hamadryas baboon stands out from the other four due to its vivid red face and cliff-dwelling habit (the other four species are collectively known as Savanna baboons).

Although they are extremely adaptive creatures, habitat degradation and hunting are the main reasons for their population decline across their whole native range.

Baboons are very social creatures that live in vast, wildly varying-in-size squads that can have as many as a few hundred members.

Baboon armies, which are made up of both males and females with their young, create incredibly strong ties by sharing food, sleeping quarters, and grooming. They divide into smaller groups of 4 or 5 females and young during the day. Each group is led by a dominant male who makes an effort to keep rival males at bay.

While the males hurry to attack if a threat is seen, the ladies and young scurry up into the protection of the trees, making loud barking noises in the process. Baboons may convey themselves to one another through a range of facial expressions, vocal calls, and even tail signals.

2Bald Eagle

The American Eagle sometimes referred to as the Bald Eagle, is a huge carnivorous bird that inhabits North America’s cliffs and towering trees. The white feathers on its head are what make it stand out the most. Its only food source is meat.

The bald eagle’s exceptional vision is one of its most astounding characteristics. This bird has four to five times the vision of an average person. It can see ultraviolet light and has excellent color vision.

Additionally, it possesses a 340-degree field of view that almost completely surrounds its heads. The superior vision serves to make up for the other senses’ deficiencies.

Sometimes the bald eagle would steal another bird’s newly slain prey in order to conserve energy. Benjamin Franklin referred to the bald eagle as a bird with “poor moral character” as a result of this conduct.

The only sea eagle species that only inhabits North America is the bald eagle. As far south as Belize and Bermuda and as far north as the Arctic, sightings have been reported. The most typical environments are established forests that are close to a significant body of water.

The nest of the bald eagle pair is typically built on the tops of lofty trees. If it is not an option, it may select a cliff face, a man-made building, or the earth. The nest is made of sticks that have been braided together and lined with lichen or moss. It has a diameter of around five to six feet and may be the biggest nest of any American bird.

3. Barracuda

These saltwater fish are carnivorous. They can maneuver in and out of small spaces thanks to their long, slender bodies. They are scavengers and have a lifespan of up to 14 years. They can reach a length of two meters.

The largest barracuda ever caught was seven feet long and weighed 102 pounds, eight ounces. Females of a species typically grow to be larger than males.

Barracudas, also known as “Tigers of the Sea,” has a large number of pointed teeth that they utilize to catch and consume their food. Its mouth has certain teeth that are pointed backward to prevent small fish from escaping.

The biggest barracuda species can reach lengths of over 10 feet! Although the majority of adult barracudas live alone, much younger fish do live in groups called schools. Hundreds of juvenile fish can occasionally be found in schools.

Being part of such a huge group protects them from predators like killer whales, dolphins, sharks, and even bigger barracudas. To further perplex predators, a school of juvenile fish swirls across the water in the form of a tornado. That’s cooperation right there!

When looking for prey, these fish can be aggressive and competitive with other marine life. A barracuda might attempt to take the herring or mullet that a dolphin is pursuing itself. It engages in combat without fear.

They are scavengers as well. This implies that they will consume any leftover portions of prey left by another marine animal.

More than any other sense, these fish hunt with their eyes. They circle the area in search of bright, moving items that catch their attention. They accelerate and launch an attack when they believe they have seen a shiny fish.

4. Bears

Bears can be recognized by their furry bodies and powerful claws. Others swim, while others climb trees. Although bears are thought to be carnivorous, only 10% of their diet consists of meat.

The eight species that make up the bear family’s bear genus are as follows:

  • Asiatic Black Bear (Selenarctos thibetanus)
  • Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)
  • North American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
  • Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus)
  • Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
  • Panda Bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
  • Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus)
  • Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus)

Bears can be identified by their bodies covered in fur and powerful claws. Others swim, while others climb trees. Even more distinguishing patterns around the eyes and on the chest distinguish some bear subspecies from others.

All bears have good hearing, sight, and smelling senses. Before they see humans, they frequently hear and smell them, which causes them to run away. Bears are, by nature, solitary animals. However, during the bear mating season, mothers and cubs will roam together and bears will wander in pairs.

In order to conserve energy during the winter months when prey and other food sources are scarce, several bear species will hibernate for extended durations.

Bears will spend the winter in places like caves, hollowed-out trees, burrows they dig in the ground, and dens they have already dug. Bears become hyperphagic before hibernating, which means they eat excessively to save up energy.

There are as many different bear species as there are geographical locations. The majority of bear species like to reside in the deep forest canopy. Bears are present in all of North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

All bear species are currently somewhat vulnerable to extinction. Different bear species are more or less defenseless. Below

  • Asiatic Black Bear – Less than 50,000
  • Brown Bear – 200,000
  • North American Black Bear – 600,000
  • Polar Bear – 20,000 to 25,000
  • Spectacled Bear – Less than 2,000
  • Panda Bear – 2,000
  • Sloth Bear – 7,000 to 10,000
  • Sun Bear – Unknown, possibly less than 1,000

Hunting caused both to go extinct. The Atlas bear is the same way. The only bear with a native range in Africa is the Atlas bear. In the 1870s, it was hunted to extinction.

When extraordinary measures to conserve the species were taken recently, the giant panda bear was on the verge of extinction. According to many scientists, climate warming poses a serious threat to polar bears.

5. Bed Bugs

About 90 different species of bed bugs exist. They are widespread throughout the planet and extremely challenging to eradicate. When unfed, they are flat; after eating, they are round and red.

Bedbugs, which feed on the blood of mammals, can result in allergic reactions, skin rashes, and even insomnia. When feeding, bedbugs inject their hosts with pain-numbing substances. For four to twelve minutes, bed bugs eat.

The bed bug is a blood-feeding insect that is most active at night. The bed bug is most frequently seen in beds, as its name implies. It is very tough to get rid of these insects. These parasitic insects belong to the Cimex genus.

In addition to causing skin rashes, their bites can have a negative psychological impact and trigger allergies. These insects never live in the wild; their habitat is worldwide. Instead, they occupy furniture, mattresses, clothes, bags, and bits of wood.

They wait in furniture seams, curtain folds, electrical devices, the junction of the wall and ceiling, loose wall hangings and wallpaper, and even in screw heads because they hide from light and movement during the day and emerge at night.

Although they can survive alone, they tend to group together in their habitat.

6. Bison

North America is home to huge herbivores called bison. They are distinguished by their broad shoulders and huge heads. They can get up to nine feet tall. The largest mammals in North America, they are.

Bison can occasionally be calm and lethargic. They can be brazen and dangerous at times without warning. If they perceive a threat close to their calves, mothers become extremely protective. At the very least, bison shouldn’t be approached from closer than 25 feet away.

For a portion of the year, bison typically dwell in gender-specific herds. Male bison, often known as bulls, join male packs known as “bachelors” when they are two years old.

Typically, female herds are larger than male ones, and they are led by a matriarch who decides important matters like where to graze and when to go to bed. The season of mating brings together male and female herds every year.

The bison enjoy wallowing. No, that doesn’t imply that they spend their time moping around. Animals that are wallowing roll around in the dirt, water, or dust. They act in this way for a variety of reasons.

They occasionally use wallowing to regulate their body temperature or as an astringent to calm their skin. Other times, they engage in it for amusement or to attract mates during the breeding season. However, wallowing in an area where anthrax spores are present can be lethal to bison.

Wild bison are still present today in Russia, Europe, and North America. Herds often remain in the Great Plains west of the Mississippi River and the tall-grass plains east of the Rocky Mountains in North America.

These areas are home to purebred American buffalo herds:

  1. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and small sections of Utah and Idaho
  2. Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota
  3. Blue Mounds State Park in Minnesota
  4. Elk Island National Park in Alberta
  5. Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan
  6. The Henry Mountains in Utah

Do bison face extinction? The answer varies depending on the area.

Although bison were originally considered a protected species in the US, this is no longer the case. However, groups like the Buffalo Field Campaign continue to advocate for their inclusion on the list.

The bison is also classified as “near threatened” by the World Wildlife Foundation and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Canada, in contrast to the US, has placed wood bison on its endangered species list.

7. Blue Whales

The blue whale is a very large mammal that may grow up to 30 meters long and weigh between 220,000 and 352,000 pounds. They also exist in oceans all around the world.

The blue whale has four known subspecies, with a fifth subspecies possibly existing off the coast of Chile.

  • North Pacific and Atlantic North Atlantic and North Pacific blue whales-There are a few places where you can find blue whales, such as from New England to Greenland, the U.S. West coast, and from Alaska to Hawaii to the Kamchatka Penisula.
  • Southern Ocean (Antarctic) Blue Whale-Even though they travel quite a distance north in search of food, blue whales are present all throughout Antarctica.
  • The Indian and South Pacific Oceans-Indian Ocean and South Pacific Blue Whale Despite their name, blue whales still grow to an average length of 78 feet.
  • Northern Indian Ocean Blue Whale-Blue whales can be seen in the northern Indian Ocean. The Northern Indian Ocean is the practically constant location of blue whales.

Blue whales, in contrast to certain other whale species, spend most of their time alone. When breeding, or when moms are caring for young, they do occasionally cluster in groups to eat.

In order to communicate with one another, blue whales are well recognized for using a range of sounds (known as songs), such as hums, squeaks, and rumbles, especially during the breeding season in winter.

These massive beasts produce enormous noises, which may not come as much of a surprise. In fact, they produce the loudest sound of any animal, reaching sounds of over 180 dB.

The Blue Whale relies on its large tail to propel it across the ocean because it has very small fins and flippers. Blue whales may descend up to 200 meters sharply down into the sea by raising their tail above the water’s surface. Blue whales also utilize their tails to conduct deep dives.

However, their population is rapidly declining, and they are now regarded as endangered.

8. Bull Frog

The majority of bullfrogs are found in Central and North America. They bury themselves in enormous mud puddles to hibernate. They have a powerful tongue that helps them to catch prey. Among other things, they eat snails and crayfish.

Despite being an artificially introduced species, American Bullfrogs can be found in swamps, lakes, and ponds, including many lakes. Bullfrogs often jump a distance of roughly three feet. However, they can effortlessly extend their reach up to 6 feet.

Bullfrogs can be grouped together to form an army. Bullfrogs are found throughout the majority of the United States, but they are not typically seen in Minnesota, Florida, Nebraska, Colorado, or South Dakota.

In order to attract female bullfrogs and frighten off rival males, male bullfrogs typically emit loud sound calls. They immediately lunge with all of their strength from their rear legs after seeing their prey, grabbing it in their open mouths before snapping it shut.

Bullfrog males are considered to be quite territorial and are frequently seen defending their territory. To keep other animals from settling in their territory, they will even mark it with their scent. Bullfrogs have strong hind legs and are proficient swimmers.

These bullfrogs burrow themselves into enormous mounds of mud to hibernate over the winter. Although they favor moist places with persistent water like lakes or swamps, they are more active at night and can be seen hopping in green regions. They remain close to the water’s edge throughout the day.

They have teeth strong enough to eat insects and other small prey, but not humans. Although they are often not seen as harmful, they can nonetheless grab hold of any extremity close to their mouth with their rapid reactions.

9. Bush Viper

This snake is poisonous and is primarily found in Africa. The deadly bite of the bush viper cannot be countered by anti-venom. Bush vipers don’t lay eggs, unlike many other reptiles. They deliver living babies.

They are loners that, when grouped together, exhibit cannibalism. The bush viper is a lone creature and is unlikely to even interact with other members of its own species outside of the breeding season.

It is a fact that the snake expends a lot of energy seeking out habitats far from people. For a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are venomous, the creatures make terrible house pets.

Extremely. The venomous viper’s toxic bite will at the very least result in localized discomfort, tissue damage, edema, or coagulopathy. Other species’ bites can harm your kidneys, pituitary gland, and adrenals.

The possibility of a viper snake bite being lethal always exists. More human fatalities are attributed to one species of a snake than to all other snakes combined, according to scientists: the saw-scaled viper.

Various shades of orange, red, gray, black, yellow, blue, brown, and olive make up the viper. But over the course of a snake’s life, those colors might alter. Habitats for the African bush viper are often found away from people.

The venomous bite of the bush viper cannot be treated with antivenom. Bush vipers don’t lay eggs, unlike many other reptiles. These vipers like to live alone and may cannibalize one another in zoos. They give live birth.


The list doesn’t end here and it’s quite intriguing to know that we know little about our neighbors-the animals. Here is a short video on the animals that start with B.

Also, you can still take advantage of the article-animals that start with A to expand your knowledge.


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A passion-driven environmentalist by heart. Lead content writer at EnvironmentGo.
I strive to educate the public about the environment and its problems.
It has always been about nature, we ought to protect not destroy.

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